Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Parish
Saturday, March 28th
5:00 pm. Jennie Boyd (A), Robert Blackwell,
Buck & Afra Green, Becky Bullock
Sunday, March 29th
7:30 am. Jerry Larkin
10:30 am. Alice Matthews, Charles & Dorothy Milligan,
Eleanor Erler, Dorothy & Andy Combess
Monday, at St. Mary March 30th
(S) 6:00 pm. Bill Farrell
Tuesday, March 31st
8:15 am. Rose Nolan
Wednesday, April 1st
8:15 am . Rita Mae Lannan
7:00 pm. Parish Penance Service .. ..
Thursday, April 2nd
10:00 am. MCNC
6:00 pm. For the People
Friday, April 3rd
3:00 pm. Way of the Cross .
6:00 pm Good Friday Service ..
Saturday, April 4th
6:00 pm. Buck & Afra Green, Robert Blackwell,
Tony Stringer, Mary Matthews Doyle, Paul Sweckard
Sunday, April 5th
7:30 am. Helen Ellis, Mariann Wininger, Donald Mathias,
Marilyn Strange, Beulah Carrico, Ernie Mathias,
Florence Dant, Joseph L Mattingly
9:30 am. Dolores Walker, Mary Leila Livengood, Alma Walker,
Geroge Verlynn Norris, Stanley Hodges, Mary Ann Krodel, Jim Love, Jack Trout, Fred Neukam, Alice Matthews
11:30 am Jim Bowling, Virginia Toy, Paul J. Burch, Jack Norris,
Dr. Steve Downey, Dorothy Acker , Keith Yarnell
Ministers for March 28th / Mar. 29th
5:00 pm. Judy Ader
7:30 am. George Erler
10:30 am. Glenn McAtee
5:00 pm. Patrick Allbright, Dylan Arthur,
Emily Wade, Jace Toy
7:30 am. Jason/Craig Lubbehusen,
Brandon/Bryant Eckerle, Grace Foddrill
10:30 am. Bryce Boyd, Mason Harder, Jake Carrico,
Sean Lents, Luke Nonte
5:00 pm. FD- Donna Van Winkle
SD- Rachel Doyle, Anne Marie Crays
7:30 am. FD- Leo Padgett Family
SD- Annette Taylor, Sandy Divine
10:30 am. FD- Robinson Family
SD- Nancy Consley, Brenda Mathies
5:00 pm. Gerri Schnaus, Amy Todd
7:30 am. Jerry Padgett, Bruce Hawkins
10:30 am. Kay Summers, Linda Cropp
From Our Pastor
My dear friends in Christ,
On Wednesday we celebrated the funeral Mass for Rochelle M. Lents. She was a member of our choir for many years, as well various prayer groups and known to many as a prayer warrior. Rochelle was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and one who will be greatly missed by all of us. Let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
I would like to thank all of those who worked so hard to make my installation and reception such a tremendous success, especially our hospitality committee who prepared the delicious meal. There certainly was a prayerful spirit for the installation and I know that Bishop Thompson was greatly impressed with your presence and participation. A special thank-you as well to our parish staff, the parish council, finance council, the fourth degree Knights of Columbus, the choir, and the ministers of the altar for making this such a memorable occasion. Now that I have been formally installed as your pastor by Bishop Thompson, I ask for your continue prayers that I may be a good leader and servant. It is an honor for me to be your pastor and please let me know when I can be of help to you.
As I have stated before, letters for our Catholic Parish Campaign have been mailed out to all the households. The theme this year is “Whatever is taken up…becomes an instrument of the Spirit.” As you know every parish has its source of income from the weekly collections, whereas the diocese receives its funding to operate from the Catholic Parish Campaign. Many wonderful services are provided to us from the CPC which are administered through the Catholic Center. The bill for our parish this year is $147,470.00 and we ask each family to contribute $330.00 which is based on the number of those who gave $50 or more last year to the parish, divided into the total bill. If you are in the position to do so, please go over and beyond that amount as many of you have in the past. All checks are to be made payable to the Catholic Parish Campaign. Any funds that are raised over and beyond the required amount will stay in the parish. I appreciate very much your ongoing support and generosity.
Sign-ups continue for the new parish directory and we need everyone’s full participation.
