Wellesley Housing Authority
May 2, 2017
MAY 2, 2017; 6:30 P.M.
Chairperson Maura RenzellaStaff Present: Paul Dumouchel
Vice Chair Don Kelley Sandra Amour Treasurer Kathy Egan Patricia Edmond
Commissioner Tanya Morel - Arrived 6:35
Commissioner Michelle Chalmers
Adequate notice of this meeting, has been provided by the Secretary of the Wellesley Housing Authority by preparing a Public Notice datedApril 28, 2017 setting forth the date, time and place of this meeting. Said notice was filed with the Clerk of the Town of Wellesley and provided to persons requesting it.
Approving the minutes of the March 23, 2017 meeting.
Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Kelley and seconded by Commissioner Chalmers, the motion was approved
by the following vote : 4-0
Approving a Notice of Final Completion on the Barton Road Garage Project DHCD #324046.
Upon a motion duly made by CharimanRenzella and seconded by Commissioner Kelley, the motion was approved
by the following vote : 4-0
Commissioner Morel arrived at 6:35
Approving the Write off of delinquent former resident balances totaling $1183.00
Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Chalmers and seconded by CommissionerKelley, the motion was approved
by the following vote : 5-0
Approving the appointment of Paul Dumouchel as Records Access Officer (RAO) of the Wellesley Housing Authority to comply with modifications made to the Public Records Law effective January 1, 2017.
Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Kelley and seconded by Commissioner Egan, the motion was approved
by the following vote : 5-0
Mass Office on Disabilities….Grant monies potentially available: Chairman Renzella will attempt a meeting with the ADA
Compliance Officer for the town, Joe Murray.
Auditor General Update: Auditors have done unit inspections, will soon be finishing with their audit.
Update on DHCD Guidelines for Resident Board member election: Conflicts have arisen with town bylaws which have
made DHCD put this issue on hold.
Massnahro Newsletter
Executive Director Report : Paul will question if the RCAT Team can address the siding on Barton Road. Chairman
Renzella had a conversation with the cable access representative regarding airing the board meetings so all tenants
will be able to access the meetings. It was agreed that more information was needed, put this item on next month’s
Accountant Compilation Report
Accounts Receivable/Vacancy Report
Work Order Report
Resident Services Report
Approving payment of the bill/check roll listed on the warrant dated May 2, 2017 in the amount of $140,747.88
authorized as follows:
Checks (#14663 - #14720)------$140,747.88
Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Kelley and seconded by Commissioner Egan, the motion was approved
by the following vote : 5-0
RESIDENT/PUBLIC INPUT: Tom Hutton spoke about trying to contact ADA Joe Murray through the years, saying that it was a struggle and when he contacted him, was told that he does not serve people who live in public housing. Mr. Hutton went on to say that the maintenance has been deferred for years at the WHA. Paul remarked that he cannot speak to what happened prior to his arrival, but that he and his team are working diligently, setting priorites and getting things done.
Courtney Goncalves said that at a tenant organization meeting, Marguerita Morales from Mass Union told tenants that they do not have to sign General Authorization to Release forms during recertification and that they did not have to listen to Patricia regarding this because she is employed by Needham. Patricia spoke up saying she asked the auditors and they responded that the HA needs the release signed so the HA can get third party verification. Courtney also said that Ms. Morales said they do not need to give the office a copy of your car’s registration. Patricia said the registration is so the office has record of your car and your plate # so the office does not have cars legally parked towed away. She went on to say that the parking is a work in progress.
Stefania Paola told the Board that she contacted Representative Alice Peisch, contacted DHCD, emailed Bob Pelletier and contacted Jack Hooper at MassUnion and was told that the decision regarding the two tenant organizations rests with the Board. She also said she has notified the Wellesley Townsman. She said that this issue will be on the agenda next month, that the budget has to be on the agenda.
Chairman Chalmers asked, ‘What is in the best interest of the WHA? Let’s try to mediate toward the goal, to get an organization that works for everyone.’
Janet Santos asked why every time a they ask for a repair, Bob says no, but when the need is investigated by the office, the request is responded.
Stephanie Bakotich responded saying that the Maintenance Dept is great. They’re fantastic. I don’t think they get enough credit for what they do right. She also thanked Paul and Tricia for fighting for the tenants in a case where a tenant would not quit smoking despite the policy. Paul and Tricia stuck it out for two years and they finally got a victory.
Upon a motion duly made by ChairmanRenzella and seconded by Commissioner Kelley, the motion was approved
by the following vote : 5-0
Time of Adjournment: __:___ PM
Thursday May 25, 2017 503 Washington Street Community Room 5:30pm
Thursday June 22, 2017 315 Weston Street Community Room 5:30pm