Hello all!

Well, it’s here – CAMP!!!!

I hope you have all been enjoying your summer vacations and are now ready to get to work for the next season. It all starts at camp. One of our goals is to come home from the Pocono’s with a tremendous portion of our show learned and ready to perform. Our season goes by way too fast so we all must maximize our efforts.

So, how many are we this year? Our total number is 112, one of the largest groups in a very long, long time. Included in that number is a guard of 29 – OUTSTANDING!!! Our musical balance looks to be pretty good as well. Each of our classes is quite large with a senior class of 27! In addition, we will have 110 students at camp!!

The following are some details that you all need to be aware of. Please be sure to review this information with your parents (and visa versa!) and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

AUGUST 24th – 1st Year Member Rehearsal, 10:00 to Noon at RIS

This rehearsal will focus on beginning to learn about our movement around the field as well as give me an opportunity to get to know you a little. INSTRUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE BROUGHT TO THIS REHEARSAL (with the exception of the guard – BRING YOU FLAGS!). Mr. Chambers will be doing some activities with you that do not require instruments. Other staff members will be there as well but our focus is not on music for this rehearsal. ANY NON-ROOKIE MEMBER OF THE BAND IS WELCOMED AT THIS REHEARSAL. GET TO KNOW SOME PEOPLE IN YOU SECTIONS AND LEND A HAND!!!!

AUGUST 25th and 26th – FULL REHEARSAL, 10:00 – 1:00 PM at RIS

These rehearsals are for ALL MEMBERS TO ATTEND. We will be working on music as well as movement. Our main focus is MUSIC so please come prepared to play. If you have not received music as of this time, music will be provided for you. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO COME PREPARED. I look forward to hearing the music from you. There have been quite a few members working on their music within sections and that can only add to future success. Please be sure to bring a pencil as there have been a couple of mistakes in the woodwind parts (thanks Danielle!). Not to worry, we will make sure you all have the proper notes. As for who will be playing which part (1st, 2nd, 3rd), we will start to explore that at those rehearsals. Please come with an open mind. You may have been used to playing a certain part for years, but you might be faced with playing a different level part. Remember not to take this personally. Decisions are made in order to get the best sound possible.

It is understandable that some of you might be on vacation during this time. If you are, oh well! If you can be there, then you should be. It is for a short period of time and we would love to have you there!


A new, updated calendar will be available to you next week. There have been a few minor changes, mostly concerning the guard. GUARD – yourrehearsal times will be Monday and Wednesday, 5:00 to 8:00 PM. All other rehearsals are as stated.


Please keep in mind that we are not just a trip down the road! Start thinking about what you will be bringing now. Here are some suggested items:

Clothes! You should be bringing shorts and t-shirts that are LIGHT COLORED!! If it is warm, dark colors will only make you more uncomfortable. It has been a relatively cool summer. Unless the forecast for that area of PA calls for a hot spell, you should consider bringing something warm for the evening hours as well as when you are sleeping. These are cabins, not hotel rooms. You cannot adjust the climate control with the exception of opening or closing your windows! A few years ago it got very cold at night. Please check the weather websites!

Insect Repellent. Spray, lotion, whatever. Having some will help you have an enjoyable camp experience.

SUNBLOCK, SUNBLOCK, SUNBLOCK!!! If you are sun sensitive, you will get burned without it. Bring it and use it.

Sleeping Bag/Bed Roll/Pillow/Towels/Soap/DEODERANT!!!. Remember, it is not a hotel. There are bunks or cots with mattresses. There are bathrooms in the cabins.

Our Campsite: CAMP OWEGO. This is part of a three-camp system. To become more familiar with the camp, feel free to visit their website at: Directions are on this site for any parent that might be planning on taking a ride up.

Music and Music Stand. It always seems like we never have enough! Don’t forget your stand and pencils.

Meals. The food is not too bad when you keep in mind that you are in the woods and the cooks prepare food for hundreds of people at a time. There is always something for someone, but if for some reason you have some special concerns, please let me know. Keeping it to yourself will do you know good. I can usually work something out if you give me notice. We have been able to develop a very good relationship with the camp and its management and I expect that not to change. The Band Parents will be sending up some snacks for ht evening hours. I know that some of you always bring a “stock pile” of goodies. PLEASE BE SENSIBLE!!

DEPARTURE – We will be leaving Roosevelt School on Sunday, August 29th at 10:00 AM SHARP!! Please plan to arrive at school by 9:30 AM. The school will not be open at that time. We will have everything from the school loaded after our last rehearsal on Thursday, 8/26/04. Plan ahead!!!

Section Leaders

As the band grows, so does the talent of our members. The decision by the staff becomes more and more difficult each year. Unfortunately not everyone will be selected. Too many chiefs make for an unhappy tribe! (or something like that!). I would like to thank the many students that submitted their names to be considered for a position as a section leader. Whether you are one or not, we are all in this together. There are no star musicians that will score the marching band version of a touchdown. Each one of you is just as important as the other person next to you or across the field from you. You all make this the Westfield High School Marching Band and for that reason you ALL make me proud to be your director. The following are the 2004-2005 WHS Marching Band Section Leaders:

Drum Majors:Lauren Nolan & Jesse Cohn

Woodwind Section:Jeff Bayne, Danielle Partenope & Neal Nemiroff

Brass Section:Ben Wieder, Ryan Reber, Josh Fishman &

Greg Ryan

Drill/Marching:Greg Salmon, Chelsea Carlson, Lyndsay Couture & Katelyn Hoens

Percussion Section:Jeff Dresely [ADDITIONAL NAMES TO BE ADDED]

Colorguard:Captains: Meagan Fitzpatrick & Sara Perch

Lieutenants: Rebecca Cass & Rebecca Perch

Please note: all section leaders will meet with the staff at camp to detail each of your responsibilities in regard to your position. Let it further be noted that this position can be terminated if the director or his staff are convinced that you are not fulfilling your obligation.

I look forward to seeing every one of you over the next two weeks.

Michael Fackelman