May the Lord bless and keep you,
Father Walker.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS:for March 28th/ Mar. 29th.
5:00 pm. Alice Weisheit, Inger Johnson, Pat Daughterty, Julie LaMar, Diane Schutte, Elaine Wade, Donna Ader
7:30 am. Maureen Thomas, Jerry Lubbehusen, Jan McDowell, Bernie Smith, , Kathy Wittmer, Tom Peter, Volunteer
10:30 am. Karen McAtee, Mark Bauer, Kenny Inman, Andy Ringwald, Mary Ringwald, Greg Bateman, Lynn Bateman
Ministers for April 4th/ 5th 5th
6:00 pm. Chuck and Carolyn Buxton
7:30 am. George Erler
9:30 am. Samantha Nelson
11:30 am Volunteer
6:00 pm. Patrick Allbright, Maelee Hawkins,
Jace Toy, Rachel Lents
7:30 am. Brandon and Bryant Eckerle,
Olivia Wininger, Adie Nolley
9:30 am. Carson Rayhill, Logan Jacobs, Lindsey Rasico, Jake Carrico
11:30 am. Volunteers
6:00 pm. FD- Anne Marie Crays
SD- Barbara Stoll, Anne Marie Crays
7:30 am. FD- Helen and Bailey Dearwester
SD- Rita Poirier, Kathy Wittmer
9:30 am. FD-Denise, Corbin, Allie Henninger
SD- Abbie Williams, Lonnie Hawkins
11:30 am. FD- Volunteers SD- Volunteers
6:00 pm. Allyson Mudd, Brandon Eckerle, Linda Cropp
7:30 am. Judy Kluesner, Betty Huelsman
9:30 am. Kenny Inman, Jessica Browder
11:30 am. Jane Carrico, Lynn Bateman
6:00 pm. Charles/Carolyn Buxton, John Crays, Jill Wininger,
Linda Wickman, Janet Matthews, Donna Ader
7:30 am. Sue David, Bernie Smith, George Erler
Jerry Lubbehusen, Peg Neidigh, Tom/Chris Peter
9:30 am. Mary Ringwald, Mark Bauer, Elaine Wade,
Tom Walker, Sue David, Rita Divine, Annette Taylor
11:30 am. Greg/Lynn Bateman, Andy Ringwald, Julie Lamar,
3 volunteers
Youth News with Mark Potts
Thanks to those students who donated their time on Wednesday night before religion class to help stuff eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. Those students were Liz Burch, Max Christmas, Sheldan Christmas, Justin Clark, Emily Crane, Cassidy Esch, Jonathon Hager, Logan Jacobs, and Sean Lents.
Thanks to all the kids and chaperones that came to watch the play, “The Promise” at the Antioch Christian Church. We ended up having 24 students come to watch the production. It was a great time with the kids and the play was amazing! I look forward to going again in the future.
Thanks to Jessica Browder, Justin Clark, Jonathon Hager, and Maddie Strange for coming to help out at the Euchre party on last Monday. They helped serve drinks, count scores, and pass out the awards. The winner of the night was Stephanie McAtee with 66 points, Ruth Ann Norris placed second with 57, Mary Fowler was third with 56 points and Bill Boyd ended up getting the most lones with four.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday after the 9:30 AM Mass. The Hunt will start roughly at 10:45 AM. There will be four age groups: 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12. We will need several student volunteers from the Youth Group to meet at 9:30 AM at the Center to help hide eggs and to help with the Hunt. If you would like to volunteer and help, please let me know! Thanks!!
Religious Education News with Paula Ringwald
Elementary K-6 & 9th Grade (Confirmation Class)
Religious Ed. Classes: 8:45-10:15
Breakfast will be provided. Last class for elem. April 12th. We will be reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the beginning of class.
March 29th : No Class-Spring Break
April 5th : No Class Easter -Egg hunt after 9:30Mass
Vacation Bible School: June 22-26 at 6-8:00pm (More info to follow. If you would be interested in helping, please let me know.)
Confirmation Sponsor Meeting: April 8th at7:00pm
First Communion Practice: April 15th after school.
