FW JohnsonM. Gullickson

Wellness 10

~ Course Outline

The goal of this class is to help you to understand the different areas of the human body and how the relate to each other. The areas we will be studying are physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. Throughout these four areas we will explore your personal fitness, sport, anatomy, nutrition, stress, relationships and AIDS/HIV.

Wellness is a way of life – a lifestyle we design to achieve an optimal level of well-being.

Wellness is a choice – a decision we make toward optimal health.

Wellness is a process – a developing awareness that there is no end point. Health and happiness are definitely attainable.

Wellness is the positive acceptance of oneself.

Wellness is the interaction of the body, mind, and spirit – the appreciation that everything we do, think and believe has an impact on our state of health.

Some of the topics we will be discussing in class will require a certain level of maturity. I know you will be considerate to others and help create a safe classroom for everyone.


Assignments, Labs, Research, Journal (in-class or take home)… 15%

Attitude & Participation (based on Hellison Levels)… 20%

Unit Exams (Health Units)… 20%

Volunteer Hours… 5%

Fitness Component (Fitness Testing, Weight Room, etc.)… 20%

Final (Comprehensive – Classroom & PE material)… 20%

*** Regular Attendance and Daily Participation is very important to be successful ***

Wellness Rules

Be on time and changed out ready to participate.

Wear appropriate attire (shorts, sweats, t-shirt and proper athletic shoes). Please do not wear hats or toques during class … in or out of the gym. If you do not bring the proper attire for the period, you will receive a zero, not be able to participate in the day’s events and you will need to take Non-Participation form home to be signed by a parent or guardian.

No excuses – you can always do something for your ‘Wellness’ daily.

Injury or sickness – students do not need to supply their instructors with notes regarding injury or sickness. If you are in attendance, you will be required to change into their proper attire and participate to the best of your capability for that day. If you are too sick to participate in some capacity then you are too sick to be in school.

Begin your own warm-up and stretching (min. 5 laps).

Do not play with loose equipment until given permission and supervised.

Do not walk across the gym floor unless in appropriate attire – repercussions.

Do not leave the gym without permission.

No gum, drinks or food in the gym (water bottles are acceptable … only if contain water).

Stop activity quickly when you hear the beep for announcements so all students can hear.

You need a separate three ring binder or segmented notebook & pencil and a duotang (journal). Bring it daily. Good idea to string pencil into binder.

After changing/showering return to bleachers to wait for the bell … do not wait by the door for the bell.

You will be marked daily on your attitude and participation. This mark will be based upon the Hellison Levels (see handout).

Be sure to find out where the next days class will take place to avoid being late. Ask if you are unsure … I don’t know or I forgot is not an excuse.

Don’t be afraid to have fun while learning.