Department of RadioPharmacy

Welcome to the Department of RadioPharmacy

RadioPharmacy is a part of Pharmaceutical Sciences for preparation of RadioPharmaceuticals which are used for diagnosis and therapy of diseases, and plays an important role in drug development and drug discovery.The department of RadioPharmacy has close collaboration with theInstitute ofNuclearScience and Technology of Iran Atomic Energy Organization and the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Faculty of Medicine, TUMS, which both are equipped with radioisotope-based technology for disease management and research. The department is committed to maintain and advance the highest possible standards of education and research. It is hoped that the information will be useful and interesting for you.

Message of Head of the Department

Other than being used as radiation sources for therapy, Radioisotopes in different physical and chemical forms have tremendous applications as tracers for diagnosis in nuclear medicine, as well as in drug discovery and drug development. The Department of RadioPharmacy in cooperation with Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute of Iran Atomic Energy Organization has established the PhDprogram in RadioPharmacy to provide graduate education and research for the development and safe uses of RadioPharmaceuticals.

The graduates of this program have made great contributions to self-sufficiency of the country for most RadioPharmaceuticals, fulfilled National Universities and Research Institutions, demands to scholars and expertise in this field, and results of their investigations have been granted as patents and published in numerous highly cited articles. The aim of the department is to enhance the development of graduate students as the next generation of scholars in this field through promoting the quality of both education and research.

About the Department of RadioPharmacy

With the constant expansion in the use of RadioPharmaceuticals in diagnosis, therapy and research have started to fulfill national demands to expertise in this field, starting in 1995.The Department of Medicinal Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Tehran University of Medical Sciencesestablished the PhD program in RadioPharmacy with the contributions of Iran Atomic Energy Organization. The program was revised in 2002, and since 2009 is offered by an independent Department called RadioPharmacy. Most graduates of this program have been working in National Universities and Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute of Iran Atomic Energy Organization and are well known nationally and internationally for the development of RadioPharmaceuticals and research achievements.

Department Profile

The Department of RadioPharmacy has a Radioisotope and an Organic Chemistry laboratory and has close Collaboration with Department of Nuclear Medicine of the University which has on-site cyclotron, PET and SPECT camerasand a large team of Radiochemists, Physicists, research fellows and technologists for diagnostic and therapeutic services and research. Additionally, the department was established on the basis of an agreement with theInstitute ofNuclearScience and Technology of the Iran Atomic Energy Organization for education and research of students.

Department Chart

Mission and Vision


The main mission of the department of RadioPharmacy is to offer internationally recognized and high quality education and research that fulfill the national demands to future scholars and expertise in this field. The program affords individuals the scientific knowledge and skills in design, preparation, formulation and quality control of gamma and positron emitting RadioPharmaceuticals for use in research and future clinical applications in nuclear medicine. The department is actively engaged in: development of Radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies, Radiosensitizing agents and contrast media for MRI, NanoRadioPharmacy, and molecular imaging.


To be recognized nationally and internationally for education and research in development and safe uses of novel RadioPharmaceuticals.

Training Program
Courses / No of Credits
Core Courses / 18(for Non-Pharmacy holding degrees)
17 (for Pharmacy holding degrees)
Non-Core Courses / 9 (for Non-Pharmacy holding degrees)
3(for Pharmacy holding degrees)
Thesis / 22
Total / 48 (for Non-Pharmacy holding degrees)
43 (for Pharmacy holding degrees)

Admission Requirements:

Applicants should possess a PharmD or MS degree in Chemistry or Immunology from an accredited College or University and minimum qualifying scores on English language test. All applicants should participate in a competitive entrance examination (written and oral interview) and those with the highest scores will be admitted to the program.

PhD Degree Requirements:


In the first two years of the program all students should complete courses in Advanced Biochemistry, Advanced Pharmacology, Radiochemistry, Radiation Biology, Nuclear Health Physics, Nuclear Medicine, and Synthesis of Labeled Compounds in addition to taking remedial courses, with the minimum grade of C in order to gain a broad knowledge and skills of the field.

1a: Core Courses:

No. / Course / Credits
01 / Physical Chemistry (for Pharmacy Holding degrees) / 3
02 / Pharmacology (for Non-Pharmacy Holding degrees) / 4
03 / Advance Biochemistry (Theory) / 2
04 / Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry (Theory) / 2
05 / Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry (Laboratory) / 1
06 / Nuclear Health Physics and Biochemical Effects of Radiations / 2
07 / Ionizing Radiations and Radiobioassay (Theory) / 2
08 / Ionizing Radiations and Radiobioassay (Laboratory) / 1
09 / Synthesis of the labeled Compounds / 2
10 / Nuclear Medicine / 2
11 / Seminar 1,2&3
12 / Dissertation 1 / 4
13 / Dissertation 2 / 4
14 / Dissertation 3 / 4
15 / Dissertation 4 / 4
16 / Dissertation 5 / 6

1b: Elective Courses:

No. / Course / Credits
1 / Advanced Bioinformatics / 2
2 / Physiology (for Non-Pharmacy Holding degrees) / 4
3 / Manufacturing and Physico – chemical analyses of parenteral products (for Non-Pharmacy Holding degrees) / 2
4 / Medical informatics (Laboratory) / 0.5
5 / Medical informatics (Theory) / 0.5

2. Comprehensive examination:

Students should choose an advisor and write a thesis proposal which should be approved by the graduate committee within the first two years of their studies. Upon the completion of the remedial and required courses and approval of the thesis proposal, students should pass comprehensive examinations (written and oral) in order to be qualified to continue with doctoral work.

3. Defense of the dissertation prospectus:

Students are required to present and defend their thesis before a faculty committee.

