WELCOME TO A NEW TERM. The children, as always, are a great credit to you in their uniforms and black shoes. Skirts, pinafores and trousers are always grey. Please label your child’s clothing, bags, water bottles and packed lunch boxes, as this helps considerably when identifying lost items.

I extend a warm welcome to our 40 new P1's who started straight away as full time pupils. Even within a few weeks, the children are settling in and getting to know the routines of the school. I extend a very warm welcome to all our new Parents and Carers and thank you sincerely for your recent patience and support at the school gates and in and out of school.


Mrs K Somerville HT

Mrs A Harley DHT

Mrs C Poutney PT

Room 1 P1 Mrs McNally

Room 2 P1 Mrs Vaugh

Room 6 P2 Miss Kennedy

Room 9 P2/3 Mrs Jaconelli

Room 10 P3 Miss McLuskey

Room 11 P3/4 Miss McGuinness

Room 12 P4 Miss Mackinnon

Room 13 P5 Miss McKendry

Room 14 P5/6 Mrs McCann

Room 15 P6/7 Mrs Cassidy

Room 16 P7 Mrs Hodgson

Nurture Mrs A Bradley

McCrone Mrs S Bradley


Orbiston Nursery - 40 / 40

Mrs K McAvoy - Nursery Teacher

Mrs H Stewart - Lead Early Years Practitioner

Mrs K Roberts - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs R Quigley - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs L Gray - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs M McLaughlin - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs L Cassidy - Early Years Practitioner

Sacred Heart Nursery - 20 / 20

Miss E Brown - Nursery Teacher

Mrs K Montgomery - Early Years Practitioner

Miss A Nicol - Early Years Practitioner

Clerical Support

Mrs C McGuire (Mullen, recently married) Manager

Mrs E Thompson

Mrs D Cozzari

Mrs C Bruin

Sacred Heart Primary / Nursery - 01698 274903

Orbiston Nursery – 01698 274929

Looking back…


Well done to SHP, SHN and Orbiston N in Partnership with the YMCA and Community Learning and Development in achieving the Scottish Education Award for 'Transforming Lives through Partnership' and our Enterprise Award for 'Social Enterprise in Education'. Essentially the awards recognise the hard work and dedication we share in supporting our Families and Pupils through 'Lunch Clubs' 'Outdoor Play and Learning' within the community. With your continued help and support, we aim to build on our successes throughout this year.

AWARDS' DAY – Friday 19th June 2015

Throughout the year we raised money for our Charity work. Thanks to your generosity and support we were able to present many cheques including;

MISSIO - £200


Rebuild for Bosnia - £200

Let the Children LIVE - £200

The White Fathers - £200

SCIAF Wee Boxes - £460.63 doubled to £921.26 tax aid


We will be working towards these recommendations to further improve the quality of the Learning and Teaching and provisions in our School and Nurseries. Look out for information in our foyers and in our daily work and invitations for your support to track all our achievements.

Improvement Priority 1: Year 2

To develop the learners’ knowledge and skills in Technologies at Early, First and Second stages, consistent with the principles and practice document, building confidence in its use and application to enhance learning and teaching across the curriculum.

Improvement Priority 2: Year 1

To raise awareness of implementing ‘Modern Languages' at Early, First and Second stages, consistent with the principles and practice proposals from Education Scotland 'Language learning in Scotland a 1+2 approach'

Improvement Priority 3: Year 3

To continue to embed quality systems and processes in raising attainment and recognising achievements for all learners by effective monitoring, planning, moderation and tracking of assessment while reporting these to inform pupils' of their 'next steps' in learning.

Improvement Priority 4: Year 1

To continue to embed an inclusive ethos for all pupils, by creating a Communication Friendly Learning Environment throughout the School, Nurseries, Nurture class and public display areas.


P5 will attend Bellshill Baths each Thursday morning from March 2016 as part of their ‘Swim and Gym’ sessions. This class year will also work with the KODALY music expert fortnightly starting on Tuesday 25th August in the school and throughout the year.


Parents and Carers are reminded that the Car Park is for Staff and Deliveries of Goods. It is busy and dangerous. As a matter of urgency, NO pupil should be in the Car Park. For pupils’ safety, I urge you to make alternative safe route arrangements.


When walking to school or Nursery, please encourage your child to use the safe route which is the footpath from the childrens’ entrance and the ramp to the Infant playground for P1, P2 and Nursery or straight to the Main Playground for P3 to P7.

In the mornings if you are waiting until the bell rings, could I ask that parents stand outside the perimeter fences; on Liberty Road, back gate or Middle gate for P3-7. At the end of the day please stand on the path at Liberty Road or again behind the back gate.

There is a daily adult presence in the playground from 8.50am.


On wet or inclement mornings, staff will allow all pupils access to the school Hall by 8.50am but not earlier, unless pupils are attending the Breakfast Club at 8.30am. Rm 1 and Rm 2 will then be escorted to their class by staff.


Please remember that all pupils in P1 - P3 are entitled to a free meal each day. This does NOT include Tuck Shop and Breakfast. Our dining Hall opens at 8.30am for the Breakfast Club which costs 20p for everyone. Mrs Skelton, our Senior Catering Assistant prepares a variety of breakfast food and snacks for morning break and organises the daily menu from our 'Hungry for Success' lunches. Mrs Dixon is on hand to assist with Breakfast time and with ‘top up cards’ and payments.

Please keep the swipe cards ‘topped up’ to cover costs. If there is a note sent home for cards short of money, please attend to this as quickly as possible.

Please keep the school menu handy at home.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


Please remember that we have children attending school with ALLERGIES TO NUT PRODUCTS. Do NOT send nut products into school. Be extra vigilant when supplying snacks and biscuits and always read the ingredients on packaging.


