November/December 2013
Plan ahead - Day light savings time = November 3rd
Get Active
Welcome to the LIFESTYLE CENTRE!
In this issue:
Upcoming Events
Group Fitness
Personal Training
Tools for Life
The promise of people choosing happiness increases remarkably when they have the “Tools for Life.” These include:
Agility: the ability to move in any direction anytime
Coordination: the ability to live in a harmonious way
Endurance: the ability to remain active and contributing throughout life
Balance: the ability to support oneself when and how one wants
Strength: the ability to overcome resistance
Source: American council on Exercise
Missing Something?
Missing a coat, a water bottle, even a sport bra? Did you know we have a lost and found here at the Lifestyle Centre? Chances are if you left it here someone turned it in. Ask at the front desk, for any items you may have misplaced, before December 30th. After that date all items will be donated.
NOW OFFERED AT THE Lifestyle Centre
T’ai Chi Chih is a moving meditation consisting of 19 movements and one pose. The movements are easy to learn and can be done by anyone regardless of age or physical condition. The movements circulate and balance the body’s vital force or chi.
Benefits: * Relaxation and reduced stress
*Enhanced balance, energy, stamina and flexibility
*Increased awareness, focus and creativity
*Improved blood pressure and immune system
*Relief of headaches, back pain and chronic conditions
*Cultivation of an internal center of peace and serenity
The Group Fitness Schedule can also be found at
Our classes are designed to get you FIT while having FUN with FRIENDS!
Please see our Group Fitness Schedule for a complete list of our classes.
Welcome our new instructors to the Lifestyle Centre!
Quinn teaches Hatha Yoga Mondays @ 8:25am
Jane teaches Gentle Yoga Mondays @ 12:00pm
Randi teaches Hatha Yoga Saturdays @ 9:30am
We are thrilled to have you here!
Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, and popular in many countries, including Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. As of 2005, there were 11 million people practicing the discipline regularly and 14,000 instructors in the United States alone.
Benefits of Pilates
Pilates is a body conditioning routine that may help build flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, and developing a strong core or center, and improving coordination and balance.
Pilates improves muscle tone, balances musculature, supports correct posture, and teaches to move with ease and grace. There are an increasing number of studies which are showing the benefits of Pilates in the rehab population. It is useful for improving balance, lumbar stabilization and flexibility, lower back pain, and pelvic floor dysfunction.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Try Pilates classes at the Lifestyle Centre
Mondays @ 9:30am
Wednesdays @ 12:00pm
Saturdays @ 8:00am
Wrestling the Bolster
The “bolster” is a pillow used in yoga to provide support when performing certain positions. It is a great way to avoid tweaking or pulling a joint or a large muscle area such as your back. Over one particular weekend, one of the staff removed the covers to wash. Come Monday morning, I had the task of putting the covers back on the pillows. In passing, the staff member said I may have to wrestle the pillow. Of course this conjured up a scene of me on the floor rolling around wrestling with the pillow to get it under control (2 points for the take down).
All of this got me to thinking about why it is called a bolster. I asked around but know one knew the answer, thus I was given the task of looking into it. After searching, I learned that the word bolster has been around since before the year 1000. It is an Old English word for a long and narrow cylindrical pillow. Of course this didn’t really tell me what I wanted to know – how the name came about; however, I did learn of its origin for being used in yoga (at least according to one website). Here’s her story:
Halfmoon’s bolsters are legendary, and while their exact design is as secret as MacDonald’s Secret Sauce, we’d like to share some insider information with you.
In the 1980’s as the fledgling Vancouver yoga industry grew, the demand for yoga props grew with it. Halfmoon’s founder Beth McTavish began to branch out from making yoga mats & straps and began developing a line of bolsters using the knowledge she had gained from working with a futon manufacturer several years earlier (Source: , August 30, 2013 by Nicole Horn).
