Welcome to Zig-Zag week. A surfers delight!
For set-up in front of reception :
- Front of reception: re-creation of a beach scene ( similar to Madagascar week).
- Palm trees/ beach Umbrella / fake beach scene life guards etc..
- Inside set-up: A all week announcement an sign-up beach bar ( scaffolding). E.g.: (80's week)
- Counselors : Different types of beach stereotypes : muscle men in oil / beach bums / surfer dudes
sun-tanners etc.
- Beach music playing at reception and the inside hall
- inside games: indoor soccer / skating / friendship bracelets / 4square /trampolines
NB some counselors dressed in normal staff clothing helping with sign-ins, parental enquiries and inside activities ( possible offering of surfer ankle bracelets to be handed out to campers
After the Activities Video is done, we will bring the kids back out into the hall where they will play a couple of Zig-Zag week games.
Ching chong : Truth / Fact / Hobby / family /you
This is a easy “ching chong cha” game in where kids are gathered into there cabins and in a circular formation the counsellor randomly picks two kids to step in the centre an play. The difference is when one gets to the last syllable “cha” they mention head label options. ( the new hand signals will be shown to counsellor whilst the activity video is shown. This game can be played till everyone has mentioned something of themselves or played against each other.
- surfer dude says: ( O'Grady but with surfer moves All camp game in the hall)
NB: all special activities and ongoing games are to be mentioned after the activity videos by chosen MC.
The emphasis of the week will be treated like a surfing camp ( workshop) focusing on skill sets ocean knowledge etc.: In orientation the MC will explain this to the kids an cement the various less than normal opportunities the kids will have during camp:
Every morning there will be “life & tide” workshops:: ( senior only)
The “Life & Tide” mini program has been created for the non- coastal versed kids wanting to learn more about how to handle the ocean an general knowledge ocean. The programme has also been designed for the kids whom have not signed up for the specialised ocean activities, but get to come close to the understanding of certain aspects of the ocean activities .e.g.: eventually swimming out to back-line, body surfing etc. ( a sort of lifeguarding awareness workshop), with the sugar bay an local lifeguards. This will be happening every early morning and during beach chill as a sub-activity option. the programme is as follows:
- Day 1: walk an talk with the lifeguards: tide/set/wave – creation.
- Day2: Rip spotting /side washes / types of waves /currents -body surf to test.
- Day 3: How to swim in the ocean / stroke technique /duck-diving /ocean awareness using waves
- Day 4: Safety in and out the water / panic protection / how to handle mid-break
- Day 5: back-line swim and back (depending on tide/weather an current) only confident
- (Dawnies for the experienced surfers/ body boarders)
- Word of the day : giving cabins surfer slang to use for the day and a all camp word for the day that the MC of the day will get camp to learn. These phrases an words will also be used in every activity. Announcements at wake-up and breakfast.
- Sugar-Zag-mag: Create a posting board ( similar to the blog-page in the Zig Zag magazine called “shot- Bru!”: Ours will be called “Ahowi bru!”: The board will feature “the best of whatever” EG: best stand-up attempt, wipe-out, beach pose etc. All these will be announced at meal times. Photos an written posts will be placed on the board everyday for the kids to read an check. We in the office will make a collaged document which will be sent in the end of camp packages.
- Each cabin is to create a surfboard with cardboard or Styrofoam for cabin photos for the end of the week and final camp-fire ( creation period TBA – possibly on late wake up Wednesday)
- Wake-up: wave forecasts done by the kids, Hawaiian style every morning.
NB: If equipment is needed, a sign-up session will happen after activity videos have been done so that if necessary equipment can be issued ( Head lifeguard & lifeguards for surfers)
The cool-runnings comedy night: is a all camp skits and stunts night.
Because of the exhausting activity regiment of a beach day this night will give the kids a chance to just sit back an be entertained an not get over exerted by more activities > This will be a skits and stunts night.
Check appendix A for a list of new ways to perform skits.
After this kids go up to cabins an play bonding games till bedtime.
Set-up: crash mats / mattresses / been bags / couches.
Theatre: must still maintain a very beach like look (Must fit theme at all times)
Camp in Night: A cocktail making competition where a core group of cocktail ingredients will be given to split groups. With in the groups every kid has to make a cocktail and amongst there peers will choose the best out of the groups to send as a group cocktail to be judged. However this is also a race in where a cocktail is only complete with its garnish of which the first group to complete their cocktail will have the right to choose the first dibs on garnish choice. Once the final cocktail is created they will get judged by the said judges and some of their fellow campers. The activity will be held at camp. The evenings activity will be mentioned on the kids return from activities before shower hour by the allocated day MC.
Competition set-up: x4 art- tables set in a semi circle fashion around the bonfire
Adjudicators will sit on the beach and judge.
Before leaving to beach, cabin counsellors would have chosen x2 recipes
from the cabin and asked the cabin to name the cocktails an the cabin must have
a five minute explanation of the cocktail.
Judgement points: Presentation / colours / taste / explanation.
