Faculty Affairs - Accreditation Outline

Per the Steering Committee Meeting on 02/16/11, this is the due date for:

1) a rough outline of the different accreditation document sections, and

2) a list of problems or issues concerning the process in the section.

4.1Faculty Qualifications


The school shall have a clearly defined faculty, which by virtue of its distribution, multidisciplinary nature, educational preparation, research and teaching competence, and practice experience, is able to fully support the school’s mission, goals and objectives.

-Introductory paragraph regarding overall gain and loss of faculty and future expectations.

-Problems or issues: None anticipated

B.Required Documentation.

General description of full-time, part-time, tenured, tenure-track, term-track, adjunct and associate faculty positions.

-Faculty Rank (based on SS 2007)

-Type of Appointments (based on SS 2007)

-For the most part, these data will remain the same. However, the reference to voluntary positions is changing based on the new PAT documents that will be moving through the approval process during the next year.

-Problems or issues: None anticipated

Table showing faculty who support the degree programs (name, title/academic rank, FTE or % time, tenure status or classification (alternative appointment categories), gender, race, graduate degrees earned, discipline in which degrees were earned, institution from which degrees were earned, current teaching areas, current research interests, and current and past public health practice activities). See CEPH Data Template 4.1.1.

-Tables 1 – 5 showing above data by department(based on tables from SS 2007)

-These data are being generated for each faculty member who will be asked to confirm the information. Incorrect data are present in the SS 2007 document.

-Problems or issues: None anticipated

Table showing otherfaculty who support the degree programs (name, title/academic rank, title & current employment, FTE or % time allocated to teaching program, tenure status or classification (alternative appointment categories), gender, race, graduate degrees earned, discipline in which degrees were earned, contributions to the teaching program). See CEPH Data Template 4.1.2.

-Tables 6 showing above data by department(based on tables from SS 2007)

-‘Other’ faculty members are not yet included in the faculty database. This listing will be based on information from the files and from the listing that Kim Kays has with input from each Department Chair.

-Problems or issues: None anticipated.

C.Faculty & Activities in the integration of perspectives from the public health field of practice.

Description of the manner in which the faculty complement integrates perspectives from thefield of practice.

-Text description for individual faculty members and by department or center (based on SS 2007)

-Determine faculty to be included in list of activities and update activities. Send list to Chairs to have information updated.

  • Baumgartner, Kathy B
  • Baumgartner, Richard N
  • Carrico, Ruth
  • Clover, Richard
  • Datta, Somnath
  • Datta, Susmita
  • Esterhay, Robert
  • Harris, Muriel
  • Jacobs, Robert
  • McKinney, W. Paul
  • O’Brien, Elizabeth (new to list)
  • Ramos, I
  • Tollerud, David
  • Troutman, Adewale (do we include faculty who were here for most of the past period, but have recently left?)
  • Wainscott, Barry
  • Wilson, Richard
  • Zierold, Kristina (new to list)

-Problems or issues: None anticipated

-List of state and local boards and advisory committees, which faculty have served on

-Determine changes to be made in list of boards and committees. Send list to Chairs to have information updated.

  • Kentucky TeleHealth Board
  • Information Management Committee, getCare, an RWJF-funded healthcare delivery project for theuninsured
  • Kentucky Pre-Event Vaccination Task Force
  • Kentucky Bioterrorism Advisory Board
  • Kentucky Public Health Leadership Institute (KPHLI)
  • Kentucky TB Advisory Committee
  • Wet Weather Team (Louisville and Jefferson County Metro Sewer District)
  • Strategic Toxic Air Reduction (STAR) Regulation 5.30 Stakeholder Group (Metro Louisville AirPollution Control District)

-Problems or issues: None anticipated

D.Identification of Outcome Measures.

Identification of outcome measures by which the school may judge the qualifications of its faculty complement, along with data regarding the performance of the school against those measures for each of the last three years.

-What time period should be used here. In the SS 2007 document the previous three-year period was used.

-Determine what changes should be made to the listing previously used

  • Leadership on national boards, study sections, editorial boards and advisory committees
  • Expert Panels of the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the NationalAcademy of Sciences;
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Study Sections: K12 Awards, National Institute ofEnvironmental Health Sciences (NIEHS);
  • HRSA Study Sections: Title VII Funding
  • Association for Clinical Research Training (ACRT, formerly Association of Clinical ResearchTraining Program (K30) Directors): Executive Board
  • USPHS Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices: Liaison Membership
  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Information Resources, Executive Committee
  • Science Advisory Panel to the Canadian Government
  • Editorial Board of Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) advisory panels
  • Success in achieving competitive research and educational grant awards. Full enumeration of grantawards received by faculty members can be found in Section XX.X
  • Provision of expert peer reviews for manuscripts submitted to professional journals. Over the pastXXXX years, faculty members have served as reviewers for the following journals:
  • Update listing
  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals. A comprehensive listing of publications may be found inAppendix XX-X.
  • Refereed presentations and/or papers sponsored by national or international organizations. See Section XX.X.
  • Course Evaluations by Students. Students complete evaluations of all courses and instructors at theconclusion of each semester.
  • Provide mean instructor rating and range by the following:
  • MPH
  • MS/BDS and PhD/BDS
  • MS/Epi
  • MSc/CIS and PhD/PHS
  • Determine Awards to Faculty members. Do we want anything here other than a listing?
  • Number of service or consulting engagements. Will the list be shown elsewhere as in the SS 2007 document?
  • Number of faculty holding a terminal degree.
  • -Problems or issues: None anticipated

E.Assessment of Outcome Measures.

