Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!


Welcome back to school! We hope everyone had a relaxing and fun-filled summer. For those of you entering Shade School District for the first time, we extend to you a warm welcome.

We are look forward to a great year.


We are looking forward to working with you and your children to make this an excellent school year. Please do not hesitate to contact the school with any concerns, problems or suggestions. It is of paramount importance that we work together to form a strong partnership between our school and home. By working as a team we can provide the quality education that is necessary in today’s world. Please play an active role in the education of our children; it forms the foundation for success for the rest of their lives.


The elementary school day is from 8:00 AM until 2:53 PM. Students should arrive at school between 7:30 and 7:55 AM. No student is permitted at the school prior to 7:30 AM. When you bring your children to school, please make certain they are dropped off only in the designated areas for automobiles; NOT IN BUS CIRCLE. This will help ensure student safety and reduce interference with the flow of the buses. If it becomes necessary to pick up your children at the end of the school day, you should make arrangements to have them meet you in the designated pick up area (3:10 walkers).


Any student wishing to ride a bus other than his or her assigned bus to or from school must have a written permission slip stating the student’s name, home room teacher, the bus number, location of stop, and reason for riding this bus as well as a parent/guardian signature.

All requests must be received before 11:00 AM.


Student misbehavior which distracts the driver is a very serious hazard to the safe operation of the vehicle and jeopardizes the safety of all passengers. The cooperation of parents and students is needed to maintain proper conduct at the bus stops and on school busses. School authorities may suspend a student from the privilege of riding the bus because of disorderly conduct. In the event that a student is suspended from the bus, it becomes the responsibility of the parent to bring student to school and pick up from school at the end of the day.

Free & Reduced Lunch Forms

All parents are encouraged to fill out and return the Free and Reduced Lunch Forms. Parents are also reminded to please turn in all other forms ASAP including: Address Cards, Parent Home School Compacts, Medical Cards, etc.

Breakfast is FREE to all students.

Notes Sent to School

All notes that are sent to school including bus changes and early dismissals need to have the date, homeroom teacher, and your child's first and last name on it.

Home and School Communication

Communicating with your child's teacher is a part of a successful education. If you need to meet with your child's teacher feel free to call the Elementary Office at 754-5021 to set up an appointment. All teachers can also be contacted via e-mail.