Back to my wrestling the bolsters - at 6:00 a.m. on a Monday morning I just couldn’t see myself getting on the floor to do anything, much less stuff a pillow back into its cover. I have always tried to go by the motto “work smarter, not harder.” Thus, as I was contemplating how I would go about this task, I realized I was standing in front of the counter and it has a nice backing. Hmm, how difficult could it be if I were to put the pillow on the counter and use the back as a leverage to push on while stuffing the pillow back into the cover? Walla! It worked and after spending about an hour doing just that, I had 26 sausage stuffed bolsters ready for use! Namaste~
Your present and future health is influenced by your fitness level. The Lifestyle Centre can provide you with simple physical tests that will help you be more aware of your own health so you can take the steps needed to live a long, healthy life. Call the Lifestyle Centre at 494-6446 for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Remember to RE-TEST with-in 3 to 6 months
Personal Training
Use our personal training programs to keep focused, motivated and fit!
Private Yoga Instruction
Why Try Private and Semi Private Yoga Instruction?
Whether you are a beginner with many questions, a seasoned veteran looking to refine your practice or someone who has special health concerns or injuries, a Private Yoga session is immensely helpful.
Rossiter is a state-of-the-art modality that restores a person’s connective tissue to its natural healthy looseness which creates freedom from pain!
A leaner physique, flatter abs, toned arms and a tighter tush – it’s not just a dream. It can be a reality with BOOT CAMP at the Lifestyle Centre. Burn serious calories while doing strength-training and cardio exercises that will put you on the right path to your dream body. BOOT CAMP – more intense than other fitness classes and more fun than most traditional workouts!
November 5th – December 19th
Six week session $25
Drop in Rate$5 per class
4:00pm – 5:00pm
Muscle Corner-
Healthy Muscles Matter Quiz
- There are 1,000 muscles in the human body. T or F
- Skeletal muscles are the muscles you can control. T or F
- Ligaments connect muscles to bones. T or F
- The heart is a muscle. T or F
- A muscle gets strained when it is stretched too much. T or F
- A sprain happens when a ligament is stretched too much. T or F
- Muscles that are not used will get smaller and weaker. T or F
- You don’t need more than 30 minutes of exercise a day. T or F
- If something hurts when exercising you should just work through it. T or F
- When stretching, push and keep pushing (like a bouncing movement) to go deeper and deeper into an effective stretch. T or F
Answersmaybe put these on another page
- F - There are 600 muscles in the human body.
- T- Voluntary muscles help you run, walk, pick up a box, throw a ball, and push a lawn mower.
- F- Ligaments connect bones to bones, tendons connect muscles to bones.
- T - The heart is a special cardiac muscles that works to pump blood through your body constantly.
- T- Muscles can become strained when stretched too much as when you lift something too heavy or with the wrong muscles orwith poorform.
- T- A sprain occurs when a ligament, which connects a bone to a bone, is overstretched. Ligaments take a long time to heal as they have a small blood supply. A stretching injury to a tendon (which connects muscles to bones) is called a strain.
- T - Atrophy is the name given to the decrease in size and strength of muscles from dis-use.
- F-New studies have shown you should get at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. It doesn’t have to be a whole hour at once but it does need to be done in at least 10-minute increments to count towards your 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Try a 30 minute class at LSC or 30 minutes of strength and a 20 minute walk and 10 minute stretch routine.
- F- If something hurts you made need to rest or see a doctor. Know the difference between discomfort and pain- between a good sore and a soreness that lasts too long.
- F- Breathing deeply and slowly as you stretch to a mild discomfort (but NOT pain). Hold for about 90 seconds breathing deeply to give your body time to relax into the stretch. Hint- if you can contract the opposing muscle (example when stretching hamstrings contract quadriceps) it will help the muscle release and stretch even more.
Health vs. Wellness
Health and Wellness are two terms that are often interchanged. There are certainly some differences between them when it comes to their inner meanings.
Health originally meant the absence of disease.Often this would include the giving of medication in order to combat an illness.