Assessment of the extent to which the above criterion is met.

Should anything additional be added here over and above the SS 2007 document?

4.2Faculty Policies & Procedures


The school shall have well-defined policies and procedures to recruit, appoint and promote qualified faculty, to evaluate competence and performance of faculty, and to support the professional development and advancement of faculty.

-Introductory paragraph regarding development of updated policies, procedures and operational guidelines for faculty with reference made to faculty development activities as well as voluntary faculty appointments.

-Note specific reference to the new ‘Service Portfolio Guide’ as well as the ones for teaching and research.

-Problems or issues: None anticipated

B.Required Documentation.

-Inclusion of a faculty handbook or other written document that outlines faculty rules and regulations

  • Reference the Redbook & description (based on SS 2007)
  • Reference the updated PAT document & description (based on SS 2007)
  • Reference the updated Professional Practice Plan & description (based on SS 2007)
  • Reference the updated Policies for Annual Reviews and Performance Based Salary Increase & description (based on SS 2007)
  • Reference hyperlink for documents

-Problems or issues: Not all of these documents are necessarily complete and may not be yet approved by the Board of Trustees until next Spring.

-Description of provisions for faculty development, including identification of support for faculty categories other than regular full-time appointments.

Update information from SS 2007 as listed below:

  • Health Science Center
  • School of Medicine
  • NIH grant-writing workshops
  • Workshops at other educational institutions, federal or state government
  • University Provost
  • Celebration of Teaching & Learning
  • UofL Public Health Grand Rounds, faculty journal clubs and research seminars
  • Public health grand rounds series broadcast through videoconferencing technology & available to public health departments throughout the state
  • New SPHIS Teaching & Learning Workshops in conjunction with Delphi Center

-Description of formal procedures for evaluating faculty competence and performance.

Update any pertinent information from SS 2007.

-Description of the processes used for student course evaluation and evaluation of teaching effectiveness.

Update information from SS 2007. Get update information from Susan & Tammi.

-Description of the emphasis given to community service activities in the promotion and tenure process.

Update information from SS 2007. Note the inclusion of the new ‘Service Portfolio Guide’.

-Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.

Should anything additional be added here over and above the SS 2007 document?

4.3Faculty and Staff Diversity (w/Muriel)

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From “CEPH_AccreditationCriteria_SPH_June2005.pdf”

4.1 Faculty Qualifications. The school shall have a clearly defined faculty which, by virtue of its distribution, multidisciplinary nature, educational preparation, research and teaching competence, and practice experience, is able to fully support the school’s mission, goals and objectives.

Interpretation. Faculty adequacy relates to a number of factors, including those stated above. The faculty of a school of public health must draw broadly from the many disciplines that contribute substantially to public health and must, in particular, be able to support the instructional concentrations the school elects to offer. The full-time and part-time faculty that support each concentration area referenced in 1.6.e. must be trained and experienced in the discipline in which they teach. The core faculty may be complemented by faculty from other parts of the university as well as individuals from the community.

Faculty should teach and supervise student research and practice experiences in areas of knowledge with which they are thoroughly familiar and qualified by education and experience. To assure a broad public health perspective, in spite of increasing specialization in the field of public health, there should be faculty who have professional experience and have demonstrated competence in public health practice. To assure the relevance of curricula and individual learning experiences to current and future practice needs and opportunities, schools should regularly involve public health practitioners and other individuals involved in public health work through such arrangements as adjunct and part-time faculty appointments and use as preceptors. Schools should also encourage faculty to maintain ongoing practice links with public health agencies, especially state and local.

Required Documentation. The self-study document should include the following:

a. A table showing primary faculty who support the degree programs offered by the school. It should present data effective at the beginning of the academic year in which the self-study is submitted to CEPH and should be updated at the beginning of the site visit. This information must be presented in table format, organized by department, specialty area or other organizational unit as appropriate to the school and must include at least the following: a) name, b) title/academic rank, c) FTE or % time, d) tenure status or classification*, e) gender, f) race, g) graduate degrees earned, h) discipline in which degrees were earned, i) institution from which degrees were earned, j) current teaching areas, k) current research interests, and l) current and past public health practice activities. *Note: classification refers to alternative appointment categories that may be used at the institution. See CEPH Data Template F.

b. If the school uses other faculty in its teaching programs (adjunct, part-time, secondary appointments, etc), summary data on their qualifications should be provided in table format, organized by department, specialty area or other organizational unit as appropriate to the school and must include at least: a) name, b) title/academic rank, c) title and current employment, d) FTE or % time allocated to teaching program, e) gender, f) race, g) graduate degrees earned, h) discipline in which degrees were earned, and i) contributions to the teaching program. See CEPH Data Template G.

c. Description of the manner in which the faculty complement integrates perspectives from the field of practice, including information on appointment tracks for practitioners, if used by the school.

d. Identification of outcome measures by which the school may judge the qualifications of its faculty complement, along with data regarding the performance of the school against those measures for each of the last three years.

e. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.

