A very warm welcome to the Haymerle School website.

Whether you are a current parent/carer, considering sending your child here in the future, or simply interested in our school, we hope you will find our website interesting and informative.

We are a small school which specializes in the teaching of children on the autistic spectrum. As part of our ethos we use amongst others the following methodology:


The TEACCH mission is:

To enable individuals with autism to function as meaningfully and as independently as possible in the community;


Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a form of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). It is typically used as an aid in communication for children with autism and other special needs.

PECS is designed to teach functional communication with an initial focus on spontaneity. It has been and continues to be implemented in a variety of settings (home, school, community) so students have the skills to communicate their wants and needs. PECS does not require complex or expensive materials since it uses picture symbols as the modality. Research has shown that many preschoolers using PECS also begin developing speech.

-Music Therapy

There are different approaches to the use of music in therapy. Depending on the needs of the pupils and the orientation of the therapist, different aspects of the work may be emphasized. Fundamental to all approaches, however, is the development of a relationship between the pupil and therapist. Music-making forms the basis for communication in this relationship.

As a general rule both the pupil and therapist take an active part in the sessions by playing, singing and listening. The therapist does not teach the pupil to sing or play an instrument. Rather, pupils are encouraged to use accessible percussion and other instruments and their own voices to explore the world of sound and to create a musical language of their own. By responding musically, the therapist is able to support and encourage this process.

At Haymerle School we want our children to be enthused and engaged in their learning at all times and our innovative curriculum is organized to provide a broad range of experiences matched to the interests and capabilities of each individual pupil.

Pupils are encouraged to develop as independently as possible, and therefore the teaching of independent skills isof a high priority.

Placement is done through the Southwark SEN department.

As our mission statement says, we work together to raise achievement, and we are proud of the achievements of all our pupils.

Please contact the School should you require any additional information.

Enjoy the website!

Liz Nolan