Welcome to the Communications Workers of America!

Your employment at AT&T Mobility is covered by a union contract negotiated between CWA’s membership and the company. It’s important for every CWA member to understand the value of having a union contract, your rights under the contract, and how and why to get more involved with your union.

Unity@Mobility focuses on YOU!

CWA’s Unity@Mobility campaign provides information and connections to Mobility employees across the country. Keep in touch though our website, Facebook page, and
e-mail list.

§  www.cwa-union.org/attmobility

§  Facebook/Unity at AT&T Mobility

Unity@Mobility workshop

Unity@Mobility also offers a half-day workshop that will help familiarize you with your rights, meet other Mobility workers, build relationships, and have a better understanding of the union that represents YOU!
About the Unity@Mobility training:

§  The training takes place during work hours and participants will be excused from work for the scheduled time.

§  Requests for time off will be made through your local CWA leaders.

§  You will be reimbursed for wages/commissions and travel time.

If you are interested in participating in this training or want more information, e-mail ______from your personal e-mail account. Be sure to include your name, contact information, and work location in your message.

Volunteers will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Respond as soon as possible to guarantee a spot in this training!