Welcome to Nursery!

We are delighted to welcome Rachel, Arron,Caden, Grace, Ayan, Zac, Georgia, Rosie and Noahtheirfamilies to Chatelherault Nursery. The children have been responsible citizens by helping their new friends get to know the routines and rules.

Context for Learning

Our next theme will be ‘Shops and Shopping’. As always this was voted for by the children in their ballot. This helps us to ensure personalisation and choice, a key princincple of Curriculum for Excellence. The nursery team will be working with the children to plan their learning and we welcome you complete and return the ‘planning in partnership’ form to support the planning process.

Fundraising - ‘Thank You’

With the money raised from the sponsored walk, we have purchased a new piece of technology. Our new music system will enhance music and literacy across the nursery. Our new wireless headphones will enable the children to access music and talking books across the playroom. Thank you for your generous contributions!

Target Setting and Personal Plans

We recently held parents’ consultations to review the children’s learning, set new targets and to update the Personal Plans. If you were unable to attend, please arrange an alternative date with your child’s Key Worker.

Happy Birthday

In the past few weeks we wished ‘happy birthday’ to James, Simone, Zachary, Brooke, Liam, Samuel, Cameron, Leia and Lewis.

Compliments and Suggestions

Thank you to those parents and carers who have shared compliments or suggestions. We act on the feedback we receive to ensure we continue providing you and your child with a high quality service.

Outdoor Learning - Can you help?

As you know the development of the outdoor area is an ongoing project. To further enhance the space and promote creativity and curiosity we are looking for a kitchen sink unit, ginger bottle crates, a bath, plastic bath panels, hoses, funnels and a microwave that we can reuse or recycle. A ‘Can you help’ poster is displayed on the parental involvement board and we welcome all contributions.

Nursery Outing

In planning ahead to the Summer term, we are asking for suggestions about a venue for the nursery outing. This will enable the nursery team to arrange a children’s vote. Please add any suggestions to our poster by Friday 26th February.

S.H.A.N.A.R.R.I Health Wellbeing Indicators

Through our characters Respected Roisin and Included Ivy, the nursery team have will be working with the children to understand how they can show respect to others at home and in nursery as well supporting them to identify ways to include others in their play.

Right of the Month

As part of our ongoing work on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (U.N.C.R.C.) we are focusing on Article 7: Every child has the right to a name and nationality. This has been developed through learning about Scottish culture, food and traditions. The staff will be taking this forward in February by focussing on ‘The right to a name’.

Position Statement of the Month

Thank you to those parents who commented on our position statement of the month. The staff will the feedback to review and update our position statement. This month we invite you to share your views on our ‘Accident and Incident’ position statement as part of our self-evaluation process. This is displayed on the Parental Involvement board along with comment slips.