Welcome to Lifesong for Growth and Wellness!

If your child is ______client,

this is for you.

Please complete the attached paperwork and have your insurance card ready to be copied.


Therapy sessions are scheduled for 45-50 minute time slots. We recognize your time is important and will do our best to end sessions in a timely manner so as not to keep you waiting.

As we strive to honor your time, we ask that you honor our time. Please give 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep your appointment or you will be billed our hourly rate for that missed session.

Remember we have a small waiting room and ask you to be courteous to other clients and the front desk by not bring unnecessary people to your appointments. If you need to take a call on your cell phone please be thoughtful and take the call outdoors.

Please supervise your children. Children under 10 should not be left in the waiting room without an adult. Should you need to meet with your child’s therapist privately, please bring an additional adult along with you to the appointment to sit with your child.

We look forward to walking alongside you. Make yourself comfortable and your therapist will be with you shortly.

Children/Adolescent Clinical Information

NAME: ______DOB: ______AGE: ______DATE: ______

What concerns for your child brought you to Lifesong? ______


q Attended preschool qHighest grade level completed_____ q Learning Problems qIEP qGifted q School Activities

Present School: ______Years At Present School:______

FAMILY INFORMATION Please list parents, siblings, stepparents and significant family members in child’s life

Name / Relationship to client / Age / Grade /Occupation / Please state any problems child has with this person

Is there any family history of mental health concerns? q Yes q No If yes, please explain:

Is there any family history of alcohol/drug concerns? q Yes q No If yes, please explain:


MEDICAL DOCTOR(S): ______PHONE(S): ______LAST EXAM: ______

Do we have your permission to contact your child’s doctor to coordinate care? q Yes q No

Problems during pregnancy? qYes q No Drug or Alcohol use during pregnancy? qYes qNo

Problems during birth? qYes qNo Developmental milestones normal? qYes qNo

PAST/PRESENT MEDICAL CARE (Specify: major problems, accidents, hospitalizations, current medication):


Please list Outpatient and Inpatient Behavioral Health Services your child has received

Provider / Dates / Reason / Outcome

Is your child presently taking medication for emotional/behavioral difficulties? qYes q N0 If yes, please list:



Parents divorced
q Yes q No / Recent move
q Yes q No / Recent change in schools
q Yes q No / Problems at school
q Yes q No / Recent change in peer group
q Yes q No
If parents are divorced, what are custody arrangements?
If parents are divorced, who has primary custody?
If parents are divorced, is the other parent in agreement to counseling? qYes qNo Custody case pending qYes qNo
Has your child experienced a traumatic event? qYes qNo

Child Therapy Contract

Prior to beginning treatment, it is important for you to understand my approach to child therapy and agree to some rules about your child’s confidentiality during the course of his/her treatment. The information herein is in addition to the information contained in the Patient-Therapist Agreement. Under HIPAA and the APA Ethics Code, I am legally and ethically responsible to provide you with informed consent. As we go forward, I will try to remind you of important issues as they arise.

One risk of child therapy involves disagreement among parents and/or disagreement between parents and therapist regarding the best interest of the child. If such disagreements occur, I will strive to listen carefully so that I can understand your perspectives and fully explain my perspective. We can resolve such disagreements or we can agree to disagree, so long as this enables your child’s therapeutic progress. Ultimately, you will decide whether therapy will continue. If either of you decides that therapy should end, I will honor that decision, however, I ask that you allow me the option of having a few closing sessions to appropriately end the treatment relationship.

Therapy is most effective when a trusting relationship exists between the therapist and the patient. Privacy is especially important in securing and maintaining that trust. One goal of treatment is to promote a stronger and better relationship between children and their parents. However, it is often necessary for children to develop a “zone of privacy” whereby they feel free to discuss personal matters with greater freedom. This is particularly true for adolescents who are naturally developing a greater sense of independence and autonomy. By signing this agreement, you will be waiving your right to access your child’s treatment records.

It is my policy to provide you with general information about treatment status. I will raise issues that may impact your child either inside or outside the home. If it is necessary to refer your child to another mental health professional with more specialized skills, I will share that information with you. I will not share with you what your child has disclosed to me without your child’s consent. I will tell you if your child does not attend sessions. At the end of your child’s treatment, if you request, I will provide you with a treatment summary that will describe what issues were discussed, what progress was made, and what areas are likely to require intervention in the future.

If your child is an adolescent, it is possible that he/she will reveal sensitive information regarding sexual contact, alcohol and drug use, or other potentially problematic behaviors. Sometimes these behaviors are within the range of normal adolescent experimentation, but at other times they may require parental intervention. We must carefully and directly discuss your feelings and opinions regarding acceptable behavior. If I ever believe that your child is at serious risk for harming him/herself or another, I will inform you.

Although my responsibility to your child may require my involvement in conflicts between the two of you, I need your agreement that my involvement will be strictly limited to that which will benefit your child. This means, among other things, that you will treat anything that is said in session with me as confidential. Neither of you will attempt to gain advantage in any legal proceeding between the two of you from my involvement with your children. In particular, I need your agreement that in any such proceedings, neither of you will ask me to testify in court, whether in person or by affidavit. You also agree to instruct your attorneys not to subpoena me or to refer in any court filing to anything I have said or done.

