Marriage Divorce Re-marriage Terry Sanders


Matthew 19:3-9

Using KJV [more on this later]

Introduction: The question asked of Jesus is very revealing. It tells us that this was a problem in NT times (almost 2000 years ago). It shows us that this is not new to our time. Changes have occurred in the last 50 years that have dramatically affected all aspects of MDR. There are few families that have not experienced some of this problem (a little or a lot). As it is a problem today, then what is found in the Scriptures will help us in this regard.

1) An issue in NT times.

Matthew 19:3

Tempting Him (The Pharisees intended to back Jesus into an unfavorable position among the people)

For every cause (This was a prevalent problem in the first century - - like today)

Therefore, this exchange deals with:

Putting away (divorce)

Implies marriage

For every cause?

Pharisees are concerned with Deut. 24:1-4—the “uncleanness” and the “writing of divorcement”

Historical evidence shows the diversity of thought among Jews as to the cause (“uncleanness”)

Scholars are unable to determine what the “uncleanness” is. It is not adultery since that sin was punishable with death (Deut. 22:22; Lev. 20:10)

The Rabbis:

Rabbi Shammai: “...he has found some unchastity in her, for it is written, ‘Because he hath found in her indecency in anything’”

Rabbi Hillel: “He may divorce her even if she spoiled a dish for him, for it is written, ‘Because he hath found in her indecency in anything’”

Rabbi Akiba: “find no favor in his eyes” meant that he had found another more favorable to him and could divorce the first for the second

2)The answer of Jesus

Matthew 19:4-6a

In the beginning (Gen. 1:27; 2:24)

3)What is marriage/divorce?


Private agreement

Public acknowledgement

Joining together

Betrothals (Matt. 2:18; Lk. 2:5)

Wedding feasts (Jn. 2:1-2; Mat. 25:10)

Divorce (using Deut. 24:1 as a guide)

Private problem

Public acknowledgement

She is publicly sent from the house

4)The question of Matthew 19:3

For any cause?

Jesus’ answer was “No!”

Wasn’t lawful in the beginning

Wasn’t lawful under Moses

Is not lawful under Christ

Jesus’ answer:

Was not according to the Rabbis

Goes back to the beginning

Offers one exception:

5)Centering our attention on “the exception cause” its timing as per Matt. 19:9

Matthew 19:3 – the cause

Different translations

KJV -- “for every cause”

ASV -- “for every cause”

NKJV -- “for just any reason”

NASB -- “for any reason at all”

NIV -- “for any and every reason”

ESV -- “for any cause”

The answer of Jesus (Matthew 19:9)

“except it be for fornication”

Clause removed and no re-marriage at all


KJV -- fornication

ASV -- fornication

NKJV -- sexual immorality

ESV -- sexual immorality

NASB -- immorality

NIV -- marital unfaithfulness

6)Fornication definitions


Webster - - Sexual intercoursebetween two persons other than a man and his wife: sexual intercourse between a spouse and an unmarried person

Koine Greek

Thayer - - PORNEIA Illicit sexual intercourse: from 1 Cor. 6:12ff, we learn how leniently converts among theheathen regarded this vice and how lightly they indulged in it.

Arndt & Gingrich - - PORNEIA prostitution, unchastity, fornication, of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse

7)Usage in the New Testament

It is a sin (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 18; 2 Cor. 12:21; Gal. 5:19-21)

Transgression of law (1 Jn. 3:4)

New Testament reveals as:

Homosexuality (Jude 7)

Adultery (Matt. 19:9)

Pre-marital sex (1 Cor. 7:1-2)

Incest (1 Cor. 5:1-2)

8)What about. . . . . ?


Marriage Divorce Re-marriage Terry Sanders

I’m not happy

Mate is a slob

Won’t provide

Is abusive

I don’t love him/her


In the way

Can’t get along

Go home to Mama

Change in appearance


Hasn’t grown with me

Has different interests



Marriage Divorce Re-marriage Terry Sanders

9)The answer of Jesus was essentially “No!”


The exception (fornication) only allows divorce and re-marriage for the innocent Divorce w/o exception is not approved

Re-marriage w/o exception is not approved

11)Alternative in Matthew 19:12