Confirmation Practice: April 22nd at 8:00pm
Grades 7,8,10,11,12)
Religious Ed.Classes: 7:00-8:15
April 1st : No Class-Spring Break
Rosary: Tues.,Wed., Friday 7:45-8:15am
Adoration: Thursday unless there is a funeral-
Babysitting from 1:00-3:00.
Bible Study:Off for summer break. Resume Sept. 13th
Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service: April 12th @ 2:00
Holy Week Activities: Please join us in as many prayer services as you can.
First Communion: April 19th @ 10:30 mass
Confirmation: April 26th @ 10:30 mass
May Crowning: May 10th @ 10:30 mass
Senior Mass: May 17th @ 10:30 mass
Sunday Religion Class Helpers
April 12th Shannon Burch & Jill Toy
M MUSIC MINISTRY . Children’s Choir: Has ended for the season. We will start up again Sept. 8th
Folk Group Practice: Tuesday at 7:30 pm. We will resume after Easter.
Adult Choirs and Musicians:
Mar. 28/29 5:00 Musican-Mary Cantor-Leslie
7:30 Musican-Sandy Cantor-Carolyn
10:30 Musican-Lynn Cantor-Choir
April 4/5 6:00 Musican-Lynn Cantor-Choir
7:30 Musican-Sandy Cantor-Carolyn
9:30 Musican-Rick Cantor-Paula
11:30 Musican-Krista Cantor-Bob
Sunday Collection Mar.21st /22nd 2015 .
St. John: 255 Envelopes (877 families) $ 8,556.61
Up-Coming Events Ev
This Week at St. John Parish Sunday, March 29th
No Religion Classes – Spring Break
Monday, March 30th
(B) St. Joseph Eucharistic Adoration-9:00am to 1:00
Quilters, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Circle of Peace Prayer Meeting- 1:00 pm
(S) Confessions at St. Mary- 5:15 to 5:45pm
(S) Mass at St. Mary-6:00pm
Kevin Lents presentation of "The Privilege and Obligation of Being Catholic"- 7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 31st
Wednesday, April 1st
(W) St. Martin Eucharistic Adoration-3:00 pm to 7:00pm
No Religion Classes – Spring Break
Thursday, April 2nd
Friday, April 3rd
12:00 Community Good Friday Service at LUMC
Holy Places Collection
Rice Bowl Collection
Quilters 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday, April 4th
Private Confessions- 4:00 pm
Sunday, April 5th
No Men’s Club Meeting
If you would like to donate for the Easter Flowers, please put the offering in an envelope with the name of whom you would like to remember.
If you are a non-Catholic who is curious about our beliefs, practices, or teachings, or if you know someone who is, please encourage them to attend the next Inquiry Session on April 20th at 6:00pm.
Rice Bowls will be collected on Good Friday, April 3
"The Privilege and Obligation of Being Catholic"-on March 30th at 7:00pm in St. John Center. It focuses on why we need to listen and heed the Magisterium of the Church and the importance of evangelization.
Kevin Lents will have copies of his book for sale. It is called: "The Language of Dissent: Answering those who Distort the Catholic Faith". They are $10
The Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, March 31, 5:30 PM CDT, at Saint Benedict Cathedral. At this Mass the holy oils used throughout the year are blessed and consecrated, and the priests of the diocese make a public renewal of their priestly promises to Christ and the Church. All are invited to attend, show your support and pray for the service of our priests, and pray together as a diocese in those holy days leading up to Easter.
St. John Altar Society News-Recently elected officers are: Julie Lagree - President, Nancy Consley - Vice President/Secretary and Francyne Fegan - Treasure.
Group pictures for the parish directory- will be taken in church on Wednesday, April 8 from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm. Please find the activities you are involved in and cone for the picture. Everyone is encouraged to attend to help make the directory a success. .
Wed. - April 8, 2015 6:30 to 7:00PM
Greeters, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans, Ushers, Masters of Ceremonies, Collection Counters, Homebound Eucharistic Ministers, Adult RCIA, Rosary Leaders, Hospitality Committee . .
Wed, April 8th -7:00PM to 7:30PM
Bereavement Committee (Funeral Meals), Parish Council, Finance Committee, Facilities Committee, Christian Mothers, St. Vincent de Paul, Men’s Club, Youth Group, Cemetery
Wed April 8th - 7:30pm to 8:00pm
Bible Study Group, Circle of Peace, Prayer Line Contacts, Retreat Committee, Choir, Choir Directors, Organists, Cants, Folk Group.