Note that such agreement may not prevent a judge from requiring my testimony, even though I will work to prevent such an event. If I am required to testify, I am ethically bound not to give my opinion about either parent’s custody or visitation suitability. If the court appoints a custody evaluator, guardian ad litem or parenting coordinator, I will provide information as needed (if appropriate releases are signed or a court order is provided), but I will not make any recommendation about the final decision.

Furthermore, if I am required to appear as a witness, the party responsible for my participation agrees to reimburse me at the rate of $120.00/Masters Level, $150.00/Psychologist Level per hour for time spent, traveling, preparing reports, testifying, being in attendance and any other case related costs. You will be charged for a minimum of 8 hours for my participation as a court appearance require will me to be away from the office and unable to schedule clients for that day. You will also be charged .75 cents per mile for travel to and from my court appearance.

If you decide to terminate treatment, I have the option of having a few closing sessions with your child to properly end the treatment relationship.

·  You are waiving your right to access your child’s treatment records.

·  I will inform you if your child does not attend treatment sessions.

·  At the end of treatment, if you request, I will provide you with a summary that includes a general description of goals, progress made, and potential areas that may require intervention in the future.

·  If necessary to protect the life of your child or another person, I have the option of disclosing information to you without your child’s consent.

·  You agree that my role is limited to providing treatment and that you will not involve me in any legal dispute, especially a dispute concerning custody or custody arrangements (visitation, etc.)

·  You also agree to instruct your attorney not to subpoena me or to refer to in any court filing anything that I have said or done.

·  If there is a court appointed evaluator, and if appropriate releases are signed and a court order is provided, I will provide general information about the child which will not include recommendations concerning custody or custody arrangements.

Again, if, for any reason, I am required to appear as a witness, the party responsible for my participation agrees to reimburse me at the rate of $120.00/Masters Level, $150.00/Psychologist Level for time spent traveling, preparing reports, testifying, being in attendance, and any other case related costs. You will be charged for a minimum of 8 hours for my participation as a court appearance require will me to be away from the office and unable to schedule clients for that day. You will also be charged .75 cents per mile for travel to and from my court appearance.


Parent Signature Clinician



Symptom Checklist Child/Adolescent

Client Name: ______Date: ______

Please check any symptoms that describe how you feel, think or behave currently or during the past month.


Chronic sadness / ( ) / ( ) / Low frustration tolerance / ( ) / ( )
Crying episodes / ( ) / ( ) / Irritability / ( ) / ( )
Hopelessness / ( ) / ( ) / Problems going to sleep in own bed / ( ) / ( )
Difficulty concentrating / ( ) / ( ) / Memory problems / ( ) / ( )
Loss of appetite / ( ) / ( ) / Isolating / ( ) / ( )
Overeating / ( ) / ( ) / Reduced interest/pleasure in activities / ( ) / ( )
Nausea/Vomiting/stomach aches / ( ) / ( ) / Panic attacks / ( ) / ( )
Difficulty making decisions / ( ) / ( ) / Fear of leaving home / ( ) / ( )
Tired / ( ) / ( ) / Avoidance of public places / ( ) / ( )
Agitation / ( ) / ( ) / Avoidance of school / ( ) / ( )
Restlessness / ( ) / ( ) / Pounding heart/palpitations / ( ) / ( )
Fearfulness / ( ) / ( ) / Stomach aches / ( ) / ( )
Nervous mannerisms / ( ) / ( ) / Feeling detached from others/life / ( ) / ( )
Fear of loss of control / ( ) / ( ) / Nightmares / ( ) / ( )
Fear of dying / ( ) / ( ) / Easily startled/upset / ( ) / ( )
Difficulty focusing / ( ) / ( ) / Seeing things others do not see / ( ) / ( )
Tendency to act impulsively / ( ) / ( ) / Fearful someone is plotting against you / ( ) / ( )
Not well organized / ( ) / ( ) / Taking on too many tasks / ( ) / ( )
Racing thoughts / ( ) / ( ) / Frequent forgetfulness / ( ) / ( )
Risk taking / ( ) / ( ) / Difficulty waiting turn / ( ) / ( )
Aggressive/abusive / ( ) / ( ) / Problems with peers / ( ) / ( )
Low self esteem / ( ) / ( ) / Recent death of family/friend / ( ) / ( )
Statements of self harm / ( ) / ( ) / Recent health problems / ( ) / ( )
Statements of harm to others / ( ) / ( ) / Compulsive rituals / ( ) / ( )
Steals / ( ) / ( ) / Harm to self / ( ) / ( )
Poor judgment / ( ) / ( ) / Harm to others/animals / ( ) / ( )
Perfectionist / ( ) / ( ) / Lying / ( ) / ( )

Consent to Treatment

Statement of Understanding

By initialing each statement below and signing the bottom of this form, I attest that I am in agreement with the statements on this form. This consent/statement of understanding will be in effect for the length of the treatment.

___I have read the Office Policies & General Information Agreement for Psychotherapy Services and Informed Consent for Psychotherapy Agreement carefully (which is located in the waiting room); I understand them and agree to comply with them. I understand a personal copy of this Agreement is available to me upon request.