Wellbeing Co-ordinator - Lead
Starting salary: £21,600 per annum
Holiday entitlement: Starting at 25 days per annum (pro rata for part time employees), plus designated bank holidays.
Based: 12 Dendy Road, Paignton, TQ4 5DB for Age UK
Old Market Hall, 3 New Road, Brixham TQ5 8TA for Brixham Does Care
Closing date: 22nd April 2016
Interview date: TBC
Applicants are asked not to attach a CV to their submitted application form, or to enclose copies of references. Applicants are specifically advised to refer to both the job description and the person specification when completing part 4 of the application form.
If you would like more information, please call Helen Harman, Age UK Torbay for an informal discussion once you have looked through the pack on 01803 841838.
Please be advised that applicants not short listed for interview will not be informed.
Please return completed applications to:
Helen Harman
Age UK Torbay
12 Dendy Road
Email: mailto:
Thank you for the interest you have shown in this post, we look forward to receiving your completed application form.
Job Description
Job Title / Wellbeing Co-ordinator - LeadBase / Age UK Torbay
Responsible to / Chief Officer
Responsible for / Mentor/supervision to other Wellbeing Co-ordinators
Salary / £21,600
Hours / 37
Contract / Up to 2 years from start date
- Purpose of the job:
The aimthe Wellbeing Co-ordinator role is to help people in Torbay, particularly older people within the aims of our ageing well project to:
1.1Identify and communicate their aspirations for making the most of their lives
1.2Put their wishes at the forefront via a guided conversation about their lives
1.3Ensure their wishes are at the centre of planning for wellbeing -whether this is to develop friendships and reduce isolation, solve practical problems that matter to them, manage their long term medical conditions better or improve/plan their own health or care.
In addition the above, Wellbeing Co-ordinator-Lead will:
1.4Spend up to 40% timeas a voice for the individualin care planning forums to leave other wellbeing co-ordinators free to focus on working with people in the community
1.5Take a lead in challenging status quo within an wider team ethos and proposenew innovate ways of working based on a pattern of identified need in the community
1.6Act as a role model, mentoring the other wellbeing coordinators as a peer to live up the values set out in the person specification
1.7Co-ordinate the voluntarysector resource and response in the locality.
2Anticipated Outcomes of the Post
2.1Working with partners to strengthen the voice of people, particularly older people in communicating their needs and wishes in a range of wellbeing matters
2.2 To help people be active in managing their own wellbeing, health and care and improve their experience of care and supportin the community
2.3To enable each individual to measurably improve theirsense of wellbeing and their connection with the community to reduce isolation
2.4 To reduce the need for people to access urgent and emergency services and responses by helping people forward planwith a focus on the right things and connect with the community resources available.
3Key responsibilities:
3.1To carry out guided conversations using the toolkit to talk to people about their needs, working on more complex sets of issues as an expert alongside a wellbeing co-ordinator as required
3.2To offer encouragement and support for people to self-manage and self-care through the development of a wellbeing support plan and to connect with relevant community resources.
3.3To understand and develop the community resources network available to assist with practical issues as required in relation to: technology and equipment to assist with day to day living, handyperson services, hospital from home services, health promotion, and information and support on long- term conditions.
3.4To share information appropriately using the summary record of guided conversations in line with an individual’s wishes and be an advocate in multi-agency meetings to enablefocus on the right things - the individual’s wishes; improved control of their own needs and their experience of care support
3.5To liaise with relatives, carers and other involved agencies and members of the MDT health/care teams, as agreed with the person, to ensure the wellbeing plan is put into action.
3.6To regularly work with and at a variety of settings including GP surgeries, MDT Health/Care Teams and Multi-Long term Clinics to ensure clinical professionals focus on what ‘matters to a person’ not ‘what is the matter with a person’ and that people are connected to the right community support
3.7To build positive and long lasting relationships with other partners be that public, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, business partners and other stakeholders both within the Local Multi-Agency team and the Area
3.8To make sure resources from all voluntary organisations within the locality, clubs and associations are co-ordinated well and opportunities maximised by the individual to meet their goals and aspirations and any gaps in need identified are communicated and addressed.
3.9To provide mentor support and supervision to wellbeing coordinators across the localities as needed on how to work effectively within the multidisciplinary team and meet the aims of the function and the ageing well project. Flexing across localities to provide mentor support to maintain a new way of working.