While “health” generally refers to physical health of the body, “wellness” on the other hand is the state of living a healthy lifestyle. Wellness extends past more than just physical well being to include a positive state of mind. Experts in wellness say that there are six different components of wellness. These six components should blend together to create the well-being of an individual.
The six components are physical health, mental or emotional health, intellectual health, social health, environmental health and spiritual health. Striving to strike a balance between these six components is a goal worth working towards. The Holiday Season is the perfect time to asses how these components are working in your life.
1.)Physical – the Lifestyle Centre encourages participation in preventative measures to maintain wellness. We offer group and individual exercise opportunities specifically and expertly designed for all abilities and needs. These opportunities help by providing ways to strengthen muscles, joints, the heart and lungs, and to work on balance and co-ordination in a fun and supportive environment.
2.)Emotional - Many of our classes are designed to aid in the relaxation process and encourage deep breathing and going inward to create a calm, peaceful, and happy state of mind. Many members come in to make new friends or connect with old friends and socialize.Getting out of the house or your apartment and interacting with others is one of the best ways to stay emotionally fit.
3.)Intellectual Health—being physically healthy is the first building block towards mental/intellectual health. We also provide classes to challenge the brain and we even have a book and puzzle exchange at the Lifestyle Centre. We post information about what is going on in the community. Getting out and exchanging in conversation and ideas with others will stimulate your brain, your curiosity and help strengthen your cognitive abilities.
4.)Environmental Health- The Holidays usually are a time when we work on our environment to make it uplifting. The smells (cooking, candles, the tree) sights (lights and decorations) sounds (singing and good wishing). We can carry this effort throughout the year to create a healthy environment. Purchasing nutritious foods and snacks, surrounding ourselves with things we love, things tied to happy memories or important people in our lives is a great step towards environmental health. Just keeping our home uncluttered can go a long way towards a happy, less stressful environment. For example:treat yourself to a candle whose smell is tied to a happy memory. Using products that are non toxic and environmentally friendly (big picture) also make a huge difference. There are many little ways we can make our environment healthier and more uplifting.
5.)Social Health- We often make our most concerted effort to interact with our friends and loved ones, giving from our hearts with them at this time of year. Whether it’s a visit or a phone call or sharing a meal, we tend to reach out to others more during the Holidays.
6.)Spiritual-During the Holidays we often will slow down and even the busiest person makes time to attend their place of worship and connect or reconnect with their source of inspiration.
At the end of this Holiday Season, let’s remember the progress we have made and make an effort to maintain it past the beginning of the New Years Resolutions. We have it in our power to make a difference in our “Wellness.” There may be some “health’ things we can’t control but we can do many things to improve the six components of our well being.
Healthy RecipeBraised Balsamic Chicken
Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes / Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 6
"Rich, slightly sweet Balsamic vinegar intensifies the flavors of tomato and herbs in this chicken saute."
6 skinless, boneless chicken breasthalves
ground black pepper to taste
1 teaspoon garlic salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, thinly sliced / 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1. / Season chicken breasts with ground black pepper and garlic salt. Heat olive oil in a medium skillet, and brown the onion and seasoned chicken breasts.2. / Pour tomatoes and balsamic vinegar over chicken, and season with basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme. Simmer until chicken is no longer pink and the juices run clear, about 15 minutes.
Printed from 8/1
Calories - 206
Carbohydrates – 7.5 g
Cholesterol – 68 mg
Fat – 6.1 g
Fiber – 1.1 g
Protein – 28.2
Sodium – 538 mg
Lifestyle Centre offers Nutrition Counseling
The goal of nutrition counseling is to offer personal guidance to help make and maintain dietary changes. The (nutrition counselor) fitness coach provides information, education materials, support, and follow-up to help the individual make and maintain the needed dietary changes.
$30 per session
Monday – Thursday6:00am – 7:30pm
Friday6:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday7:00am – 1:00pm
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