Environmental Science Syllabus
Instructor information:
Mrs. Erin Moore
Phone: 760-0801, ext. 1112
Office Hours:
Mondays 2:30 pm – 3 pm, and most afternoons until 3 pm
Wednesdays 7:30 am - 8 am, and by appointment /

Welcome to Environmental Science!

Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary field that draws from many sciences, such as biology, chemistry, geology, ecology and sociology. It is an exciting science with many interesting and practical applications. In this course, you will learnabout theinterrelationships within the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.

We will cover the following units: Science and the Scientific Method, Ecology, Biodiversity, Populations, Water, Air & Land, Earth’s Resources, and Human Health.

I. Required Materials:

  • Textbook:Environmental Science (2013), Houghton, Mifflin & Harcourt. Please cover your textbook.
  • 3-ring binder – for your science notebook. We will build a science notebook together. I grade your notebook several times a semester. Use this notebook for Science class only.
  • Loose-leaf paper – for class notes (keep in your binder)
  • Graph Paper – loose-leaf is best (also keep in your binder)
  • Pencils, eraser, pens and highlighter – for note-taking. Use pencil for all lab work.
  • Colored pencils– for sketching, coloring. This is a mandatory item for class.
  • Calculator – personal device usually ok

II. Optional Materials:

  • Clip board – for outdoor assignments
  • Planner or calendar - to keep track of your assignments. This is highly recommended.
  • Personal protection equipment - closed-toed shoes on lab days, lab aprons optional
  • folders or dividers for your notebook
  • ruler and compass – You will be able to borrow these from me if you choose not to purchase.

III. Class Rules:
1. Respect yourself, classmates and the teacher. Be a responsible citizen.

2. Respect all lab and classroom materials.

3. Use class time to “think about” and “do” science.
4. No food allowed. Water OK at your desk.

5. No personal devices unless teacher allows for a specific task. More on devices below.

6. All expectations and procedures are outlined in the student handbook. You can access the handbook at:

Tardies: 3 tardies = detention with me. Chronic tardies = meeting with assistant principal, Mr. Lantz.

Restroom: You will receive 4 passes per quarter. No restroom privileges during tests and final exams.

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Materials: Bring all materials with you to class, including your textbook.

Excused Absences: Please arrange with a classmate for missed work and/or email me if possible. When you return to school, see me before or after class for your make-up work.

Cheating: Cheating is considering talking, using a device, plagiarism, aiding another student or any other similarly inappropriate behavior. If I observe cheating, you will earn a ZERO for the test or quiz and have to meet with the principal. I may also choose to contact your parents/guardians.

Discipline: You will get one warning for not following the rules. After that, you serve lunch detention with me. If a severe infraction occurs, I reserve the right to immediately involve the principal and/or parents/guardians.

Substitute teachers: There will be days that you will have a substitute teacher. All classroom rules apply, and I expect you to be respectful and on-task.

IV. Using devices in the classroom:

The use of portable electronic devices in the classroom can add educational value when used to deliver content and extend, enhance or reinforce the student learning process. As the instructor for this course, I will determine the appropriateness of in-class use of electronic devices, consistent with district instructional objectives, and with approval of the principal.

  • Students using their own devices are subject to the District Acceptable Use Policy and guidelines, Board approved BYOD guidelines, including but not limited to the student code of conduct.
  • Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the revocation of the privilege to use personal electronic devices in the classroom and/or disciplinary action as appropriate.
  • The use of an approved personal electronic device is a privilege, and students may be denied access at any time.

Students wishing to participate in the Bring your Own Device program must comply with the following guidelines and procedures:

1. must abide by the District Acceptable Use Policy and Regulations, and are subject to all student code of conduct restrictions and disciplinary consequences relating to use or misuse of technology.
2. are responsible for ensuring the safety of their own personal devices. The District is not responsible for the loss or theft of a device, nor are they responsible for any damage done to the device while at school.
3. will use approved devices only for an educational purpose, and only when directed by a classroom teacher or administrator.
4. must keep devices turned off when not directed to use them.
5. may not use the camera feature to capture, record, or transmit audio, video or still photos of other students, faculty, or staff without explicit permission given by the subject of the photo or video.
6. are not to use the device in a manner that is disruptive to the educational environment.
7. exhibiting harassing, intimidating behavior or found bullying through the use of a personal electronic device are subject to discipline under the District Hazing and Bullying policy and procedures.
8. are responsible for servicing their personal electronic devices. The District will not service, repair or maintain any non-district owned technology brought to, and used at school by students.

Unless I specifically allow your device to be used, it needs to be turned OFF and stowed in your backpack. You get one warning, after that I take the device for the day. Subsequent offenses require a parent/guardian to come pick up your device from the office. If you see the symbol ““ on the smart board, that means a device is OK to use during class. Otherwise, the no device policy is in place.

______ Please write your initials here indicating that you have read and acknowledge the classroom rules and device rules.

V. Grades:

Grading Scales and percentages

100% - 90% A / 89% - 80% B / 79% – 70% C / 69% – 60% D / 59% – 0% F

Quarterly grades are based on the following categories: Unit Tests, Quizzes, Laboratories, Science Notebook,Homework, Assignmentsand Daily starters (bellwork). There is a cumulative Final Exam given at the end of each semester. Please remember that you earn your grade, I do not give you one.

Graded Work includes the following:

Labs will be the most important component of this course. In general, labs will be on block days. Group cooperation is required.

Science Notebook is your best resource for this class. Your Science Notebook is graded periodically throughout the semester. I will guide you on what assignments should go into it.

Homework is generally assigned on Mondays and due at the start of class on Fridays. It should be written in complete sentences. If you finish early in class, you should be working on homework.

Unit Tests will cover material from several chapters.

Quizzes will be short and focus on critical thinking concepts and vocabulary from one or two sections of a chapter.

Assignments are usually done during class. I often grade according to the progress you’ve made. An example is reading the textbook during class and filling in a note-taker.

Extra Credit You will have an optional opportunity to do 1 extra credit assignment per quarter using my format (a science review article). Sometimes other extra credit opportunities are available during the semester, for example, attending the Gem and Mineral Show.

Re-Taking a Test If you do not pass a test, you have the option to re-take the test for a higher grade. Test re-takes will be given after school. If you have passed an exam or test with a 70% or better, you may not attempt a re-take. The highest score you can receive on a re-take is 70%, regardless of the actual score of your second attempt. You may not re-take the final exam.

Late Work: Late work is accepted for partial credit. Up to 1 week late = 70% credit. More than one week late = 50% credit. Late work policy may be modified or waived on an individual basis for students with IEPs or 504s.

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Your final semester grade is calculated as:
Quarter 1 grade (45%) + Quarter 2 grade (45%) + Final Exam (10%) = 100 % Final Semester Grade

Let’s have a great year together!
- mrs. moore /

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Acknowledgement of science classroom policies and expectations

Due by Friday, Aug. 12

______(student) do acknowledge that I have read and understand the classroom policies outlined here. I ALSOunderstand that I am accountable for theexpectations and responsibilities outlined in the tvhs Student Handbook. THIS INCLUDES ACTING SAFELY AND RESPONSIBLY DURING LAB AND THE CLASSROOM POLICIES ON PERSONAL DEVICES.


Student signatureDate


Parent/guardian signatureDate

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