Academic Calendar

Tests Date / Semester / Duration of Training
10–31 January / 20 September– 31 January / 16 weeks / First Semester
20 June –10 July / 10 February–10 July / 16 weeks / Second Semester
- / Not available / Summer Semester


Currently there are two faculty members and five affiliated faculty members with a variety of experiences and educations related to RadioPharmacy as follows:

A: Faculty Members

Name of the faculty member: Mehdi Shafiee-Ardestani
Education: PharmD, PhD in RadioPharmacy
Academic position: Assistant Professor
Research interest: MRI and SPECT-CT Contrast Media
Name of the faculty member: Khosro Abdi
Education: PhD in RadioPharmacy
Academic position: Assistant Professor
Research interest:Radiosensitizing

B: Affiliated Faculty Members

Name of the faculty member:Omid Sabzevari
Education:PharmD, PhD of Molecular Toxicology and Pharmacology
Academic position: Professor,Head of the Department
Research interest:Evaluation of Toxicity, Biodistribution and Biotransformation by the use of Radioisotopes
Name of the faculty member: Ali Khalaj
Education: PharmD, PhD of Medicinal Chemistry
Academic position: Professor
Research interest: Radiosensitizers
Name of the faculty member: DavoodBeiki
Education:PharmD, PhD of RadioPharmacy
Academic position: Professor
Research interest: Therapeutic RadioPharmaceuticals, Hospital RadioRharmacy, Gammascintigraphy in the evaluation of Pharmaceuticals dosage forms, Quality control in RadioPharmacy, Synthesis of Radiosensitizers and Radioprotectors
Name of the faculty member:FatemehAtyabi
Education: PhD in Pharmaceutics
Academic position: Professor
Research interest: Nanoradiopharmacy
Name of the faculty member: Reza Dolatabadi-Bazaz
Education: PharmD, PhD of Radiopharmacy
Academic position: Associate professor
Research interest: Synthesis of Labeled Compounds

Administrative Staff:

Mrs. Maryam Goharkhah


Tel: +98 21 66959098

Fax: +98 21 66959098



Dr. DavoudBeiki

Professor of RadioPharmacy
Department of Nuclear Medicine

Faculty of Medicine

Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Tehran, Iran

Dr. AmirrezaJalilian

Professor of Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute of Iran Atomic Energy Organization

Tehran, Iran

Dr.Seyed Jalal Hosseinimehr

Professor of Nuclear Medicine

Department: Nuclear medicine

School of Pharmacy

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

Sari, Iran

Dr.Reza Doulatabadi-Bazaz

Associate Professor of Department of Medicinal Chemistry

Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Science

Tehran, Iran


Assistant Professor of Department of Medicinal Chemistry

School of Pharmacy,Shiraz University of Medical Science

Shiraz, Iran


Assistant Professor of Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute of Iran Atomic Energy Organization

Tehran, Iran

Dr. SorayaShahhosseini

Associate Professor

Faculty of Pharmacy, ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences

Tehran, Iran

Dr. Mehdi Sahfiee-Ardestani

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Science

Tehran, Iran


Assistant Professor

Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Science

Tehran, Iran

Recommended Reference Books for the Program

1)C. Keller; Radiochemistry, Halsted press, The last edition

2)JP Adolf, R. Guillaumont; Fundamentals of Radiochemistry, CRC Press, The last edition

3)G. Friedlander, JW Kennedy; Nuclear and Radiochemistry, John Willey & Sons, The last edition

4)W D Ehmann, D E. Vance; Radiochemistry and nuclear methods of analysis. Wiley-Interscienc, The last edition.

5)K H.Lieser; Nuclear and Radiochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications, John Willey & Sons, The last edition

6)FA. Mettler JR. and M J. Guiberteau. Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Elsevier Saunders; The last edition

7)H A. Ziessman. JP. O'Malley, JH. Thrall. Nuclear Medicine: The Requisites, Mosby; The last edition

8)BT Smith. Nuclear pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Press. 2010

9)IZolle. Technetium‐99m Pharmaceuticals. Preparation and quality control in nuclear medicine. Springer. 2007

10)GBSaha. Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy. Sixth edition. Springer. 2010

11)Theobald T. Sampson’s Textbook of Radiopharmacy. Fourth edition. Pharmaceutical Press. 2011

12)REHenkin. Nuclear Medicine. 2ed edition. Volume 1 and 2. Mosby Elsevier. 2006

13)RL Wahl. Principles and Practice of Positron Emission Tomography. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2002

14)N DLehninger. Principles of Biochemistry, the latest edition, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W.H Freeman Company,ISBN-10: 1429224169, ISBN-13: 978-1429224161

15)RK Murray, DKGranner, PA Mayes, V W Rodwell. Harper's Biochemistry, The latest edition, Prentice-Hall International Inc, Stamford, Connecticut.

16)L Stryer. Biochemistry, The latest edition. W.H Freeman Company.

17)J H, Zar. Biostatical analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Latest edition.

18)E Mullins. Statistics for the quality control chemistry laboratory, R.S.C., Latest edition.

19)P. Armitage, G. Berry, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, The latest edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London.

20)Pharmaceutics (Aulton)

21)Pharmaceutical Practice Aulton

22)Introduction to pharmaceutical Dosage forms & Drug Delivery system Ansel

23)H Cember. Introduction of Health Physics, The latest edition, Pergamon press. New York.

24)E J Hall, E Giaccia. Editors, Radiobiology for the Radiologist, The latest edition, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, USA

25)A J Vanderkogel, M C Joiner. Editors, Basic Clinical Radiobiology: The latest edition, Hodder Arnold, London, UK.