Several people have signed up for their portrait session for the directory. If you have not signed up yet, please do so. Remember that you can sign up online or at the back of church after weekend Masses.
Every effort will be made to include shut-ins & Military in the directory. If you know of a shut-in and those who are serving in the Military who would like to be included in the directory please call Stephanie McAtee at 812-295-3835 and she will work with you. .
Volunteers are needed to service as Hosts for picture days. The role of the hosts is to welcome the families, answer questions, and complete some check-in paperwork. Hosts should arrive 10 minutes early for a short training session from the Lifetouch photography team. Out of 40 time slots that we need volunteer Hosts for there are only 5 times left to be filled as the responses has been wonderful. The times remaining open are: Saturday May 9th-9:20 – 12:30
If you would like to volunteer, please contract Annette Taylor at 247-2312 or via email at:
We are currently collecting pictures to include in the activity pages of our parish directory. If you have any pictures from any parish events since July 1, 2014 (Including Baptisms, youth group events, etc.) that you would like to share, please email them to
Remember Them in PrayerPrayer Line Contacts: the office at 812-295-2225
Betty Huelsman 812-636-4465 email:
Rachel Doyle 295-2740 Rita Ash 295-2619
Please pray for all the sick of our parish. /
Peggy Arvin, Mary Charlene Barr, Vivian Beard, Dee Bechtel, Marilyn Beemblossom, John Blanton, Dorothy Blessinger, Linda Blessinger, Michael Bowers, Barbara, Jr., Larry Wyatt Boyd, Clara Bradley, Wanda Bradley, Avaley Braun, Laura Ann Brown, Marilyn Burch, Don & Paul Cave, Scott Dye, Anne Gebhardt, Bobbie Cherry, Linda Cresgy, Fred Doyle, Jim Durlauf, Breana Dules, Georgia Elliott, Curt Elliott, Patricia Ellis, Jean Ellis, Jim Ellis, Philip Erler, Kent Fellers, Lynn Gee, Joyce, Betty, John, Mike Ervin, Jill Ernst, Dorothy Flynn, Jay and Margaret Garrett, Candy Gootee, Dianna Gottwalles, Amanda Grafton, Keith Greenwell, John Griggs, Manfred Groemminger, Jeff Grube, Shanna, Shirley and Wanda Harding, Ellie Hassfurther, Clyde, Helen, Michael, Pat, and Roy Hawkins, Marlin Holt, Reagan Hopf, Paul Hornstein, Pauline Hotz, Jane Hovis, JJ (Jim) Jones, David Johnson, Kathleen and Keith Johnson, Megan Johnson, Irene Kaiser, James Lannan, Norma Lannan, Patty Lannan Louise Lee, Rochelle Lents, Kelly LeTourneau, Mark Lehmkuhler, Betty Lindley, Nancy (Miller) Marlow, Bob McGuire, Wally Mitchell, Jim and Sue Morrison, Alice Myrum, Robin Myers, Jim, Pam, Lucas and Rob Niemeyer, Don Pam Olson, Jon Orth, Riley Osmon, Emil Oster, Pam Owens, John Padgett, Teresa Pevlor, Meg Pew, Betty and Jiggs Pieper, Georgia Anna Ragsdale, Charles Rasico, Judy Rasico, Hyla Richter, John Richardson, Kirk Sanders, Gerri Schnaus, Linda Schwager, Bill, Carson, Jonah, Kenley, Terry Shaw, Carolyn, Eddie, Tony Sims, Mary Lou Sims, Rob Smith, Adam Sorensen, Dale Inez Sorrells, Freda Stringer, Rosemary Stuckey, Marcia Stemle, Susie Stemle, Bonnie Joe Summers, Ed Summers, Maureen Thomas, Troy Tow, Karcyn Trambaugh, Frances Trout, George Templin, Duane Thomas, Tom Wagner, Rob Webster, Rita & Dewey Weaver, Joe Wehr, Bobbie White, Gerald and Ruby Wilcoxen, Alvin & Martha Wilheim & family, Bryan Kristi & Baby, Brooklyn, Katie Wilhelm, Rodney Wright.