Evening:@ the big bonfire after the cocktail making competition
Seniors : have a special Q & A session with a professional Body-boarder and/or surfers
and then their cocktails will be judged buy the guests an cabin representatives.
Juniors: Create their cocktails an hold a judging ceremony and there will be a night time beach bread session
as well ( girls to make special decorations and boys make cocktail)
Set-up: x 3-4 art tables / Portable DJ box
x 2 long extension plug pints for blenders ( power point threw skies or life guard tower)
NB: excursion to the Wave-house or Promenade Skate park (PC must choose/organise)
Camp-out: on the beach return for camp songs at camp-site.
Intro the “Surfer Samurai” : is a fabled Japanese warrior whom honed his mystic stealth like abilities
through traditional martial arts from his homeland and further went on to adapt
an redefine his technique, by taking on skill sets from many other cultures.
In our evening activity: we chose to take the senior boys and girls, separate the sexes and put them through their paces via skill set knight activities explained as follows:
Boys activity: Night-water stalk the lantern ( E.g.: stalk the lantern but on water): The lantern being a counselor
in a kayak or on a SUP with a spotlight shining on the kids.
- SUP board or stand up kayaking / kayaking.
- During that activity ( a braai will be going where shmore making will be held for the junior boys)
After the stealth like adventure & pack-up the boys will be met with a snack and hot chocolate by the boat house.
Girls Activity: Night cat stalk the lantern. Climbing assault( climbers towers)with a spotlight shining on the kids.
- Old wall / New wall / Jacobs ladder / King swing : get to top an get selected prizes
- During that activity ( Girls will have the same snack as the boys )
Theme Dinner: ( beach bonfire braai)
Fashioned in a traditional luau ( or in our case a beach braai)
Chicken kebabs on a skewer ( served on banana leaves)
Hake and chips wrapped in banana leaves or in newspaper.
Thereafter, a glow in the dark(GITD) festival begins featuring the following activities:
- How low can you go
- GITD Ultimate Frisbee
- GITD Volley ball
- Shell painting
- Glow toy releasing
Set-up: Portable music box ( DJ equipment) / Paraffin / Braai stand two tables / Baymaries /Juices
Drop-mats for chilled activities / wood-blitz / collected banana leaves.
After the luau, kids gather by the bonfire for a on the beach traditional fire-show
A tribal glow in-the-dark party
Before the Fijian influenced night begins: kids will have a opportunity to get glow in the dark paint and using tribal stencils, the kids coat there arms and faces with traditional celebratory tribal art and get to party in spectacular colour fashion!
Set-up: lots of floral colours an lumo colours / palm trees / special floral projections. / Theatre
Afternoon: all camp game: Juniors / seniors
The objective of this game is to get a piece of “driftwood” from its starting point to the light house ( if applicable at night a lantern) or a predetermined end post
- Split kids accordingly to groups.
- Each group then allocates 1 person “the piece of driftwood” from the group to guide the group to the Light house ( lantern)
- Every other person than the allocated person is blindfolded an as a group must create a method to transport the piece of driftwood.
- Each group will be given 10- 20mins to formulate a strategy/ war-crys / team name:
The rules : the piece of driftwood is not allowed to touch the sand/ground.
The groups have to use three opted techniques.
- The human rubber tube: ( the group bind hands an the piece of driftwood sits in the middle guiding them to the target.
- The Human canoe: ( form a human caterpillar and then the piece of driftwood mounts the canoe and paddles to the target – using voice commands like paddle left-which is right etc.)
- The “Hold my littie bru!”: ( the group has to carry the driftwood, two steps at a time in a line)
- Check on censored / week-orientated / visual skill set Pro-surfing movie. E.g.: “The African project”.
- Write-up on the different terminology for games and running themes for the week E.g.: “Surfer dude says” & “breaking down the lingo.”
- Do Roma's marketing write-up for advertising. (Friday)
- Write-up day to day list on the weekly special ongoing activity.
- Collect traditional pictures of Maori-tattoo art & Hawaiian luau festivals.
- Create a set-up format with more white lumo material.
- Write-up on Thursday party set-up.
- Contact: Sakki / Rooibos / Rooster : on possible professionals to come in for a chat / possible promotional companies E.g. Reef/ Rip curl etc.
- create necessary junior/senior splits
- Allocate all camp game to PC
- organise hot chocolate an urn for boys Wednesday activity.
- Collection of banana leaves for theme dinner
- make laminated cocktail recipe book ( poodle)
- make write up for mixing recipe x 6
- List of day to tad ongoings for “Life & Tide”
- make judging number placards
- get strong spot-light torch for Wednesday night activity
- check on second braai-stand for boys at boat house
- Get girlie prizes like play make-up kits hair-bands earrings for samurai night
- get floral projections
- human non stain glow in the dark paint
- create tribal stencils from cardboard
- Check local ladies on pricing for ankle bracelets
- ask Zoe about those glow in the dark toys
- Magma to find new ways to perform skits. Check skits book and playbook