- Meet the Teacher Room 17
Welcome to Room 17 and the new school year. I am looking forward to an enjoyable and productive learning year with your child.
Rooms 17 and 18 will be working collaboratively at times this year to ensure that students are best grouped according to their learning needs and interests. Students are grouped in ability levels for reading and numeracy stages for maths between our two classes. At times we will also be working together in other curriculum areas in order to provide the children with the most appropriate learning activities.
Class Routines
School starts at 8.55am. Children must be ready to start at this time. This is important as latecomers disrupt the class programme. Before school children need to have unpacked their bag, sharpened pencils, and placed their fruit break snack and reading folder in their desk. Notices are to be placed in the notice boxes in front of my desk. Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle to school. These can be kept on the back bench so they are able to have regular access to water throughout the school day.
Class Programme
In Room 17 we follow the following programme Monday to Thursday:
- Our first session includes oral language, diary writing (Monday) and maths (Tuesday to Thursday) . Children have an opportunity to share their news on a Monday. Can you please ensure that precious belongings are not brought to school. This is followed by a short fruit break where children eat a healthy snack (apple, carrot, banana etc) while being read a story. This is followed by either maths (Monday) or writing (Tuesday to Thursday) until morning tea time.
- Children eat morning tea at their desks or on the seats outside our classroom from 11 to 11.10am after which they are released to play.
- After morning tea we have reading time. This includes silent, shared and instructional group reading. This is followed by a fitness session.
- Our afternoon programme is made up of Topic, PE, ICT, The Arts, Thinking Skills, Handwriting, Maori Buddy Reading and Library.
- On Friday we have Assembly, Sport, Topic and a Literacy / Maths block. We also mark and send home homework each Friday.
- Our first topic unit of the year is Food for Thought which incorporates Healthy Eating and how we can work together to creative a positive classroom environment.
National Standards
•National Standards are no longer reported on anniversary dates, instead they are the same for all Year 4 children regardless of age.
•Reading 8.5 to 9.5 years reading age (comprehension is very important).
•Maths 5P and 5A - Based on numeracy and other maths topics an OTJ (overall teacher judgement) is made.
•Writing 2B and 2P – the criteria for the different levels are on display in the classroom and each child has their own teaching and learning checklist which is regularly shared with them.
Home Learning Sheet Homework sheets will be sent home on a Friday and need to be returned to school by the next Friday morning (it will not be marked until the following Friday if it is handed in late). If your child completed their homework to an acceptable standard they will receive a sticker on their homework chart. The homework sheet will be clearly explained to the class at school. Depending upon the child you may need to assist your child with parts of the sheet or they may be able to complete the sheet independently.
Spelling Initially children will bring home a list of 6 words which are written on the home learning sheet. They need to learn these words before they are tested by a buddy on the following Friday.
Maths This year Cotswold School will be using the Mangahigh mathematics programme. Another great site in which children can practise their basic fact skills is maths buddy speed skills. I would also appreciate if you could work on basic facts with your child at home e.g. instant recall of addition and subtraction facts, the times tables and division if appropriate.
Reading Children will be involved in an instructional group reading session two or three times a week. Children may have a book over more than one night. No new book will be sent home with a child until their previous book has been returned to school. On the day / days, which your child does not bring a book home from school, can they please read either some of their library book or a book they have at home. This should be recorded in their reading notebook.
Library Our library day is Wednesday. Children are allowed to take home 3 books. There is a library box in our classroom where books can be returned throughout the week.
School Website
Room 17’s class page will be regularly updated and is a great way to keep up to date with some of our learning.
Clothing and other belongings Can you please make sure that your child’s clothing and other belongings are all clearly named.
Sunhats Your child must have a sunhat at school during Terms 1 and 4 or they will be required to sit in the shade at playtime and lunchtime.
Please feel free to contact me at school if you have any queries. I am usually available in the classroom from 8.30 to 8.55am each morning and immediately after school except on Tuesday due to meetings. You may also contact me through email: or on school extension 717. However please be aware that if you do ring during teaching sessions you are interrupting the class and that phone messages may not be cleared quickly.
Contact Details:
Can you please ensure your contact details including email are up to date at the office.
I am looking forward to teaching your child this year.
Nicola Campbell-Fox