Final announcement for course registration

Doctoral course on

Valuation of resources and environmental conflicts

4-13 October 2011, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


1)  Social metabolism and environmental conflicts: Climate change ; Mining conflicts; Oil in the Soil; Food, Tree plantations, Biofuels.

2)  Valuation languages: uses and critique of economic valuation;

TEEB; economic valuation and payment for environmental services

3)  Socially sustainable economic Degrowth -a new social movement. Its alliance with the environmental justice movements of the South.

On the course:

Format for the course is a workshop of 8 days. The core of the course is lectures by Professor Joan Martinez Alier, Barcelona, at present guest professor at Global Studies, GU. Those lectures and a number of additional lectures by other scholars will address the three themes above. Each lecture is followed by a seminar. Participants in the course will present their research for comments in the seminar and write a paper relating their thesis topics to one of the course themes. Participants from all disciplines with research work relating to the course themes are welcome. The setting and format of the course will give the course participants unique opportunities for both in-depth comments and new perspectives on their projects. The course gives 5 ETC points

Lecturers: Professor Joan Martinez Alier, Professor of Economic History and Institutions at the Dpt. of Economics and Economic History, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Professor Thomas Sterner, Environmental Economics, University of Gothenburg

Professor Gunilla A. Olsson, Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Human Ecologist Kenneth Hermele, University of Lund

Course leader: Professor Gunilla A. Olsson, Human Ecology, Global Studies


Detailed time plan will be available in week 36

Registration deadline is 6 September, 12.00

Send registration by email to course leader and include a very brief motivation to how the course is related to your thesis work/professional interests. Number of participants is limited to 15.