

Welcome to Year 12 English!

As a year 12 English student you will have the pleasure of discovering that the year ahead of you will be filled with rich learning experiences. A comment your teachers are used to hearing is that this learning can often move ‘too quickly’, which is why it is important that you’re prepared for the course ahead.

This is why overthesummer breakyouMUST READ:

  • No Sugarby Jack Davis
  • The White Tigerby Aravind Adiga
  • I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

Your first outcome is a creative responsein which you will develop an original piece of writing inspired by the events and themes raised in No Sugar by Jack Davis.The following tasks will help to prepare you for this outcome.

Task One: Key events

As you read the play over the break, write down at least 3 key events/moments that occur in each act and attempt to link them to the themes of: poverty, hardship, racism and injustice, identity, dispossession, the use of Indigenous language, and cultural divide.

After each event, explain why you chose it. Use thinking stems such as:

This event illustrates……

This event links to…

This event is connected to the character because…

What does this event tell us about the theme?.....


Act 1:______
Key event 1. ______
Key event 2. ______
Key event 3. ______
Key event 4. ______
Thinking stems and themes:______
Act 2:______
Key event 1. ______
Key event 2. ______
Key event 3. ______
Key event 4. ______
Thinking stems and themes:______
Act 3:______
Key event 1. ______
Key event 2. ______
Key event 3.
Key event 4.
Thinking stems and themes:______
Act 4:__________
Key event 1. ______
Key event 2. ______
Key event 3. ______
Key event 4. ______
Thinking stems and themes:______

Task Two: Practice Creative Response (800-1000 words)

  • Take one of your key events/themes and use it as the basis for a practice response.
  • You could:

-Rewrite this key event in the same vernacular but from another character’s perspective.

-Use one key quote that you can find in the event as the headline for an opinion article with a strong message about poverty/hardship/racism and injustice/identity/dispossession/the use of Indigenous language/cultural divide.

-Write a piece that could be added to the play eg: a lost scene that fits in between two of your chosen events.

-Rewrite a part of the play by telling it from a different point of view, eg: Sister Eileen/Matron Neal/Frank Brown/Billy

-Your own creative idea!

ThisworkisdueinthesecondEnglishclass, Week 1, aftertheholidays.

It counts as coursework that can be used to demonstrate the outcome.