Welcome to Virtual Library Zine #15

It is aimed at staff in public libraries and anyone interested in Web and electronic resources.

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New Site for Glen Eira

The Glen Eira Library and Information Service have recently redesigned their website. Meet Eira the bookworm on the kids page.

A window to the world- Library of Congress Portals to the World

The Library of Congress has developed a series of portals to various countries of the world. While not an exhaustive list, it's a useful stepping stone to far- flung places like the Galapagos Islands, Panama and Venezuela.

Ask a Librarian- Update

Whitehorse-Manningham are November’s participating Library in Ask a Librarian. They are following a successful month by Brimbank. If your library would like to consider volunteering for a month, please contact Stephanie or Brendan at Libraries Online.

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

This site was recently listed in The Good Weekend magazine, but it is worth having a look. It contains links to human rights organisations, news reports from Afghanistan and a petition against atrocities against Afghani citizens that can be signed online.

Less is more- The Virtual Learning Resource centre

Feel like you’re sometimes looking for a needle in a haystack when searching the Internet? This site provides 5,800 URLs which are aimed at school projects. The sites are distilled from other sites such as About.com, Librarians Index to the Internet and Bubl, to name but a few. It was established by a school librarian, and also allows the opportunity for sites to be submitted. Only drawback is its American bias.

Google Update

Google now offers a "View as HTML" link for hit list entries corresponding to a number of file types. To see examples, just go to Google, search for "PDF", and scroll for a hit list item that includes the "View as HTML" link. The "view as html" option is also available with 4 of the 5 formats Google has just started crawling and making available.





Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing

Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library has expanded its offerings and now brings users resources in mathematics and computing as well. Users can search a catalog of more than 7,000 resources as well as search the full text of sites included in the catalog. Each of EEVL's three sections -- Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing -- is searchable and browseable, and the EEVL Catalogue page offers a more advanced search with a large number of limits, including location and resource type, and fielded searching. Other resources on-site include Web tutorials, an e-journal search engine, job sites, and more. Who said the sciences were EEVL?!

The Virtual Library Zine is edited by Brendan Fitzgerald and Stephanie McGlinchey.