8th Grade Newsletter - August
Welcome to Tindley Collegiate Academy 8th Grade
Hello and welcome to the 2015 - 2016 schoolyear! It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Tindley Collegiate – home of the Lady Tigers. We are honored and excited to be your teachers this year. Our team has been busy preparing for your arrival and we have great plans to help in your growth and development this year.
Before and After SchoolSafety:
Whendroppingoffandpickingupyourchildfromschool,itisimperativethatyoumonitorthespeedinwhichyouare traveling through the middle school lot. Please slow down to help insure the safety of all our students andstaff.Asmanyofyouknow,thereisALOToftrafficduringthese crucial times and no one wants to see anyone get hurt. If you are dropping your child off at school, pleasedoso directly in front of the middle school. Thank you, I greatly appreciate your attention to this very importantsafetyprocedure.
Wetakeprideintheappearanceofourstudents.Studentdressisafactorintheestablishmentofapositiveeducationalatmosphereandreflectsthequalityofourschool.Scholars must be in uniform to attend class. Please see the Student Handbook for details.
Tardy Policy:
Weunderstandthatoccasionalemergenciesoccurthatmaymakeastudenttardy.Studentsneedtopleasemakesure they arrive to school and are in class on time. Students arriving late without a medical excuse from adoctorwill be considered tardy.Pleaserefertoourstudenthandbookfoundinthefrontofthestudentplannerformoreinformationregardingthemiddle school attendance procedures
Coming Soon!
July Birthdays:
Anniyah Abdullah
Amira Bledsoe
Mandasja Bolden
Makayela Brookins
Alexis Burton
Kimara McGee
Shania Miller
Aya Morgan
Khija Roberts
Bre’ya Rogers
Amber Seely
Nyla Thomas
Meera Thompson
Mya Thompson
Ruqayya White
August Birthdays:
Aaryka Colby
DeShauna Gray
Kaylyn Little
Mikayla Lomax
D’Asia McCloud
Danaya McGibboney
Sylveyanna Miles
Nyla Terry
Jordyn Townsend
Da’Zheme Williams-Adams
8th Grade Supply List*
oFour- 2 inch three ring binders: black, blue, white
oThree sets of 5 dividers
oFive clear sleeves
o1 package Expo brand dry erase markers
o2 dozen #2 wooden pencils
o3 plastic two- pocket folder (for daily homework)
o2 yellow highlighters
o1 roll paper towels
o5 single subject spiral notebooks
o2 dozen black or blue pens
o2 pink pearl erasers
o1 enclosed personal pencil sharpener (not battery operated)
o3 pkgs. - index cards, ruled (3 x 5 or 4 x 6 inch)
o1 flash drive
o2 reams of white copy paper
o3 boxes of Kleenex
o1 package of colored pencils
o2 packages loose leaf filler paper, wide rule
o1 bottle hand sanitizer
o1 box Band-Aids
o2 packages of graphing paper
o4 packages of post-it notes
o1 Thesaurus
o1 Dictionary
o1 composition notebook
o1 scientific calculator (for example: Texas Instruments TI-30XA)
[A graphing calculator is not necessary]
Tindley Collegiate Academy Academic Planner–available for purchase for $10 at the start of the school year
*Some revisions have been made, however we completely understand if you have already purchased your supplies and will make accommodations for your scholar