WELCOME to NMS. We are excited to have you as Rangers.
Please read the handbook so you will know the expectations, policies and procedures to equip us all to have a successful year.
What does it mean to be a Ranger?
We do right because it is right
We knowour duty and strive to do it well
We are trusted friends
Wechoose to always uphold the prestige and honor of being a Ranger
We do whatever it takes, one hundred percent and then some
We are built tough
We are well educated
We are responsible for ourselves and assist others as needed
Principal: Dr. Karen Loy
Assistant Principals:
Amelia Baker
Kristina Shelton
Taiwo Sutton
Dr. Stephanie Taylor
Northwest Middle School
Mission Statement
The Northwest Middle School Community will provide educational, emotional, andwellness opportunities for students to learn and demonstrate Knox County Schools and Tennessee state academic proficiencies, as well as, empathy, respect, and responsibility as they move forward in their lives; preparing all student college and careers.
All students at NMS will have language arts, mathematics, social studies and science. Core classes are 75 minutes long. Students will attend related arts classes on a rotation: health, physical education, art, music and technology. Student may also be assigned tovarious academic accelerated and remedial classes. Students who are academic skills are weak in reading or math will attend intervention classes. NMS students utilize technology across all curriculum areas. Honors classes are offered in all core content and several related arts classes. Consult with student service personnel for assistance in academic and social concerns and planning.
Nacole Gwathney, School Counselor
Dr. Kitty Pruett, School Counselor
Robin Smith, Social Worker
Brian Tunstall, Social Worker
Parents are welcome at Northwest Middle School. We encourage you to visit teachers and classrooms, and we are happy to schedule these appointments for you. We highly protect your student’s instructional time. All visitors must report, sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge before moving about the building. Safety of the school is always a priority. Parents are welcome at Northwest Middle School. We encourage you to visit teachers and classrooms. We arrange these visits with appointments. Safety of the school is always a priority. Only individuals on a student’s list for pick-up who have a picture identification to see or check out a student.
AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is a national program being implemented at Northwest that is designed by middle school teachers, high school teachers, and college professors to help students become better prepared for a four-year college or university. The program impacts the school environment by implementing innovative teaching strategies in all classrooms through our commitment to preparing all students for college and careers. In addition, specialized classes are offered for some students. These are designed for students who have a GPA of 2.0-3.0 (in the B-D+ range). The idea behind it is teaching more study skills and strategies to help students excel in their academic courses along with better preparing them for future goals such as entering a four-year college or university. It challenges students to think and apply what they have learned rather than to just look for the correct answer. AVID also helps students gain confidence in their public speaking abilities as well as their abilities to recognize what they need as students to help them learn and understand. Along with these skill-enhancing goals, AVID students participate in field trips to universities, meet guest speakers who come in and present their careers, and involve the Northwest community in service learning opportunities to help benefit society as a whole. AVID students leave middle school with confidence in themselves and an academic foundation they can use in preparing for their future.
At NMS all students eat the full USDA breakfast and lunch free. No payment is needed. Additional food items are available for purchase.
Kim Waller, Librarian
Students must have an Acceptable Use Policy turned in to the media center before accessing the internet anywhere in the school. Students violating the rules specified in this policy and other library expectations will have computer privileges revoked and the appropriate consequences will be applied. Books may be checked out for a two-week period. Students may have only two books checked out at any one time. An overdue fine of five cents per book/per day will be charged for all overdue books. Fines for overdue, lost or damaged books must be paid before additional materials may be checked out or report cards are released. Library books may be renewed for an additional two-week period unless the book is on reserve for another student or teacher. Electronic books are now available for digital checkout for most personal electronic readers.Students may print from library computers. When accompanied by a teacher, the first black and white printing is 10 cents per page. See staff to pick up items you have printed.
Northwest Middle School has the following officially sponsored athletics: basketball, track, cheerleading, dance team, and step team. There are other “club sports” that are not officially sponsored by NMS. They include: football, volleyball, baseball, softball, and soccer. Participation on school-sponsored athletic teams is a privilege. Not only do all school rules apply, but an even higher standard ofexpectations is placed on these students since they represent the school at various events throughout the county. The administration and coaches reserve the right to use participation on the various teams as a form of discipline. Coaches are the ones that ultimately decide who makes the team, who plays, and how much they play. Clubs are available for students: chess, robotics, art, technology, student government, National Junior Honor Society, Lego, etc. Most of these meet after school.