If at anytime you suspect your child is allergic to any food, please contact the school and Catering Manager to arrange a meeting to discuss your child's needs.


The Ev5 form has been sent out to every child to check contact details and are due in by Monday 31st August 2015. If there are any changes to addresses or phone / mobile phone numbers thereafter in the course of the year, please contact the school office immediately to update our information.


Staff will continue to notify the office each day of pupil absences. We will continue to text or telephone you to enquire about an absence. If you know that your child will be absent, you should telephone the office on the first day. Always write a note to the teacher on return, explaining the absence for our records. NL attendance targets are 95% or above. We will continue to track and monitor attendance on a weekly check for our Assembly class awards and in partnership with our Attendance Officer.


Every effort should be made to avoid family holidays and breaks during term time as this both disrupts the child’s education and reduces progress and pace of learning. Absences will be classified as authorised only in very exceptional circumstances (see school handbook) and with prior agreement and consultation with the Head Teacher.


Lateness can occur unexpectedly in family situations but should be avoided at all times. In exceptional circumstances where rare and unexpected lateness occurs, again you should telephone the school office to inform them of the situation. We will then know to expect your child in school and NOT text home to enquire of an unexplained absence.

Persistent lateness, however is another matter and will be monitored by the school to ensure that all pupils receive the best possible start to the day. Letters will be sent home to ask for your support where pupils are regularly arriving in school late. NO child should be walking to school late, unsupervised and without an adult explanation. It is always our duty of care to investigate these incidents.

PE kit

Children should wear shorts and tee-shirts or sweatshirts and a change of footwear. No football colours or logos please for any items for school ie bags, pencils, rulers etc. Details of which can be found in the School Handbook.

Jewellery should be removed for PE. Earrings should be removed by the pupil and hooped ear-rings are not allowed. We discourage jewellery on PE days.


We discourage the use of mobile phones and expensive electronic devices in school. If you value them, keep them safe at home. For Emergency contact, a parent can request to fill in a consent form allowing their child the use of a mobile phone. This request is for senior pupils only. Mobiles should be switched off before entering the school building and handed over to the school office immediately, where they will be locked away. Pupils should collect the phones at the end of the day from the school office, switching them back on beyond the perimeter fence.


We will welcome 36 of our Primary 7 children and receive them as Monitors at a special ceremony on Friday 28th August. They will hand over their pledges and in return received their monitoring badge of honour. Two additional P7 pupils for each House will also be nominated by their peers as House Captains for this term, modeling ‘excellent’ behaviour and achievements for all.

All pupils will shortly be starting up the excellent work in Global Citizenship including;

ECO, Health Promotion, FAIRTRADE, ICT / GLOW

GARDEN CLUB and Charities etc

In addition, some pupils will represent us on the PUPIL COUNCIL and JRSO – Junior Road Safety Officers

Our new Committee; the Gardening Club will be developing our Open Spaces to promote ‘Outdoor Play’ and ‘Outdoor Learning’. All Staff and pupils will be developing this project throughout the year through our class work, playtimes, out of school classes and by encouraging

Parents / Carers / Grandparents who have an interest in the Outdoors and would like to volunteer their expertise. We were delighted when we returned to school to see the vast amount of produce grown ie potatoes, runner beans, cabbages, sprouts, carrots and fruit that were harvested last week. Our Focus on Food area will be transforming these into Seasonal Meals.

We will be applying for Funds and Grants to develop the outdoors. We are looking for volunteers who have some time to spare in this project. If you are interested please contact the school Office to add your name and contact details to our list of helpers. Tel 01698 274903


The next Meeting for the Parent Council will be Wednesday 9th September 2015 at 7pm. As always we will be looking for new Parent Council representatives and will send out a letter of interest soon.


The PFA are Staff and Parent volunteers who fundraise throughout the year for School funds. With their help we have been able to purchase iPads and ICT equipment, subsidies Pantomime trips and purchase new resources. Please come along and support the PFA at our next meeting on Wednesday 23rd September at 7pm in the school. You are all welcome.


Parents and Carers of P1 are invited to two workshops at the start of the year to help support the great work in our Early Years classes on Wednesday 2nd September and Wednesday 9th September from 1.45pm – 2.45pm. These are crucial information events that will help and inform you of the Early Years curriculum and Homework strategy.

(Letters to follow)


The office have received some magnetic board orders from P1 parents. If you have ordered one and not paid for it yet, please visit the school office to settle your bill and receive the board.

Community Learning and Development

Lucy Roy introduced me to David Hagerty, our Community Learning Development Officer and I look forward to working with him in our community.


Cardinal Newman Staff will be visiting the school to work with our Primary 7 pupils. I will liaise with Cluster HT’s and local Secondary school HT’s to plan out the transition work for the year ahead.


Monday 9th Nov – Friday 13th Nov 2015

P7 Parents and Carers were invited to an Information evening on Tuesday 26th May at 6pm, to find out more about KILBOWIE. Soon P7 will be conquering and achieving many things including the weather, travel sickness, a mountain or two to climb, Gorge Walks, Skiing, Canoeing, managing suitcases, keeping rooms tidy, tackling the duvet cover and many more exciting adventures.

Primary 6 will Monitor and Buddy in their absence.

Good luck to them all!


The school photographer will visit all classes on Tuesday 8th September 2015 to take Class photographs and individual photos of all P1 and P7’s. Leaflets to follow.

DANCATHON and Dress down Day

Staff and Pupils will be dancing in a Dancathon to raise school funds on Thursday 24th September, where we will all be dressed to impress. A sponsor form will be supplied to every family and we are asking for £5.00 minimum per family or £3.00 minimum per child to enter the fun of the day. In these difficult financial times I thank you for supporting our school and know that every penny raised will be spent on providing the very best for our pupils.