Welcome to the homepage of

Camp Copenhagen 2014

“The Scandinavian Way –

Environment and Democracy”

General information

When? The camp will take place from Saturday, August 16 till Saturday, August

30 with arrivals and departures on the 16th and 30th respectively.

Where? Participants will stay at a scout’s cottage 20 kilometers North of Copenhagen in an area called Naerum.

This means that shopping, cooking, dishwashing and taking care of the place will be part of the program in addition to the activities listed under


It also means that boys and girls will all sleep in the same dormitory.

Who? The camp accepts a total of 20 foreign participants aged 21-25 on their arrival at the camp.

We take a maximum of two - preferably a girl and a boy - from each country who must be able to communicate in English which is the language of the camp.

Further more, participants must not have taken part in more than one Rotary camp before this one, and must be sponsored by a Rotary club in their own country.

Health insurance, visa etc. are all the participants’ own responsibility.

How? You organize and pay for your own journey to and from Copenhagen.

While you are here accommodation, necessary food, transport and entrance fees will be provided.

Only, you must pay a participation fee of 500 Danish Crowns (or €70) on your arrival. Further more, you are recommended to bring about DC 1000 pocket money. Denmark is not a Euro-country.

What? The Scandinavian Way –

Environment and democracy


The program of the camp focuses on two important features of Scandinavian society and tradition: environment and democracy.

As for environment, you’ll experience Danish nature, and we’ll show you how we try to protect our environment against the threats to it.

Our democracy part will, further to political democracy, focus on democracy at work and in education and on taking care of those in need.

Also, we plan a vocational day where you can visit places of work according to your own studies or jobs.

We’ll show and tell you a lot, hoping that you’ll let yourselves get involved and maybe inspired. But we also want you to tell us what’s important to you in your own countries; that’s what “The peoples’ day” is about.

But of course you can’t leave Camp Copenhagen 2014 without having visited Tivoli, seen the Little Mermaid, visited a castle and been to Sweden, not to mention visiting Rotary clubs. So we’ll see to that too.

What, then, is the program?

Saturday 16 Arrivals

Sunday 17 This is Denmark / The peoples’ day

Monday 18 Visit to the Danish Parliament and Copenhagen

Tuesday 19 Canoeing

Wednesday 20 Environmental day / Barbeque with the Sorgenfri Rotary Club

Thursday 21 Democracy day 1: Democracy in everyday life

Friday 22 Taking care of those in need / Tivoli

Saturday 23 Trip to Northern Sealand and Sweden

Sunday 24 My Copenhagen / Nature day

Monday 25 Democracy day 2: Visit to the town hall of the municipality of Lyngby-Taarbaek including reception by the mayor

Tuesday 26 Vocational day

Wednesday 27 Corporate Social Responsibility / Voluntary social work

Thursday 28 Project day

Friday 29 Evaluation and farewell arrangement

Saturday 30 Departures

This is a draft program and may be subject to alteration.

As you can see, you’ll experience a rather tight program with a lot of input.

It may be hard, but it will be very giving,

and you

must be ready to meet the challenge.

We admit that many of the issues may be a bit “academic” – that’s why a good command of English is important.


Camp Copenhagen 2014

The Scandinavian Way -

Environment and Democracy

sound interesting?

Then go for it! Send your application

No later than April 1 2014.