Welcome To Our “Serious Distributors” Team

You have seen how phenomenal this machine is. Can you sell it?

The goal is to make as many sales as possible, consequently helping families across the globe reaching optimal health WHILE helping an extremely successful company continue on. The best part is you will be paid very well for your commitment and your efforts. To accomplish this task you will literally give FREE water away and then help people place their order if/when they want a machine. If you have “business-minded” friends, you can even skip the trial period on the water, have them watch the Water Demo so they understand how powerful the machine is and go straight to the “Serious Distributor” tab. Keep it simple!

Remember, you will be paid on YOUR sales AND any team member sales. Can you build a team of people who can sell a few machines and who can find a few business partners? If so, this pay scale applies to you. How fast do you want to move up the ranks? The higher the rank, the larger the paycheck. Keep in mind; it is a permanent pay raise. Here is a summary of the compensation:

1A / 1A / 2A / 3A / 4A / 5A / 6A
1st personal sale / 2nd personal sale / Team Sales
3-10 / Team Sales
11-20 / Team Sales
21-50 / Team Sales
51-100 / Team Sales
$285 / $285 / $570 / $855 / $1140 / $1425 / $1710

If you don’t understand how this compensation plan works, don’t overthink it, but re-watch the videos again and again until it sinks in. I am confident this is a larger compensation plan than you may have ever seen. Go get it! Every sale creates a paycheck, whether it is your sale OR a sale of one of your team members. Yes you understood this right… if one of your team members goes gangbusters and make 1000 sales, you will receive 1000 paychecks from those sales. So will they. This is HUGE! Decide whether you want to jump in partially OR are you ALL IN?

The following guide will give you all the tools for you to go “All In.” Doing the QUICK START GUIDE will help you move through the ranks in the fastest way possible. If you only want to jump in “partially”, then pick and choose how much or how little you want to do. This is YOUR business and you are your own boss. We are here to assist when needed/wanted. We want you to have the tools needed for those that do want to go fast to the top of the pay scale.

The ultimate key is to “Keep it Simple” and “Duplicate”

The next page will be the actual “Steps” to give you a checklist guide.

NOTE: If you bought your machine using an LLC, you need to fax in OR take a picture of your “Articles of Incorporation” and immediately send it to

Serious Distributor QUICK START GUIDE

While you wait for your machine to arrive, let’s get everything lined up.

Check the box when you have the task accomplished.

  1. IF you are going to share water, you are going to need empty water jugs. Finding empty jugs can sometimes be difficult. If your sponsor doesn’t live near you, consider being the one in your area who stores in bulk for the whole team. IF you want to take on that responsibility, a good place to order is from You can get over 425 empty jugs with new lock lids delivered in ONE day for around $400. You can sell them for a $1/jug to your new distributors. This works well IF you are serious and IF you have an extra room or area to store that many jugs. IF you don’t want to take this route, call around and figure out where you are going to get some empty jugs.
  2. Go on our team website to the “Get Yours Free” tab and copy those handouts. Give those to whoever you share water with. We also like
  3. Copy the “labels” handout. It’s fun to print them onto a bright colored paper. They are designed for you to cut them and you can use packing tape and put them on the gallon jug when you give it to people. This is optional.
  4. Make your list of people you want to share with. Who do you want to share water with? Who do you want to share the business with?
  5. When you have your list… GO! If your sponsor lives near you, use their machine and get people started on water immediately. If not, you may have to work on our business list FIRST while you wait for your machine to arrive. There IS a 30 day money back guarantee, so that lessens the risk for people to jump in even without trying the water. Look at stats. Look at history. You don’t run a successful billion dollar business for over 40 years with a bad product. They will love their machine!
  6. Plug into the leaders who have succeeded. We are going to copy them. Get on the E-mail list that will keep you in the loop. To do this, send an e-mail with the subject “Add me to your email list” to Eli & JillinaDafesh at: If you use Facebook, look up EnagicKangen Water Group/Michelle Raley
  7. Plug into Saturday morning training calls from top leaders.

