WELCOME to our Worship today. If you are visiting we hope you enjoy being with us, and we invite you to sign the Visitors’ Book. Tea and coffee will be served in the hall after the morning service.The Church and hall have loop systems and those with hearing aids should switch to position ‘T’.

SUNDAY CLUB AND FYF Sunday Club and FYF are now finished for the holidays and will return on 26th October at 10.50am. As always there is a Crèche for pre-school children each Sunday morning.

PRAYER GROUPThe prayer group will meet at 10am on Wednesday22ndOctober in the hall.

PASTORAL CARE TEAMThe Team is able to help you with small household tasks, call for a chat or transport to appointments either to the Health Centre or Raigmore Hospital. We also offer to take you to visit relatives or friends who are in hospital or in residential care. Contact either your elder or the coordinator, Janette Steele (01349 861591),to make arrangements. Remember we do need time to sort out arrangements.

LADIES BIBLE STUDYThis group meets each Wednesday in the small Church Hall at 1.30pm. We continue to study the Ten Commandments. Please seriously think about joining us to study God's word and put into practice His ways. The ladies are very welcoming.

GUILDThe next Guild meeting will be an open meeting at 2pm on Monday 3rd November in the hall when the speaker will be the Rev. Sandy Sutherland who will give an illustrated talk on ‘The 4 Seasons’. This will be followed by tea and coffee and there will be a sales table in aid of Guild funds.

The Guild leadership team will meet on Wednesday 22ndOctober at 3pm at Craigdarroch, Burnside Lane.

COMMUNITY CHOIR The Community Choir meets again on Wednesday 29th October at 7.30pm in the church hall.

PASTORAL DUTIESRev’d Graham can be contacted on 861275 if required for any Pastoral duties.

Services next Sunday

Morning Service at 11.00 am withRev’d Andrew F. Graham
Evening Service at 6.30 pm with Rev’d Andrew F. Graham
Registered Charity no. SCO12675

Order of Service


Sunday19th October 2014

11.00 am

Morning Service

Rev’d Andrew F. Graham

(If you are able, please stand as the Bible is brought in)

Welcome and Intimations

Hymn:197 ‘As we are gathered’

Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Address

Hymn:182‘Now thank we all our God’

ReadingsExodus 33: 12 - 23(page 92in Bible)1 Thessalonians 1:1 - 10(page 1186in Bible)

Hymn: 540 ‘I heard the voice of Jesus say’


Hymn:360 ‘Jesus Christ is waiting’


Hymn: 251‘I, the Lord of sea and sky’


Evening Service at 6.30 pm with Rev’d Andrew F. Graham

Welcome and Intimations

Hymn: 91 ‘Praise the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord’


MP:418‘Lift up your heads’

ReadingDeuteronomy 26:1 - 11(page 203 in Bible)

MP: 1016 ‘When the music fades’

MP: 18‘All over the world’


Hymn:470 ‘Jesus shall reign’


Extra-ordinary God in an Ordinary Life

Are you seeking a more powerful sense of God's presence, but don't know where to find it? A deeper experience of Him, but don’t know how to achieve it? Do you sometimes feel inadequate or let down because you don't get more spiritual 'fireworks'? Join with others on this Retreat Day to discover how we can encounter God in the ordinary stuff of life and meet Him on our everyday paths; to recognise His hand and voice always at work and to know His unfailing love in all things.

The retreat takes place on Saturday 8th November from 10.00am to 3.30pm at the Lighthouse, Hilton, Inverness, IV2 4UA and will be led by Merryn Glover (Author) with support from Steve Aisthorpe (Mission Development Worker). The day will offer insights from scripture, sharing encouragement with each other, communal worship and quiet time alone as we draw closer to God and explore the gifts He has for us, in the here and now.

There is a charge of £15 to cover costs and pre-registration is required.

Tea/coffee will be provided and people are asked to bring their own lunch.

Please book and pay online at

(If unable to do so online, contact Sheila Reeves on 0131 225 5722 or )

CROSSREACH A sample of a CrossReach calendar is available for viewing and a list if you'd like to order. There are also a few catalogues for cards etc. This includes other styles of calendars. Please make a list of anything from the catalogue which you'd like and these can be ordered and collected along with the items on themain calendar list. No money is required until the goods are here. Any questions speak to Janette Steele.

Please take this home with you to
help you with your prayers this week.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1

†Lord, bless those who are ill; be specially near to those who will never be well again; and ease the pain of those whose pain is beyond human skill to help.

†Pray for 100 Christians in Sirisguda, Chhattisgarh state, India who were attacked by Hindu extremists when they challenged their village chief’s decision to deny them food rations because of their faith. Ten believers had to be hospitalised after the vicious assault. Pray for an end to discrimination against these Christians.

†O God, our Father, we remember all this world’s unfortunate ones; refugees without a home and without a state; those who are suffering for their loyalty to some principle which is dearer to them than comfort and than life. Grant that all in trouble may remember your promise that when they pass through the waters you will be with them, and grant that they may find it true. (William Barclay Prayer Book)

†Pray for God to be near you and your family throughout this coming week.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33