Village of Dunnottar Age-Friendly Committee


May 17, 2013

Present: Jan Legeros (Chair), David Lobban (Member), George Thompson ( Member), Betty Jackson, Don Bowles (Member), Yvette Sundseth (Member)

Via Conference: Lynne Guicheret

Regrets: Val Swanson, Kate Roed, Doug Newberry

Call to Order / Meeting called to order at 0900 by Jan.
1.0 Introductions and welcome
2.0 Approval of the Agenda / Agenda approved by acclamation
3.0 Minutes of previous meeting / Minutes from April 26 accepted as circulated by acclimation
4.0 Business Arising
4.1 Action Plan
4.2 Community Garden
4.3 VOD feedback request in tax
4.4 Follow up on Mayor’s information
4.5 Grants
4.6 Speed watch program
4.7 Police Academy Volunteers / 4.1 Action Plan updated. Discussion on importance of all ages being involved in age friendly
4.2 Trees have been planted. All garden plots have been spoken for. Division Rd area will be cultivated next week.
Motion to pay Plants Plus outstanding balance of approximately $270.00 for tree project. Motioned by Dave, 2Nd by Don, All in Favour.
Motion to authorize Jan to contact both papers to publish Thank You to all donating partners in Whytewold Park Project, not to exceed $200. Motioned by Yvette, 2nd by Doug, All in Favour.
4.3 Responses are returning
4.4 Tabled
4.5 Tabled
4.6 Jan handed out a sign up sheet for Speed Monitoring Program / 4.2 Motion Carried
Motion Carried
4.6 Jan will set up a Doodle: Link for Poll
5.0 Financial Statement / Doug presented Financial Statement.
Motion to accept Statement as presented: Motioned by Dave, 2nd by Don. All in favour / Motion Carried
6.0 New Buisness
6.1 Conference
6.2 Playground Equipment
6.3 New Sign Funding / 6.1 Dave gave presentation on conference attended
6.2 / 6.3 Received as Information: Signs have been developed by a Village Resident ( I <3 VOD) cost is $10 per sign with 3-4 dollars going to a playground fund. Same group of residents would like to establish community fundraising for the playground. ie collection boxes
7.0 Communication / .
8.0 Round Table / 8.1 Concern was expressed that the Age Friendly signs are not treated on the back and may be suffering water damage. Signs may have to be taken down and painted in the back
8.2 Discussion on Senior and Youth band. / 8.2 Add Senior/Youth band to agenda.
9.0 Next Meeting / June 21, 9am
10 Meeting Adjourned / Meeting Adjourned 10:45 by Jan