Department of Early Learning


The Department of Early Learning(DEL) contemplates awarding a sole source contract to Washington Association for Infant Mental Health (WA-AIMH) to provide to provide reflective supervision and infant health consultation to home visitors and supervisors as an important tool for effective home visiting services.

Our state receives home visiting dollars for the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV). A part of this grant requires a focus on supporting reflective supervision and reflective practice as a component of the various home visiting programs model fidelity standards. Reflective supervision is not currently available for all home visiting programs and there are no statewide supports to make it available and provide training at this time. Funds have been allotted in the MIECHV program grant to address this problem. In our federal fiscal year 2015 MIECHV formula application budget and budget narrative section, page 4 we state under the section Reflective Supervision, Reflective Practice and Infant Mental Health,

“At least 60 hours of individual or group consultation for supervisors and home visitors …of reflective supervision groups, and scholarships for the home visitors and supervisors to participate in the Infant Mental Health endorsement.”

100% of the funding for this contract will come from our federal funding.

The contract will be issued on or about June 16, 2016 for 12 months with DEL reserves the right to extend for an additional five years. The dollar value is estimated at $57,930.00.

Offerors contemplating the above requirements are required to submit capability statements detailing their ability to meet the state’s requirements by close of business June 15, 2016. The following information should be included in the capability statements:

  • Proof of ability to certify that a person qualifies to provide Reflective Supervision for Infant Mental Health endorsees and candidates and who meet Infant Mental Health Endorsement ® requirements for Level III or IV-C Endorsed Clinicians.
  • Provide proof of capacity to manage trainers specializing in infant mental health and organizational consultation specific to early childhood home visiting and early intervention.

In the absence of other qualified sources, it is the state’s intent to make a sole source award of the contract.

To submit capability statements or for questions, contact:

Contact Name: Kasondra Kugler
