Monday, July 13, 2015

Central Branch, Scheide Room –6:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Crum, President; Rhonda Smith, Vice President; Sam Battle, Trustee;

Marilyn Tipple, Trustee; Ray Armstrong, Trustee

Absent: Susanne Dotson, Trustee; Ann Schloss, Secretary; Debbie Kroupa, Trustee

Staff: Lyn Crouse, Director; Carol Campana, Fiscal Officer; Ralph McGinnis, Deputy Director; Terri Miller, Circulation Manager; Frank Szuch, IT/Facilities Manager; Jen Harmon, Marketing & Communications Manager; Kathy Runser, Youth Services System Coordinator; Debby Krejsa, Adult Services System Coordinator; LaKesha Gage, Executive Administrative Assistant

Guest: Jerry Innes, Lorain County Prosecutor

1. Call to Order: Mr. Gerald Crum called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

2. Welcome of Attendees: Mr. Gerald Crum welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3. Public Hearing of Visitors: none

4. Consent Agenda Items:

a) Approval of June 2015 Minutes

b) Personnel Actions

Appointments: none

Resignations: Natalie Amato, Assistant Librarian

c) Donations for June 2015

$138.87 Donated by L. Reisinger Trust (restricted)

d) Memorials for June 2015

$40.00 Donated by Elyria Families of 4Her’s in memory of Ursula Klingshirn

$25.00 Donated by Bob & Carol Struck in memory of Bonnie & Joe Wargo

$25.00 Donated by Alyce Quillin in memory of Janet Eschke

$25.00 Donated by Ann & John Nicely in memory of Janet Eschke

$25.00 Donated by Joan H. VanWormer in memory of Betty Ann Marsh

$50.00 Donated by Don & Joyce Ignatz in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Skillicorn

Resolution 51.15

On the motion of Sam Battle, seconded by Marilyn Tipple, the board unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda.

Jerry Innes answered some questions the board members had about the proper way to request general consulting from an architect.

5. Fiscal Officer’s Report:

Resolution 52.15

On the motion of Marilyn Tipple, seconded by Jerry Crum, the board unanimously agreed to file the 2016 tax year budget and expenditures filed with the Lorain County Budget Commission.

The Fiscal Officer reported:

·  Dollar Bank monies are earning .30% interest

·  A copy of the revision that could possibly increase PLF by $18,000 attached to the report.

·  Margaret Miller has been hired as Deputy Fiscal Officer starts next Monday.

Resolution 53.15

On the motion of Sam Battle, seconded by Ray Armstrong, the board unanimously agreed to approve the Fiscal Officer’s report.

6. Director’s Report: Ms. Crouse reported:


The governor signed the budget including an increase in the Public Library Funding formula to 1.7% of the General Revenue Fund. That is an increase from our previous 1.66%, although still far short of the 2.22% from 1996. As this budget also included a 6.3% decrease in state income taxes, it is uncertain what our actual revenue will be. State Senator Gayle Manning was a strong advocate for us. Thanks to all who took the time to call, write, email or attend Legislative Day. Our message was heard by our legislators and they supported us.


The Memorandum of Understanding with the Lorain County Commissioners to purchase the bookmobile on our behalf was signed on May 19th and the purchase order placed with Farber on June 4th. According to the timeline received from Farber, it will take 22 weeks to get the chassis to the body company. They will have it for approximately 11 weeks. Delivery and training should be on week 46 or approximately April 7, 2016.


WISE: is being assigned a new coordinator by LCCC, which is the lead agency.

KEY: The application for funding for a Resource Center at the Keystone-LaGrange branch was approved in the amount of $2,812.96. This includes funding for a bulletin board for community announcement of KEY events, signage for the resource center, 36’ x 48” wooden bookshelf for KEY items, a collection of books, DVDs and other materials, and promotional materials.

READY, SET, GO: I signed off on the Memorandum of Understanding and the Policies and Procedures document for the collaborative’s application for United Way funding.

LORAIN COUNTY GENERAL HEALTH DISTRICT grant: We have received the Storybook Stroll stations ordered for use at the LaGrange Community Park and prepared the first story for it. The stations will be installed by Park personnel, Deb Krejsa and Frank Szuch. Kickoff is August 1st.

SLOVAK grant: We purchased 20 additional Storybook Stroll stations, which can be moved to various sites and plan to pilot them at West River this summer.


a. Ms. Crouse attended an NEO-RLS workshop on Thursday, July 9 entitled Setting Performance Goals, Evaluations and coaching.

b. Ms. Crouse will be attending an Ohio Library Council training entitled Coaching: A Tool to Enhance Employee Performance and Organizational Continuity on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 | 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at OLC headquarters in Columbus.


Final sealing and striping of the parking lots is completed. I got a note from patron James Canan who said thank you and that the parking lot looks great at Central.


We renewed our Property and Casualty Insurance and Directors and Officers Insurance through Selective Insurance. There was initially a modest premium increase, but we are making several adjustments, including the changes to both LaGrange properties, completion of fingerprinting of all personnel, and adjusting the value of the bookmobile.

Staff Day menus were given to the board members for staff day lunch which is on Sept. 30th.

Lorain County Reads is on Sept. 29th at 6pm featuring Mary Doria Russell, author of ‘Doc’.

Deputy Director, Ralph McGinnis has announced that he will retire in October.

7. President’s Report:

Mr. Crum had nothing to report.

8. Committee Reports:

Friends of the Elyria Public Library-

Ms. Crouse stated that there will be a book pick up next week. There is also no meeting in July.

Friends of the Keystone LaGrange Library-

Ms. Crouse reported that the Keystone Friends, in partnership with the Lakeshore Railway Association will present a Mystery Theater Train on September 11th and 12th. To date, 29 tickets have been sold prior to any rehearsals. Tickets can be purchased online using the promo code ‘library’.

Ms. Harmon announced that the Keystone Friends are doing a raffle and tickets will go on sale in two weeks for $10 each. The raffle is for the January 3rd Browns vs. Steelers game.

Elyria Public Library Foundation-

Ms. Smith shared that June numbers were down considerably for the Foundation. She shared the Smith Bookmobile Fund total. The Foundation members are taking a small sabbatical for the summer. Ms. Smith will keep everyone informed of any changes.

Mr. Battle will be ready in August to announce who is on the committee put together to evaluate the Fiscal Officer and Director.

Building Committee-The committee has reviewed the three architectural proposals and determined that all are qualified.

9. Old Business:

Discuss: Facilities Plan

Resolution 54.15

On the motion of Sam Battle, seconded by Rhonda Smith, the board unanimously agreed to remove the tabled motion of commission the facilities master plan.

Resolution 55.15

On the motion of Marilyn Tipple, seconded by Jerry Crum, the board unanimously agreed to move to seek the three firms that are approved and assess and advise us on providing restrooms on the second floor at West River, determine the appropriateness of an addition with the Bookmobile Garage and maintenance facility at West River, determine the advocacy of relocating the administrative functions to West River, increase space for Central Youth Services, relocating Adult Reference and adding a genealogy and local history room.

10. New Business:

Discuss & Consider: Motion to Amend Bookmobile Purchase Order

Resolution 56.15

On the motion of Sam Battle, seconded by Ray Armstrong, the board agreed by two thirds vote, to modify the purchase order to purchase XLT chassis and cab from Farber, not to exceed the cost quoted by Elyria Ford for the XL chassis and cab.

11. Executive Session: none

12. Adjournment:

Resolution 57.15

On the motion of Sam Battle, seconded by Ray Armstrong, the board unanimously agreed to adjourn at 7:07 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 10, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Central Scheide Room.


President Secretary