Department:GRCC Biological Sciences

Team members:Leigh Kleinert, Sarah Krajewski, Jan Colvin, Jolanta Lanier, Megan Henke


OVERVIEW: a couple sentences summarizing your strategy and approach

Our plan is to provide a range of community engagement opportunities involving both curricular and co- curricular experiences for students in partnership with Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are a two year institution and much like our curriculum, our experiences will focus more on the introduction (exposure to and awareness of) of community engagement.


MEASURABLE OUTCOMES: what will you have accomplished by September 2016?

  • Increase in the number of sections offering service learning
  • Increase in the number of students receiving a service learning designation on transcripts
  • Increase in the number of students receiving service learning/community engagement recognition
  • Increase in the number of faculty in department receiving service learning/community engagement recognition
  • Increase in cross-integration of community partners between sections and courses engaging in service learning.
  • Student attitudes towards community/civic engagement
  • Student understanding of personal, social, and environmental responsibility


ACTIVITIES and TIMELINE: who will do what by when?

Our plan will focus on four main projects.

1. Incorporate service learning into more sections

2. Recognize students and faculty through presentation of certificates

3. Publicize our community engagement efforts through Facebook and bulletin boards

4. Coordinate three events.

1. Community Family Day

2. Darwin Day

3. “How do you make your Community a better place” student contest

Summer 2015

  1. Create bulletin board
  • Created two – one on 2nd floor; one on 3rd floor. Completed in June!
  • EDI Team Meetings (Tuesday, May 26th, Thursday, May 28th, and Tuesday, June 2nd, Monday, July 20th and Tuesday, July 21st)
  1. Plan for Fall:
  • Community Family Day Event $ (create flyer and web- link)
  • Date – Saturday, Nov 21st
  • Create the assessment process
  • Begin Fall Community Engagement Recognition Celebration planning $
  • Launch “How do you make your Community a better place” contest (for Winter)
  • Date – December 11th 1 pm in the Calkins auditorium; booked 348 and lobby
  • Idea for food = hot choc bar
  • Individual work on SL courses $
  • Plan Department Professional Development $
  • use of department funds approved since it is departmentprofessional development
  • Robinette’s booked - will include lunch and hayride
  • Invitations created, address labels made, awaiting proof from printing (7/21)
  • Agenda: “Pitch to Dept” followed by breakout session planning for Family Community Day. Include presentations by Mike, Dillon, and John.
  • Plan “How do you make your Community a better place” contest $ ($300, $200, $100)
  • Move this to Fall.
  • Create posters/advertising in Fall
  • Join Todd and Laurie to EDI team (101 H and training for Todd for possible 151 SL for future)
  • Laurie will include SL in 101 H; have not yet talked with Todd – July.

Fall 2015

  1. Facilitate Department Professional Development
  2. Facilitate the Community Family Day Event on Saturday, Nov 21st
  3. Post Bulletin Board updates as needed
  4. Fall Community Engagement Recognition Celebration planning $
  5. Launch “How do you make your Community a better place” contest (for Winter)
  6. Reserved 348 and lobby for Dec 11th at 1 pm (12 – 2:30 pm)
  7. No food, just hot cocoa bar, cookies from Subway?

Winter 2016

  1. Facilitate Darwin Day
  2. Facilitate Winter Banquet (faculty/student recognition)
  3. Reserved 348 and lobby for April 22nd at 1 pm (12 - 2:30 pm)

Summer 2016

  1. Assess 2015-2016 work and decide if tweaks need to be made for 2016-2017 work

Fall 2016

  1. Repeat work of Fall 2015 with tweaks as necessary


BUDGET REQUEST what expenditures do you anticipate? (wages, equipment, travel, training, etc., up to $5,000). Please usethe spreadsheet provided.

We will use our funding to offset the costs of facilitating events including food, space, printing, etc. Additionally, funds will be used to purchase supplies that will be used for current/future service projects in connection to Immaculate Heart of Mary as well as faculty professional development.

Department:GRCC Biological Sciences
Project Budget Worksheet: list all projected expenses and amounts up to $5,000
Description / Amount / Notes on how expenditures will help achievedesired outcomes
Service Project Materials
(text books, models, lab equipment) / 2000.00 / Purchasing these materials will support multiple service projects with Immaculate Heart of Mary as part of this fiscal year as well as future years.
Faculty and Community Partner Professional Development
(facilitating trainings, food, space, materials) / 1000.00 / Ensure that best practices are being used and that all parties involved are following college policy and procedures.
Community Engagement Recognition
(food, space, printing) / 1000.00 / Rewardsstudentspositive attitudes towards community/civic engagement and understanding of personal, social, and environmental responsibility.
Co-Curricular Community Engagement Events
(food, space, printing) / 1000.00 / Increases student awareness of community engagement and attitudes towards community/civic engagement