Welcome to Physical Science!
I am so excited to spend the next year exploring the awesome world of Physical Science with you! Before we get started, there are a few things you need to know about how the year is going to go.
Course Description:
- This course will use a variety of activities and experiences to introduce the concepts of chemistry, physics and earth/space science. Laws governing our natural world will be explored. Students will use the scientific method and inquiry to discover and investigate scientific concepts. Physical science is a required course, meaning every graduating student from CHS must earn 1.0 credit in physical science (passing both semesters with a D or better). Physical science also meets one of the lab science requirements and prepares the students for the 10th grade state assessment in the areas of reading, writing, math and science.
- It is my expectation that you always give your best. Giving up because it is “too much work” or “too hard” does nothing to help you learn. Identifying your problem areas and striving to work through them is the only way true learning can take place.
- I also expect nothing but respectful interactions. That means you show your fellow students, members of the staff, your teachers, and your environment respect.
- Because we are working in a lab in potentially hazardous situations, safety is of extreme importance. Any student putting their own, or their classmates’ safety in danger will immediately be removed from lab and written up.
- You will arrive on time for class, even though class is in the portable, five minutes is plenty of time to get to class. Three tardies will result in a warning, and four will result in a write up. If a student is more than 10 minutes late to class, it will count as an absence.
- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get anything you missed OUTSIDE of class time. I am available every morning and after school. I also work homework center one day a week. You can also get notes or activities from a classmate.
- Because we are losing some dedicated class time to work on MESA projects, it is expected that you come to class every day ready to work. You are also expected to contribute equitably to your group. Failure to do this, will result in removal from the MESA program.
- Grades will be cumulative for the semester. Homework/Daily work makes up 30 %, Labs are weighted at 30%, and tests and quizzes are weighted at 40%.
- Most Fridays will have a 10 point quiz to ensure you are staying on track. These quizzes will be either online and graded immediately, or on paper and graded in class.
- All homework will be given in a packet on the first day of a unit and due the day of the test. Homework will be assigned each Monday, and due each Friday. Points will be given for completion and effort. You will have a chance to correct your work and fix mistakes made in class. Homework that was not completed on its due date, but turned in by the day of the test will be awarded 60% credit (3/5 or 6/10).
- Labs will be graded on both completion, effort, and correctness. MESA labs will be added in as applicable.
- Test corrections will be offered on all tests. You may come in and fix their mistakes while filling out a te-st correction sheet. They will earn 50% of their missed points back (A 50% can become a 75%, an 80% can become a 90%, etc.) I have the right to not give points if the quality of work is poor, or copying was suspected.
Scope and Sequence
1st Semester
Scientific Method
Mechanical Waves
EM Spectrum
2nd Semester
Mechanical Waves
EM Spectrum
States of Matter
Atomic Structure
Balancing Equations
Nuclear Chemistry
Contact Information
- Marin Hatcher
- Location: Portable 4
- Email: (preferred method of contact)
- Phone: 559-4122
- Hours available: Before school 7:30-8:10, After School 3:30-4:30, During Lunch on Wednesdays and Thursdays (could change depending on Knowledge Bowl and other commitment schedules)
Please bring this home to your parents or guardians to sign, acknowledging they understand the expectations and details of this class. Also, please sign it yourself to show the same. Please bring back to me, along with your MESA paperwork, by Tuesday, September 6th.
Student name (please print)Student signature
Parent/guardian name (please print)Parent/guardian signature