Michelle Raley’s call is at 10:00 a.m. CST. Call 1-805-399-1200 pin 840271#

Eli Dafish’s call is @ 11:00 a.m. CST (212)990-8000 Code: 0808#

  1. The FIRST MONDAY of every month is a worldwide training Webinar! Put it on your calendar right now. If you are going to own this business, you MUST be on this webinar. Think of this as a mandatory training. They never record it. It is understood that only those serious make the time for this training. You will be given updated access info once you are on Eli’s e-mail list. He keeps everyone up to date. More marketing websites will be given at the monthly “Training Boot camp.” You have enough here for now to get you started.
  2. You need to learn as much as possible with any down time you may have. FIRST, go through every tab of our team website
  3. When you get your ID# from Enagic, go to and log in as a distributor and look around at all the info on there. Once you have your ID, the Enagicpassword is: enagic2010 Watch and learn more during times that are “non-revenue producing” times… meaning it is too late or too early to be talking to friends/family on your list. Also, a highly recommended book to read is “Ride The Wave” (Edition 4) by Gerald Kostecka. It will keep you from making any unnecessary business mistakes.
  4. Establish a solid reason WHY you plan to succeed with this. We recommend getting a white board and making your goals visible and making reference to it on a daily basis. This project can literally change your life and it is important to have your plan visible.
  5. For every machine you sale, direct them and insist they go to our team website and at the bottom of “The Machine” tab is IMPORTANT cleaning guide. Make sure they understand everything on there. This is YOUR obligation to make sure they are taught well.
  6. For every BUSINESS BUILDER who joins your team, direct them to THIS document so they have an equal opportunity on being taught well. This is YOUR obligation and will create success if duplicated. If the duplication stops with you, your business will be directly affected. Good duplicates good! Good will make you wealthy!
  7. Set your personal goals IN WRITING. We are excited to have you on our team. We are a team of individuals serious about bringing better health through the consumption of the right kind of water to homes across the entire globe. Everybody drinks water. This is a proven project and we are anxious for all the good you will do. Set your rank goals and go after them:

Rank Goal / Goal Date / Actual promotion date

Change your Water, Change your life… change your finances! GO!

How to build FAST and LONG TERM!

Get your first TWO sales FAST (week one)

To do this:

  1. Sell a machine to someone you know will want the health benefits
  2. Sell the Anespa (shower spa) or Ukon (Turmeric vitamins)

To someone, OR buy it from yourself. Get those 1sttwo positions sold quickly.

Now you are ready. Your next sale you are promoted to 2A and it is game on! Think business partners. Who will see the value of this brilliant patented business plan and run with it? Show them the plan.

Long term: You want to build this so you earn residual income for life, correct? Look at the rank bonuses and let’s be aware of this right from the beginning so as you are building fast and duplicating fast, you are also building LONG TERM.


6A= you have 101 TEAM sales

6A2= you have 2 personally sponsored 6A’s

6A2-2= your 2 6A’s are now 6A2’s

6A2-3 equals 2 6A2-2 distributors

6A2-4 equals 2 6A2-3 distributors

Understanding Bonuses…

RANK / One-Time Bonus / Team Bonuses / Monthly
Bonus / Company
6A / One-time bonus of $3000 the month you hit the rank of 6A / $200 per sale
Beyond 8 points until your next 6A, $50 after that / Monthly “step up” bonus for 6 months / NO
6A2 / One-time bonus of $6000 the month you hit the rank of 6A2 / $200 per sale
Beyond 8 points until your next 6A, $50 after that / Monthly bonuses based on team volume / YES
6A2-2 / One-time bonus of $12,000 the month you hit the rank of 6A2-2 / $200 per sale
Beyond 8 points until your next 6A, $50 after that / Monthly bonuses based on team volume / YES
6A2-3 / One-time bonus of $25,000 the month you hit the rank of 6A2-3 / $200 per sale
Beyond 8 points until your next 6A, $50 after that / $5000+/month / YES
6A2-4 / One-time bonus of $50,000 the month you hit the rank of 6A2-4 / $200 per sale
Beyond 8 points until your next 6A, $50 after that / $10,000+/month / YES

The 2 in 6A2 means how many personally sponsored 6A’s you have.

6A3 means you have THREE personally sponsored 6A’s, 6A4 means 4, etc.

The DASH means how many have become 6A2s.


Let’s review STRATEGY to achieve the highest rank the quickest.

  1. Get 2 quick sales.
  2. Once your 2 quick sales are in, go for business builders. Personally sponsor as many as possible.
  3. Build WIDE and DEEP
  4. Build DEEP by teaching and duplicating this simple plan
  5. Build WIDE by finding more personal sales and starting it over again and again while continuing to help the ones you already started. Work HARD… you can rest later!
  6. Go wide for income and deep for security.
  7. MOST COMMON MISTAKE= stacking too deep. This cuts you out of the pay plan. Always sponsor your own people on your FRONT LINE. Do not give people away!