1. Corporate Risk Register – Risk Number 1134

The Committee reviewed the above Corporate Risk which refers to retaining a sustainable workforce in times of financial challenge. It was agreed that this continues to be a current risk to the organisation but it was being managed appropriately. It was agreed that the appropriate resource and efforts were being targeted to maintain the sustainability of the workforce, consistent with the NHS Grampian 2020 Vision.

  1. People Strategy/Workforce 2020 Vision Development Workshop

The Committee agreed that a Workshop was needed to involve the relevant stakeholders in the development of this. It was agreed the workshop should take place in September but preparation work needed to commence immediately.

  1. HRService Centre Benchmarking Report

The Committee received a report including all Boards in NHS Scotland which detailed the performance of the HR Service Centre. It was noted that compared with other Boards the HRSC performed extremely well in most areas and action was being taken to improve where necessary. The HRSC was congratulated on their delivery during a time of great challenge.

  1. Corporate Health and Safety

The Committee was updated on progress in this area. The Director of Workforce particularly emphasised the fact that this work must be high on the agenda for the forthcoming year. The function was currently being reviewed and the Committee would be further updated on progress at the next meeting.

  1. Workforce Development and Redesign

The Committee was informed that Workforce Plans had not yet been received from all Sectors/Directorates although the deadline had passed some time ago. It was agreed that this should be escalated through the management line to ensure plans were completed to a satisfactory level as a matter of urgency or Scottish Government Health Directorate (SGHD) deadlines would be missed which was not acceptable. The process would be reviewed to improve it before next year.

  1. Learning and Development

The Committee was informed that performance on Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) appraisals was still of concern but action was being taken to ensure improvement.

  1. Response to Audits

The Committee discussed the process by which it would be included in any audits relating to staff governance issues. It was agreed that there needed to be suitable committee involvement in audits.

Mike Scott

Chair, Staff Governance Committee

16 May 2012