Sally welcomed everyone along to our monthly meeting.
S Roden, J Black, M Hull, C McCabe, M Clark, A Ryan, K Glenny (BOT Representative), M Allen (Teacher Representative), C Graham (Principal)
J Morriss, E Thomas, L Good, J McEwan, K Thornton
Under General Business :
o Trikes
o Meeting Schedule 2014
o Fundraising Timetable 2014
o Teacher Allowance
Ø Teacher Wish-list/Update – ideas and thoughts to be shared later on for further discussion/decision in the new year.
Ø End of Year Christmas Party – Fantastic evening and a big thanks to Sally for organizing this event.
Ø Dead Calf Collection – a really big thanks to Kara for all her hard work doing the dead calf collection fundraiser on our behalf. Jo is happy to send the thank you cards to those families who have supported us. Jo will need to get the final total from Marie so she can let them know how much was raised and what the money will be spent on. After much discussion it was agreed that the money raised will go towards new reading resource shelving.
Ø PTA Survey – deferred to 2014.
Ø Dance Evening – money well spent. A fabulous evening and the children really looked like they enjoyed themselves. Having the Lions there selling chips was a great initiative – thanks Sally for organising this.
Ø PTA Contribution to Year Book – Jo has forward this to Mrs Allen.
S Roden moved/J Black seconded that the Minutes of the previous meetings held on 26th September 2013 and 5th November 2013 be accepted as a true and correct record. ALL AGREED.
Ø PTA News
Ø “Birthday Parties for Kids” Fundraiser Flyer
Ø “FundRaise” Fundraiser Flyer
Ø “Blot” Fundraiser Flyer
As per attached Detailed Reports
Balance of Cheque Account as at 20/09/13 $13,651.43
Current Cheque Account Balance as at 26/09/13 $13,482.03
Balance of Cheque Account as at 20/10/13 $13,270.36
Current Cheque Account Balance as at 05/11/13 $12,597.92
Balance of Cheque Account as at 20/11/13 $14,209.76
Current Cheque Account Balance as at 11/12/13 $13,012.10
M Hull moved/C McCabe seconded that the financial reports for months ending September 2013, October 2013 and November 2013 be accepted. ALL AGREED.
Information Sharing – nothing to report
o Disco – junior disco held only. Parents need to be made aware that they cannot just drop kids off. After much discussion it was agreed that we would only hold one (1) disco per year (mid-year perhaps).
o Kaboodle Bags – Marie to receive profit via on-line banking.
o Chalk Catalogue – voucher still to be received.
o School Tea Towel – we have around 135 left to sell. These will be available for purchase at School Prizegiving.
o Christmas Raffle – Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser – we had an awesome response and made a profit of approximately $1,100.00. Thanks Carol for your help.
o Garage Sale 2014 – to be held on Saturday 1st March. We will not be accepting TV’s and books. Felt would leave books for the annual book fair that is held in Waiuku.
o Ezi-Cover Fundraiser – flyer to families will go out with stationery packs in the new year.
o Easter Raffle Term 1 – it was decided that we would hold an Easter Raffle with families being asked to donate Easter items for the baskets.
o Quiz – Mandy asked if it would be nice to hold a quiz night in term 2 as we haven’t had one in while. Nice to do something different.
o 2014 Fun Run – work-in-progress.
Hotdogs – may need to seek an alternative supplier as deliveries are not regular. Thanks Jo and your team for all your efforts in supplying the children with hot dogs during the year.
Lunches – unfortunately the freezer was accidentally switched off and so we lost supplies. Thanks Mandy and your team for all your efforts in supplying the children with lunches during the year.
Signs – nothing to report.
School Noticeboard – nothing to report.
School Reports
Ø Year 5 – Year 8 Camp to be held 11th – 15 November 2014.
Ø Year 4 students were presented with their dictionaries by Waiuku Rotary.
Ø The building project has gone out for re-tender.
Ø Unfortunately there is now a need to padlock our worm farms at weekends due to vandalism.
Ø Classrooms for next year are posing a bit tricky due to the large number of year 7 and 8 students. We are losing 7 Year 8 students and 3 school families this year and will start the new year with 135 children. Children will find out new classes/teachers on the new school day.
Ø Thanks to the PTA for all your fundraising efforts this year and being able to provide our children with some great opportunities at no cost to them.
Ø We have received funding for Professional Development from the Ministry of Education.
Ø Mr. Brent West has been appointed as Mrs Manins replacement. 124 applicants were received.
Ø Carol discussed the possibility of the PTA helping to support the School in purchasing a set of 8-10 iPads and cover protectors that classrooms can use. After much discussion it was agreed that proceeds from our Garage Sale would go towards this initiative. Carol to get quotes.
Calf Club Update
Final Review and Feedback was shared with the meeting.
New Fridge
Sally is happy to get prices.
PTA Banner
Jo Morriss is happy to get prices for a new banner.
It was agreed to purchase new trikes once the school year had started.
Meeting Schedule 2014
It was discussed and decided it would be great if we could plan a meeting schedule for 2014. We realise some dates may need to change under extenuating circumstances but if dates are set families can put them in their diaries now.
Fundraising Timetable
To put together a termly fundraising timetable for 2014. Janine to get this started for circulation.
Teacher Allowance
It was agreed that each Teacher would receive $200.00 at the beginning of the new school year.
Next Meeting Date – Wednesday 12th February at 2.30 pm.
Signed as a true & correct record this ______day of ______2014.
President : ______