3.10To develop learning and development opportunities for wellbeing co-ordinators and others as relevant across localities to build the capacity and experience within the community e.g. learning meetings
3.11To support the administration to enable evaluation and review of ageing well project and the multi-agency team approach
3.12To undertake any other duties commensurate with the grading of the post, as agreed with the post’s Line Manager
3.13To work flexibly when required, which may occasionally include working outside of contractual hours of work.
Person Specification
Essential Values / Desirable ValuesTo be a role model of the following values:
The person must retain their sense of control, choice and are able to manage their own risks, supported to do so when aspects of this are difficult. Practitioners are facilitators for, not fixers or managers of, people’s lives.
Everyone is an individual, every individual deserves to be shown respect and value, and seen for what they can do and offer. No one has labels, is a disease or number.
Being bold and passionate in doing what’s right for the person and upholding the person’s goals and needs in the forefront of any health and care planning, enabling people to have a voice and control in their lives.
Positive attitude, showing that anything is possible, with determination, imagination and being adaptive, to respond to the person’s needs and wants in the most appropriate manner for them.
Cooperative, responsible and recognising everyone’s value and contribution to forming integrated working practices, based around a person. Sharing and shaping practice around the persons needs must be foremost and before the organisations processes and personal needs
Every organisation - public, private or charity sector, local or national is respected and valued for the contribution in resources and expertise they can make to a person to live the life they want to live and positive long lasting relationships are encouraged
Responsible for ensuring others hold the same values, creating an environment to share those values, reflect on practice and support learning and development. / All values are essential
Essential Skills and Effectiveness / Desirable Skills and Effectiveness
Excellent interpersonal skills
Excellent IT skills, proficient in the use of MS Office
Highly self-sufficient, independent and resilient
Ability to adapt to change and engage communities in change
Committed to undertaking an Asset Based Community Development approach to work
Essential Knowledge / Desirable Knowledge
Understanding of confidentiality and data protection
Understanding and commitment to equal opportunities
Knowledge of tools and techniques to enable individuals to be independent in decision making processes / Awareness of issues which can affect older and vulnerable people’s lives
Essential Experience / Achievements / Desirable Experience / Achievements
Ability to evidence the impact of caring approach in enabling independence
A minimum of two yearexperience in a similar role
Experience of successfully supervising and mentoring others and influencing people to behave differently / Experience of working with older people and vulnerable groups
Experience of working in a charity or voluntary sector organisation
Essential Qualifications / Professional Membership / Desirable Qualifications / Professional Membership
Relevant professional qualification or proven track record
Please complete all sections of this form
Post code:Telephone:
APPLICATION FORM for post of: Wellbeing Co-ordinator -Lead
1.Education and TrainingSchool / College / Institute etc. / Subject studied / Qualifications gained
2.Employment History
Current/last employer
From / To / Name of Employer/Position Held/Key Duties / Reason for leaving
Previous employment including voluntary work
From / To / Name of Employer/Position Held/key duties / Reason for leaving
- Interests and hobbies
- Supporting Your Application
Your application form plays an essential part in our choosing the right person for this position. Your application is the only source of information that will inform the recruiting manager whether to short list you for an interview.
In the information supplied to you about this job you will find a job description and person specification. The person specification identifies the experience, skills, personal attributes and, where appropriate, qualifications which form the selection criteria for this post. Please use the space below in order to advise us as to how you meet these selection criteria, giving concise examples of how you have used these skills and knowledge in previous situations. You may attach further sheets if necessary. It is important for you to provide the recruiting manager with as much relevant information as possible as assumptions will not be made.
Please include no more than 2 additional pages
- Disability
Torbay Community Development Trust adopts the ‘Positive About Disabled People’ logo. This means if you consider yourself to have a disability according to the above definition you are guaranteed an interview if you meet the minimum criteria as detailed on the attached Person Specification.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the above definition?
Yes No Do not wish to disclose
Please confirm whether you require any additional support in order to attend an interview.
Access To Transport: Yes No
- Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?
If YES, please give details of any criminal convictions (with dates) in the space below.
Previous Convictions:
Because of the nature of the work for which you are applying, this post is exempt from the provision of Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975. Applicants are, therefore, not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the Act and, in the event of employment any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the organisation. Any information given will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to an application for the position to which the order applies.
- Referees
1 / 2
The appointment will be subject to a satisfactory DBS check and references
I hereby declare that the particulars I have given on this form are correct. Any falsification will give cause for dismissal.