Attendance is an essential part of your child’s education. No make-up work can replace the experiences missed by not being at school. When a student must be absent, it is the responsibility of the parent to send a signed note or medical/doctor’s note with the student explaining the circumstance of the absence.Absence notes must have the following information:
- Student’s full name
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence
- Parent Signature
- Daytime phone number(s) to verify and/or clarify the note if necessary.
In case of extended absences (five days or more), parents may request make-up work from the front office so that the work can be completed while the student is absent. Please give at least a one-day notice before coming to pick up the work. Students are responsible for turning in the absence note to the front office or student services. An orange basket is marked for this purpose.
The east side of the building is reserved for buses only before and after school. Car riders are to be dropped off and picked up at the front entrance only. The west side of the building is a public park and not monitored by school personnel. Parents must not drop off students prior to 7:30 am. No staff is available for supervision.
ARRIVAL - Students must enter the building and report to their grade level designated area. At 8:00 students are dismissed to their home rooms for Breakfast in the Classroom. Students may not leave after entering the building unless a parent or guardian checks him or her out of school following the correct procedure.
AFTERNOON DISMISSAL - Students will be dismissed from the school by announcements. First load bus riders are dismissed at 3:30. Car riders and walkers are dismissed at 3:35. Walkers must leave the school immediately. Students who leave campus cannot return unless they are involved in an approved after school activity. Second load bus riders are held in supervised common areas until the buses arrive. After 3:45 all students must be picked up on the east side of the building.
All students will be assigned a locker for use. It is advised that the student places a lock on it. If a lock is used, a key or the combination must be given to the 5th period teacher. Lockers that students cannot use due to a lock will be cut off. Lockers are property of KCS and can be searched at any time.
If it is necessary to check a student out of school before 3:00, a parent, guardian, or person listed on the student’s Emergency Card must present a valid driver’s license or other form of picture identification when arriving in the office. The identification will be photocopied, the Emergency Card will be checked to confirm that the person has authority to pick up the student, and then the Early Dismissal Log will be signed in order to document the early dismissal of the child.Students will not be released to anyone unless they are on the Emergency Card. Please make sure anyone you want to have the authority to check your child out is on the card so that it will not cause a problem at a critical time. Call the school periodically to update the Emergency Card whenever changes need to be made.
After 3:15, it is not feasible to check out a student due to the fact that cars are waiting in the parking lot for 3:30 dismissal and students and faculty arepreparing for dismissal. By the time the parent/guardian completes the process of signing the student out, the student is located, collects their belongings from their locker and/or classroom, walks to the office to signs out, it is dismissal time.
NMS is entering its second year as a Great Schools Partnership-sponsored Community School. Through various community partnerships, Northwest students and families enjoy a number of resources that support academic achievement, extracurricular exploration, and physical and mental health. Among these partnerships are a number of local churches, businesses, institutions of higher learning and other organizations. The Boys and Girls Club of America offers our students a wealth of services including tutoring, sports and clubs, mentoring and enrichment and operates after-school and summer care in our building. This care is free to all students, with transportation by bus provided in the evening. Our Community Schools Resource Coordinator is Liz Thacker.
Students should bring basic school supplies to school each day: paper, pencils and notebooks. Students are permitted to bring personal electronic devices and accessories to school for use before and after school. These items include, but are not limited to: cell phones, iPads, computers, CD players, MP3 players, video game systems, video games, CDs, DVDs, iPods, etc. If they become a distraction to the educational process, they will be confiscated. After a second offense only parents may pick up theitems.Other appropriate consequences may apply. It is not the school’s responsibility to replace any lost, stolen or traded item considered contraband. However, we may assist in an investigation.
Disciplinary Terms andDefinitions
Confiscation: Items that are prohibited on school grounds or are a distraction will be labeled as to ownership and turned over to the office. These items may be returned to the student or parents at the Administrator’s discretion. (Note: beepers, cell phones, etc. may be turned over to Knox County Security.)
Hazing: Name-calling, inflammatory or disrespectful remarks, harassment (verbal or physical) is prohibited at all times and is subject to disciplinary consequences.
