We are pleased to welcome all of you, both new and returning students, to Clifford School. As a Dolphin, you have the opportunity to become fully involved in our complete and varied curriculum and extra-curricular activities and programs. We at Clifford School look forward to an exciting, positive academic and fun filled year for you. The staff at Clifford School plans to work hard to make this the best year yet.
We will always be here to lend guidance, answer questions, and assist you whenever the need arises. All you need to do is ask.
Our best wishes for a successful and enjoyable school year.
--The Clifford School Staff
Welcome to Clifford School. We are a kindergarten through eighth grade school with a dedicated staff and active supportive parent community.
We have a strong and rigorous, standards based curriculum. As evidenced by our test results we have shown continual improvement in student learning and student achievement. Because we believe in teaching the whole child we also incorporate programs such as Art-In-Action, Music for Minors, Rhythm and Moves, instrumental music, and various examples of performing arts. We have a wide range of after school enrichment programs including Chess, Mad Science, music lessons, Spanish language, flower arrangement and others. This year we are planning to expand our science instruction incorporating science into the language arts program as well as partnering with Science From Scientists in our middle school.
All of this makes Clifford an exciting place to be. In addition, we are one of the most ethnically and economically diverse schools in the county. As one teacher said when she began teaching at Clifford several years ago - "Clifford is multicultural education in practice."
Bienvenidos a la escuela Clifford. Somos
una escuela que enseña desde el Kindergarten al octavo grado con un personal muy dedicado y una comunidad de padres muy activa.
Tenemos un currículo fuerte y riguroso basado en los estándares. Esto es evidente en los resultados de las pruebas STAR que demuestran una mejora continua del aprendizaje y los logros de los alumnos. Debido a que creemos en educar al niño por completo también incorporamos programas como Art-In-Action, Music for Minors, música instrumental, varios ejemplos de las artes de representación. Tenemos varios programas de enriquecimiento después de la escuelas incluyendo el ajedrez, Mad Science, lecciones de música, lecciones de español, arreglos florales y otros. Este año estamos planeando expandir nuestra instrucción de ciencias e incorpora las ciencias dentro del programa de las artes de lenguaje.
Todo esto hace que Clifford sea un lugar apasionante. Además somos una de las escuelas más diversas étnica y económicamente en el condado. Cómo dijo una maestra cuando empezó enseñando en Clifford hace varios años – -Clifford es educación multicultural en práctica.
Students at Clifford will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, competency, and self-esteem to achieve fulfilling personal lives and careers. Empowered with a unique identity, they will possess confidence, discipline, leadership, and productivity that will enable them to become contributing citizens in a democratic society.
We believe in three themes to carry out the true meaning of what Clifford is all about. We believe that all students, parents, and staff should have respect for themselves and others around them. We should show we are responsible to have a successful day. We want an environment that feels safe and a fun place to want to be.
Clifford is ready to learn, ready to help, respectful, and always proud. Clifford CARES!
Students will be held completely responsible for all books, which have been checked out to them. If any book is damaged, lost, or stolen, the student will be required to pay for it. All fines or debts must be paid before a student receives new textbooks, participates in many school-sponsored activities or receives a yearbook. Debts must be paid to be eligible to graduate from the eighth grade.
PowerSchool is our student information system. Information regarding your child’s grades, attendance, and homework assignments can be found here. PowerSchool can be accessed at the following web address http://powerschool.rcsdk8.net/public/ (middle school only) and by entering your user name and password.
The faculty and administration of Clifford School expect the highest standards of honesty and fairness from all students. Student responsibility, ethical behavior, and self-discipline are essential to promote the ideals of education.
Parents will be notified by teachers or administrators of any infraction of the following:
· Dishonesty/aiding on examinations and assignments (including those electronically produced).
· Altering/falsifying records (for example: modifying progress reports, forging parent signatures, etc.)
· Plagiarism (the taking of someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own).
Specific actions to include: parent conference, no credit for that work and/or the loss of up to one full letter grade for the trimester, Saturday School, suspension. Repeated violations may result in suspension and a grade of “F” for the trimester.
