- How long has the modern state of Nigeria been around?
- Explain how were Nigeria’s borders formed.
- Which of Nigeria’s largest ethnic groupshave dominated its politics since independence?
- How was Islam introduced during the country’s precolonial era?
- Explain Britain’s indirect rule.
- Explain how British colonialism helped to ensure that ethnicity would be the primary element in political
identification and mobilization?
- Describe Nigeria’s First Republic system of government.
- When did the military first intervened in Nigerian politics?
- In 1967, the Igbo attempted to secede and form their own country called what?
- What factors contributed to the collapse of Nigeria into civil war in 1967?
- Explain how Nigeria’s Second Republic came to an end?
- What strategy was pursued by both General Ibrahim Babangida and General Sani Abacha to prolong their rule?
- Describe the major events that have occurred during the Fourth Republic.
- Clientelism is the practice by which a particular group receives disproportionate policy benefits or political favors
from a political patron, usually at the expense of the larger society. Describe which institutions are patrons typically linked to clients in Nigeria.
- Since its independence, which types of government has Nigeria had?
- Both military and civilian governments of Nigeria have tended to adopt what kind of economic posture?
- The informal sector accounts for what fraction of Nigeria’s GDP?
- Due to factors has Nigeria moved from self-sufficiency in food production to heavy dependence on imports?
- Since the early 1970s, Nigeria has relied upon oil for about ______percent of its exports and about
______percent of its government revenues.
- Oil has had what kind of economic impact on Nigeria’s economy?
- Describe what the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) refers to.
- Both Vision 2010 and the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) call for what
- Describe the purpose and effects of Nigeria’s structural adjustment program.
- Arguably, President Obasanjo’s greatest economic achievement was what?
- What percentage of Nigerians live on less than a dollar a day?
- Describe the regional, religious, and ethnic dimensions of the Nigerian economy.
- Describe the political and economic standing of women in Nigeria.
- Describe Nigeria’s standing in the global economy.
- Describe the relations between U.S. and Nigeria since 9/11.
- Explain what the Nigerian national question refers to.
- Nigeria’s prolonged experience with military rule has resulted in a political culture that is primarily what form?
- Nigerian politics has generally followed a policy of rotation of political offices based upon what?
- Which democratic principles arefound in the current Nigerian constitution?
- Explain what strategies have civilian governments used to keep the military away from politics?
- Describe the effects that prebendalism—a form of clientelism in which political offices and state rents are disbursed
to one’s clients for their personal benefit—has had on the power of the President.
- Describe how the Nigerian executive has evolved over the years?
- Describe how shari’a law has impacted the federal and state courts structure?
- Describe the economic and political power struggles between local, state, and federal governments?
- In what ways has the National Assembly sought to assert itself?
- Describe what factors helped explain executive dominance over the legislature.
- Describes Nigeria’s political parties?
- The rise of multiethnic parties in the Fourth Republic has had what kinds of effects?
- Which party has emerged as the dominant one in the Fourth Republic?
- Describe Nigeria’s political culture.
- Describe the religious tensions and belief groups found in Nigeria today.
- Describe what business groups have had an effect on economic policy and the relationship of shaping it economic
- Describe the results of a recent survey and the indication of what type of government most Nigerians favor and some
their concerns.
- According to the text, further consolidation of democracy in Nigeria will require what societal changes.
- Although endowed with rich natural resources, Nigeria is one of the poorest countries in the world. Describe what developments and stability will be necessary for Nigeria to grow.
- What historical event indicated that Nigeria has sought to play an important role in African politics?
1.The multi-ethnic character of Nigeria has had profound impacts on the country’s political development. Which would you say have been the most important of these? Justify your argument.
2.Since the 1970s, Nigeria’s economy has been dominated by the export of a single product. What have been the political and economic impacts, both negative and positive, of this?
3.Nigeria has spent most of its independent existence under military rule. What have been some of the most important legacies of military rule with which the Fourth Republic has had to contend? How have these been addressed? Which remain the most destabilizing?
4.Nigeria’s four republics (periods of civilian rule) have seen different types of party systems. How did the parties of the First and Second Republics differ from those of the Third and Fourth? What do you see as different about the parties of the Fourth Republic, and what are their strengths and weaknesses compared to their predecessors? What bearing does this assessment have upon the democratization process in Nigeria?
5.Describe how corruption has interfered with Nigeria’s economic and political development. What attempts have been made to combat corruption? Have these been successful? Why or why not?
6.Civil society groups have played an important role in Nigerian politics. First, discuss why such groups became the primary institutions of representation in the country. Next, discuss the role these groups play in voicing public interests in contemporary Nigeria. Finally, assess the relative importance of such groups in the democratization process.
7.Contemporary Nigerian politics may be described as competitive oligarchy. First, discuss what this means. Next, describe the forms that this competition takes. Finally, assess the impact of this competition upon the democratization process.
8.Poverty is a major problem for Nigeria. First, illustrate the depth of poverty in the country. Second, discuss several factors that help to explain the scope of poverty in the country. Finally, discuss the efforts made to address poverty in the country, paying particular attention to why these have been successful or not.