In School Suspension (I.S.S.): I.S.S. is a consequence sometimes given for inappropriate behavior. This consequence involves placement of the student in a special class for at least one-half day with a designated staff member. Students are expected to complete regular academic assignments, participate in some form of school service, and follow the schedule and guidelines outlined by the staff member in charge.
Out of School Suspension (O.S.S.): This is a consequence given for persistent misbehaviors of such a serious nature as to warrant being prohibited from school attendance. Students who receive O.S.S. are subject to the following rules:
- The student is not allowed on campus at any time.
- The student is not allowed to attend any school function, including, but not limited to, athletic events, dances, or school performances.
Long Term Suspension: Any out-of-school suspension that is longer than four consecutive days is considered “long term.” A disciplinary hearing will be held before any long-term suspension has been given.
Initial Hearing/Disciplinary Hearing: When information is received by the Administration indicating that a student has committed a violation that could result in a suspension of more than four days, meetings will be scheduled for the following purposes in the order given below:
Hearing Notification (Includes Administrator and Student + Parent/Guardian)
- To present information concerning the violation.
- To hear the student’s statement or statements of others who may have information relative to the violation.
I.E.P. Team
- To determine if violation is a manifestation of the Special Ed certification.
- To determine if placement/programming is needed.
Disciplinary Hearing (For Special Ed. if not manifestation and all regular Ed.)
- To determine guilt or innocence.
- To determine the appropriate consequences for the violation.
Search and Seizure: According to Knox County Board Policy Handbook (JCAB), school lockers, backpacks, pocketbooks,etc. are subject to search. (Guidelines concerning such searches are outlined in the Knox County Policy Handbook available in the school office.) Parents will be contacted after the student is searched.
Zero Tolerance Policy
According to Knox County Board Policy Handbook JCCC2:
In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment free of drugs, violence and dangerous weapons, any student who engages in the following behaviors shall be removed from the baseschool for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year.1 The Director of Schools has the authority to modify this suspension requirement on a case-by-case basis. Zero tolerance acts are as follows:
Any student who while on a school bus, on school property or while attending any school event or activity:
- unlawfully possesses a legend drug or any other controlled substance; or
- knowingly possesses a firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921; orc.
- commits aggravated assault on a teacher, a School Resource Officer (SRO), an officer of the law assigned to patrol a Knox County School property or other employee of the school system.
It is the Board’s intent that the Director of Schoolsexercise his power to modify and ensure that no student shall be out of school for more than two semesters for a zero tolerance offense. The Director of Schools shall consider each zero tolerance case for placement in the alternative school program.
Restricted Areas
Students are not allowed in the following areas:
- Parking lots during school hours without administrative permission.
- Rooms or areas designated “Staff Only.”
- Any unsupervised area during classes w/o permission.
- In the building after 4:00 without staff supervision for a school activity..
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying or Cyber-bullying
Knox County Schools prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation,bullying and cyber-bullying.1,2Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate students in a safe and orderly environment. All Knox County School’s staff is responsible for ensuring this is faithfully implemented in all areas under their purview or direct supervision.
“Cyber-bullying” means bullying undertaken through the use of electronic devices;
“Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any act that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities or performance, and:
If the act takes place on school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided equipment or transportation or at any official school bus stop, the act has the effect of:
- Physically harming a child or damaging a student’s property;
- Knowingly placing a student or students inreasonable fear of physical harm to thestudent ordamage to the student’s property;
- Causing emotional distress to a student or students;or
- Creating a hostile educational environment; or
If the act takes place off school property or outside ofa school-sponsored activity, it is directed specifically at a student or students and has the effect of creating a hostile educational environment or otherwise creating a substantial disruption to the education environment or learning process.
Students who feel they are being harassed, bullied or intimidated may report this concern to any teacher or school administrator or the office of the Superintendent using any means of communication with which they feel comfortable.
Consequences and appropriate remedial action for students who commit acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying may range from behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion. The appropriate action will be consistent with established Board Policy, case law, Federal and State statutes.
To view this policy (JCADA) in its entirety visit:
Guidelines for Medication
No medication of any kind shall be self-administered by students, even with the assistance from school nurses or other school personnel, except when medication must be given on a long-term basis and is necessary to be given during school hours in order for the student to remain in school. Over the counter (O.T.C.) medications are included in these regulations. Any student who is required to take medications must comply with the following regulations: