Ms. Simmons’ First Grade Class

Welcome to First Grade Information Packet

Information Packet for Ms. Simmons’ First Grade Class!!!
2013-2014 School Year

PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT to read the information below. This packet contains some important information about our first grade class.


We LOVE to celebrate student birthdays! Feel free to have your child bring in a treat to share with the class. Individually wrapped snacks or cupcakes are best because they allow your child to easily pass them out. You’ll also need to remember to include any additional things needed to serve the snack (i.e. napkins, plates, etc) as we haven’t any stocked within the classroom.


In order for all of the students in our classroom to have the best possible learning experience, I have developed a classroom community behavior plan. It clearly outlines the classroom rules, as well as the consequences for staying on track or making poor choices. Throughout the year we will be working together to build the best positive educational climate we can.

We will be reviewing our rules each day. We will discuss what each area “looks, sounds, and feels” like throughout the year by modeling desired and, yes, even undesirable behaviors, through class meetings, and snack chats (when kids ask for mediation during a disagreement).


I believe that students learn best when they feel they have ownership in the process. We promote this by trying to build a strong classroom community that includes not only the students and myself, but staff, grade level buddies, and you, their parents.



  1. Positive Points with Class Dojo1. Negative Points with Class Dojo
  2. Compliments2. Verbal Reminder/Redirect
  3. Stickers3. Miss 5 minutes of recess
  4. Notes 4. Miss 10 minutes recess/Note home
  5. Phone calls home5. Visit to the principal’s office

Tracking Behavior

Our class will be using a behavior website this year called Class Dojo. This is a free website and free app that allows me to provide specific feedback to students about their behavior. Students will receive points each day when they are caught doing something positive in class. They will receive different rewards throughout each quarter based on their point values. This is not a competition in my classroom. EVERY child can receive points and prizes throughout the year. Students will track their behavior every day in their take home folders by utilizing math skills that we will be learning this year (tally marks for every positive and negative point received throughout the day). This will allow you to have conversations with your child about their points. On Fridays, each parent will receive an email about your child’s behavior for the week. If you do not have email, I can print off your child’s report each Friday.


Your child will be bringing home a folder on a daily basis. As in Kindergarten, this folder is designed to be a communication tool between home and school. Any papers or completed assignments will be placed in the back pocket for you to review and keep at home. If you need to send anything into school, please place that in the front pocket.

When sending something in with your child, please make sure your child knows about it. Things often get misplaced during transit and if they know to look for something, we stand a better chance of finding it.


Every week, students will receive a communication arts paper to complete by Friday. They will receive this homework on Monday and it can be returned any day of the week, but is DUE on Friday. Math homework will be found on the website this year. Homework will be updated on my classroom website each week for your reference.


I can be reached via telephone at 636-851-5849 or via email at . I will endeavor to return your call or email within 24 hours. It is difficult for me to take calls or check emails throughout the day as I will be engaged with your child. In the event of an emergency, please call the office at 636-851-5800.

In the event your child’s transportation or from school changes on a given day, PLEASE, call the office directly. They will ensure I am notified.

Any notes for me or the office should be sent in your child’s folder. Notes regarding planned absences or changes in dismissal need to be written on a separate note (and not in the contents section of the folder) as the office requires a copy.

Please include the date, your child’s name and my name on anything going to the office or nurse.


The first will be sent home with your child’s homework folder next week. Please be sure to read the newsletter as it will include information about upcoming events as well as information about what your child is learning in the classroom. All other newsletters will be posted on my website unless you request a hard copy.


I encourage you to become a part of our classroom community – be it as a room parent, working with children in a small group setting, chaperoning a field trip, or helping from home. Children at this age love having their parents show an interest in their learning and it is a great way to meet your child’s friends and to become more familiar with our school. A note should come home sometime during the first quarter with volunteer opportunities!


In our classroom, students will be using a rigorous communication arts program. They will be involved in a block every day of reading and writing that is 200 minutes long. Students will do whole group, small groups, and individual work through the Daily Five Program.

Here are a few things you can do to help your child with reading:

Read to your child.

Read with your child.

Have your child read to you.

Take a book walk-talk through the book before you read. Looking at the pictures will help your child with the vocabulary they will be reading.

If your child doesn’t know a word, you can suggest that they:

Look at the picture.

Reread the sentence.

Look at the first letter.

Chunk the word by looking for little words they know.

Skip the word, come back and see if they can figure it out.

Then you can say:

Could it be ______?

Does that look right?

Does it make sense?


Given that we eat lunch so early in the day, the students will be afforded a snack time in the afternoon. I ask that students bring a healthy snack that can be eaten within approximately 10 minutes. I strongly encourage you to avoid sending in any flavored juice drinks or fruit bowls as I have found these to leave a sticky mess which can also stain desks, carpet, and floor if they are spilled.


I encourage you to have your child store an extra pair of gym shoes in their cubbies as a “just in case…” for days when they will be in the gym. Students will have a rotation of music, art, and gym throughout the year. Each day they will have a different Special class.


Spelling tests will be given on Fridays. If your child is absent on the day of the test, he or she can take the test upon their return. If school is not in session on a Friday, the test will be given on Thursday.


Each Wednesday during our grade level town hall meeting, I will choose a student from the class to be our “Star Student.” The Star Student is someone who I think has been representing our school’s character words extremely well throughout the week. The Star Student will then be recognized by me during town hall, will receive a certificate, as well as a sticker to wear throughout the day!


Turtle Club is used for students to practice their sight words. This is a series of turtles with 10 sight words on each. On Fridays, students will get tested on a turtle. Their progress will be monitored and they will receive rewards for completing each turtle. The turtle words are listed on my website and I will be sending home a list of Turtle Club and more information with your child during the first week of school so they can start practicing.


Our class website is:

You can reach my website from Independence’s main website, click on Contact Us; Staff Directory; First Grade; Mallory Simmons --- It should be pretty simple to reach.

I recommend bookmarking the website as I have listed a great deal of information on it. Homework, calendars, newsletters, useful links, and other important information can be found on the website. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.


Again, welcome to First Grade. I can’t wait to get started teaching your children this year. It should be a fun and exciting year for the kids as well as for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

Ms. Simmons’ Daily Schedule

8:55 – 9:40 Morning Work - Handwriting Practice, Journals

9:20 – 9:40Interventions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

9:40– 10:45Math/Small Group Intervention

10:45 – 11:05 Recess

11:15 – 11:40 Lunch

11:40 – 12:00Read Alouds

12:00 – 1:40 Units of Study/Small Groups (Reading and Writing)

1:40 – 2:20 Specials (Art, Music, Gym)

2:20 – 2:40 Recess

2:40 – 2:50 Snack

2:50 – 3:50 Units of Study (Reading and Writing)

3:50 – 4:05Pack Up/Dismissal

Parent Questionnaire

Please tear off and return to school with your child. Thanks!

  1. Child’s Name ______
  1. Parent Names ______
  1. Home Phone Number ______
  1. Cell Phone Number ______
  1. Work Phone Number ______
  1. Email Address ______
  1. Which form of communication do you prefer? (Please Circle)

Email Cell PhoneHome PhoneWork Phone

  1. Child’s Allergies? ______
  2. Days/times you would be free to volunteer in the classroom:______
  1. Special talents or interests you are interested in sharing with the class:______
  1. I would be willing to: (please check those that apply)

______Send in additional supplies when needed

______Help with parties or special events

______Chaperone field trips

______Volunteer in the classroom a few days a month