International student wellbeing grant guidelines


The Northern Territory (NT) Government’s StudyNT in the Department of Trade, Business and Innovation promotes international education and training.

There are over 2600 international students studying in the NT with the industry contributing $91 million to the Territory economy in 2018. The International Student Wellbeing Grant Program has been established by StudyNT to enhance the wellbeing of international students studying in the NT. Funding is available for projects that align with the program’s objectives below.


The overall objectives of the International Student Wellbeing Grant Program are to:

  • enhance international student wellbeing
  • connect international students with employers and/or the local community
  • increase community understanding of the benefits and value of international students, including population growth and other economic, social and cultural contributions
  • strengthen partnerships and collaborations between international students and the Territory, including businesses, not-for-profit organisations, multicultural communities and education providers.

Student wellbeing

Student wellbeing is vital for growth in the international education and training sector in any destination. A positive experience shared by students has ongoing impacts in attracting further students. The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as ‘comprising of three outcomes together: physical, mental and social health. Mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.’ Social health can be defined as the ability to form satisfying interpersonal relationships with others.

How to apply

Complete the relevant application form. Applications should be emailed to before midnight ACST 7 April 2019.

If you need assistance with your application, please call Larnie Batten at StudyNT on (08) 8999 6316 or email between 8:00am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

Applicants that have not previously acquitted funding with StudyNT will not be eligible to apply.

Grant categories and eligibility

International student wellbeing grants

Grants of up to $5 000 (excluding GST) are available for the delivery of activities that enhance the wellbeing of international students living in the Northern Territory and encourage them to experience life as a Territorian. Grants are open, but not limited to student and community groups, associations, businesses and not-for-profit organisations. Applicants working in partnership with other organisations or businesses are strongly encouraged.

Who can apply? Applicants under this category must be a registered business, company or an incorporated association with an ABN. If the applicant is not a registered business or incorporated association with an ABN they must be supported by an auspice organisation.

An auspice organisation is a registered business or incorporated organisation with an ABN that will receive the grant funding on the applicant’s behalf. The auspice organisation also has the responsibility for making sure that the activity is completed on time and to acquit the grant funding. Events, activities and projects must be open to all international students currently studying in the NT.

Key dates:

Activity / Date
Grant round open / Friday 1 March 2019
Grant round close / Midnight Sunday 7 April 2019
Applications assessed / On/before 30 April 2019
Notification of successful applicants / On/before 30 April 2019
Acquittal of grants / 6 weeks after the event/activity has occurred
Events/activities must be completed by / 31 December 2019

What we can fund

  • Exciting and innovative ideas which enhance the wellbeing and experiences of international students while they are studying in the NT
  • Events and activities that connect international students with employers and the local community
  • Events and activities that demonstrate a strong benefit to the wellbeing of NT’s international student community
  • Travel costs associated with an event/activity
  • Purchase of equipment, for organisations only, that does not exceed 25% of the total value of the grant (e.g. electronic equipment such as tablets, speakers, televisions etc.).

What we can’t fund

  • Organisations, community groups, individuals etc. outside of the NT, unless the event/activity directly benefits international students living in the Territory
  • Events and activities that do not align to the objectives of the program outlined in these guidelines and do not have a focus on the wellbeing of international students
  • Purchase of equipment for individuals (e.g. mobile phone, laptop etc)
  • Commercial or business activities (to make a profit)
  • Membership fees to professional organisations
  • Contribute grant funding directly towards fundraising or charitable activities.
  • Alcohol purchases
  • Illegal activities
  • Costs associated with preparing a StudyNT International Student Wellbeing grant application
  • Ongoing administration (overheads and service charges related to running an organisation)
  • Legal fees and insurance costs
  • Events or activities that are political in nature
  • Events or activities that are discriminatory against another based on their gender, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status or religion.

Application, selection and acquittal processes

  1. Applications open Friday 1 March 2019.
  2. Applications for the International Student Wellbeing grants close at midnight ACST Sunday 7 April 2019.
  3. All applications received are assessed by StudyNT to ensure that all questions have been completed and meet the eligibility criteria.
  4. A panel is convened to assess and make recommendations of successful applications.
  5. Successful and unsuccessful applicants are notified.
  6. Grant agreements and any other grant paperwork is sent to successful applicants, completed and then returned to StudyNT.
  7. Payment is processed.
  8. Event/activity held.
  9. All successful applicants will be required to acquit their funding and provide an evaluation report on their funded activity.

Conditions of funding

Grant recipients must abide by the following conditions:

1. Grant recipients will enter into a funding agreement before the grant can be deposited into a bank account, so it’s important to remember that when the funding agreement is signed, successful applicants will be legally obliged to complete the activity.

2. If the activity does not occur within the timeframes in the funding agreement, the funding must be returned to the Department of Trade, Business and Innovation. Changes in date or venue may be considered, but must be agreed with the department in writing prior to the original date of the event.

3. Six weeks after your event or activity, grant recipients must provide a written evaluation report, as outlined in the grant agreement and copies of any promotional materials.

4. Grant recipients are solely responsible for delivering the funded activity in accordance with the funding agreement terms.

5. Grant recipients will acknowledge that the NT Government accepts no responsibility for the activity, irrespective of the funding provided to support the activity.

6. Grant recipients may be required to have and keep in place, a public liability insurance policy with recognised insurance provided and you may be asked to provide a copy of the policy within 5 business days of a request to do so.

7. Grant recipients are required to promote the activity, and any social media posts need to include the StudyNT hashtag #StudyNT.

Privacy notice

If an applicant is successful, some of the information in the application form may be publicly released for the purpose of promoting and reporting the event. Information may be distributed via promotional materials developed, through Government websites, annual reports and media releases issued by the Northern Territory Government.

For more information

Visit or contact Larnie Batten by emailing or calling 8999 6316.

Department of Trade, Business and InnovationPage 1 of 4

February 2019