4.2 Faculty Policies and Procedures. The school shall have well-defined policies and procedures to recruit, appoint and promote qualified faculty, to evaluate competence and performance of faculty, and to support the professional development and advancement of faculty.

Interpretation. Policies, procedures and operational guidelines related to conditions of employment should be established and available to all faculty. Procedures should provide for fair and equitable treatment of faculty and should be consistently applied. Criteria for advancement should reflect the school’s mission and goals. The school should provide opportunities to enhance the teaching capabilities of faculty and otherwise support their professional growth and development. If the school makes part-time, adjunct, clinical or other classes of faculty appointments, the responsibilities and privileges of these categories should be made explicit. Service to the community should be seen as a significant contribution in promotion and tenure deliberations. Procedures for evaluating faculty competence and performance, particularly in the area of teaching, should be in place and consistently applied.

Required Documentation. The self-study document should include the following:

a. A faculty handbook or other written document that outlines faculty rules and regulations.

b. Description of provisions for faculty development, including identification of support for faculty categories other than regular full-time appointments.

c. Description of formal procedures for evaluating faculty competence and performance.

d. Description of the processes used for student course evaluation and evaluation of teaching effectiveness.

e. Description of the emphasis given to community service activities in the promotion and tenure process.

f. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.

4.3 Faculty and Staff Diversity. The school shall recruit, retain and promote a diverse faculty and staff, and shall offer equitable opportunities to qualified individuals regardless of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or national origin.

Interpretation. Given the mission of public health of enhancing health in human populations and the mission of a school of public health to prepare professionals who address health needs and problems of populations, the inclusion of all segments of society is directly relevant to the achievement of the mission of a school of public health. A faculty and staff that reflects the diverse demographic characteristics of the population can provide incentives for enrollment, matriculation and achievement of students from diverse demographic groups. Policies, procedures and practices of a school of public health should encourage the inclusion of faculty and staff members who contribute to the diversity of the school.

Required Documentation. The self-study document should include the following:

a. Summary demographic data on the school’s faculty, showing at least gender and ethnicity; faculty numbers should be consistent with those shown in the table in 4.1.a. Data must be presented in table format. See CEPH Data Template H.

b. Summary demographic data on the school’s staff, showing at least gender and ethnicity. Data must be presented in table format. See CEPH Data Template I.

c. Description of policies and procedures regarding the school’s commitment to providing equitable opportunities without regard to age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or national origin.

d. Description of recruitment and retention efforts used to attract and retain a diverse faculty and staff, along with information about how these efforts are evaluated and refined over time.

e. Description of efforts, other than recruitment and retention of core faculty, through which the school seeks to establish and maintain an environment that supports diversity.

f. Identification of outcome measures by which the school may evaluate its success in achieving a diverse faculty and staff, along with data regarding the performance of the school against those measures for each of the last three years.

g. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.


Template 4.1.1 Primary Faculty who Support Degree Offerings of the School or Program

Table 4.1.1. Current Primary Faculty Supporting Degree Offerings of School or Program by Department/Specialty Area

Department (schools)/
Specialty Area (programs) / Name / Title/
Academic Rank / Tenure Status or Classification* / FTE or % Time to the school or program / Graduate Degrees Earned / Institution where degrees were earned / Discipline in which degrees were earned / Teaching Area / Research Interest
D/S #1
D/S #2
D/S #3
D/S #4
D/S #5
D/S #6

* Classification of faculty may differ by institution, but may refer to teaching, research, service faculty or tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure-track faculty or alternative appointment categories used by the school or program.

Template 4.1.2. Other Faculty Used to Support Teaching Programs (adjunct, part-time, secondary appointments, etc.)

Table 4.1.2. Current Other Faculty Used to Support Teaching Program (Adjunct, Part-Time, Secondary, etc.)
Department (school)/Specialty Area (program) / Name / Title/Academic Rank / Title & Current Employer / FTE or % Time / Gender / Race or Ethnicity / Graduate Degrees Earned / Discipline for earned graduate degrees / Teaching Areas
Dept/Spec #1
Dept/Spec #2
Dept/Spec #3
Dept/Spec #4
Dept/Spec #5
Dept/Spec #6


7/1/2011Rough Outline/List of Problems & Issues for Each Section

8/15/2011First Draft of Each Accreditation Document Section

11/15/2011First Draft of Self-Study Document

1/23/2012Working Draft of Self-Study Document

6/12/2012Initial Self Study Document Is Due to CEPH

8/13/2012CEPH to Return Comments on Initial Self-Study Document

10/12/2012Final Self-Study Is Due to CEPH

11/14/2012Site Visit, November 12-14, 2012

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