See signature page at end
Dias Regulares
Clifford Bell Schedule/ Horario 2015-2016Regular Days/ Días Regulares
Warning Bell/ Primera Campana: 8:12 AM
Instruction Begins at 8:15/
Las lecciones comienzan a las 8:15
1st two weeks all kinder students attend class from 8:15 am-12:30 pm
Orientation is August 24th from 8:30am-9:30am, & first day of school for kindergarten is Tuesday, August 25th
Instruction / 8:30 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:45 AM
Instruction / 9:45 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:00 PM
Instruction / 12:00 PM / ~ / 12:30 PM
Instruction / 8:15 AM / Earlier / 9:45 AMInstruction / 9:00 AM / Later / 9:45 AM
Recess / 9:45 AM / ~ / 10:00 AM
Instruction / 10:00 AM / ~ / 11:00 AM
Lunch / 11:00 AM / ~ / 11:35 AM
Instruction / 11:40 AM / Earlier / 1:05 PM
Instruction / 11:40 AM / Later / 1:50 PM
1st Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:50 AM
Instruction / 9:50 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:10 PM
Instruction / 12:10 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
Recess / 1:30 PM / ~ / 1:40 PM
Instruction / 1:40 PM / ~ / 2:25 PM
2nd Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:50 AM
Instruction / 9:50 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:10 PM
Instruction / 12:10 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
Recess / 1:30 PM / ~ / 1:40 PM
Instruction / 1:40 PM / ~ / 2:25 PM
las primeras dos semanas todos los alumnos de kinder asisten clase de 8:15am-12:30pm, orientación toma lugar el 24 de agosto de 8:30am-9:30am y el primer día escolar para los alumnos de kinder es el martes, 25 de agosto
3rd Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 10:05 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:50 AM
Instruction / 9:50 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:10 PM
Instruction / 12:10 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
Instruction / 1:40 PM / ~ / 2:25 PM
4th Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 10:05 AMRecess / 10:05 AM / ~ / 10:25 AM
Instruction / 10:25 AM / ~ / 11:45 AM
Lunch / 11:45 AM / ~ / 12:25 PM
Instruction / 12:25 PM / ~ / 2:35 PM
5th Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 10:05 AMRecess / 10:05 AM / ~ / 10:25 AM
Instruction / 10:25 AM / ~ / 11:45 PM
Lunch / 11:45 PM / ~ / 12:25 PM
Instruction / 12:25 PM / ~ / 2:35 PM
6th, 7th, & 8th Grades
Class Begins / Class EndsPeriod 1 / 8:15 AM / 9:13AM
Period 2 / 9:13 AM / 10:11 AM
Recess / 10:11AM / 10:26 AM
Period 3 / 10:26 AM / 11:24 AM
Period 4 / 11:24 AM / 12:22 PM
Lunch / 12:22 PM / 12:52 PM
Period 5 / 12:52 PM / 1:50 PM
Period 6 / 1:50 PM / 2:35 PM
Minimum Days 1:30 – THURSDAYS
JUEVES- Días Mínimos 1:30
Clifford Bell Schedule/ Horario 2015-2016Minimum Days/ Días Minimos
Warning Bell/ Primera Campana: 8:12 AM
Instruction Begins at 8:15/
Las lecciones comienzan a las 8:15
Instruction / 8:30 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:45 AM
Instruction / 9:45 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:00 PM
Instruction / 12:00 PM / ~ / 12:30 PM
Kindergarten – ALL STUDENTS
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 9:45 AMRecess / 9:45 AM / ~ / 10:00 AM
Instruction / 10:00 AM / ~ / 11:00 AM
Lunch / 11:00 AM / ~ / 11:35 AM
Instruction / 11:35 AM / ~ / 12:30 PM
1st Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:50 AM
Instruction / 9:50 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:10 PM
Instruction / 12:10 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
2nd Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:50 AM
Instruction / 9:50 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:10 PM
Instruction / 12:10 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
3rd Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 9:30 AMRecess / 9:30 AM / ~ / 9:50 AM
Instruction / 10:25 AM / ~ / 11:30 AM
Lunch / 11:30 AM / ~ / 12:10 PM
Instruction / 12:10 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
4th Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 10:05 AMRecess / 10:05 AM / ~ / 10:25 AM
Instruction / 10:25 AM / ~ / 11:45 AM
Lunch / 11:45 AM / ~ / 12:25 PM
Instruction / 12:25 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
5th Grade
Instruction / 8:15 AM / ~ / 10:05 AMRecess / 10:05 AM / ~ / 10:25 AM
Instruction / 10:25 AM / ~ / 11:45 PM
Lunch / 11:45 AM / ~ / 12:25 PM
Instruction / 12:25 PM / ~ / 1:30 PM
6th,7th, & 8th Grades
Class Begins / Class EndsPeriod 1 / 8:15 AM / 9:09 AM
Period 2 / 9:09 AM / 10:03 AM
Recess / 10:03 AM / 10:18 AM
Period 3 / 10:18 AM / 11:12 AM
Period 4 / 11:12 AM / 12:06 PM
Lunch / 12:06 PM / 12:36 PM
Period 5 / 12:36 PM / 1:30 PM
Parent Partnership
To help every child at Clifford School work towards reaching his or her potential, it is important that parents, teachers, and school staff work together and communicate to achieve this goal. The tone of these interactions, from the casual setting of the playground to the formal parent-teacher conference, all work together to create a positive atmosphere at our school.
1. Assume Good Intentions
· What motivates both parents and teachers is their love of children. We all want to create a positive, supportive learning environment.
2. Build Positive Relationships
· At Clifford School, we are proud to have thoughtful and dedicated teachers. We are equally as proud of our supportive and caring parent community. We all benefit from building positive relationships. In your discussions with other parents and the community, share good news, and appreciation as often as possible, for this will help build relationships. Sharing the positive will lay the foundation for productive and thoughtful interactions throughout the year, especially when issues do arise. We welcome all of our parents to share successes, questions, and concerns with the classroom teacher and school staff. There are a number of ways to do this: note to the teacher, phone message, email, visit to the classroom, or contact any of our instructional specialists, support staff, and Principal.
3. Be Respectful When Communicating
· Drop-off and pick-up times are rarely good times for teachers to hold a thoughtful conversation with parents. E-mail is often an effective tool. However, you should avoid using e-mail if the situation is very complex. When you talk to your child’s teacher:
o Allow time for dialogue and response. Some problems cannot be addressed immediately. Schedule a time that is mutually convenient. Let the teacher know what day(s) and times are convenient for you.
o Discuss your child – not others. Parent should frame their concerns and question in terms of the effect they are having on their child only.
o Use “I” messages that frame your concerns from your perspective. For example, you could say, “I am concerned that Amy has more homework than she can handle” rather than, “Why are you assigning so much homework?”
o Follow up with the teacher. If the teacher resolves the problem to your satisfaction, take the time to thank him/her. If the problem is unresolved or resurfaces, communicate clearly and promptly.