Mr. Tyler Hollow
Welcome to Biomedical Innovations (Biomed 4)! In this Capstone Course of PLTW Biomedical Science sequence, students will build on the knowledge and skills gained from previous courses to design innovative solutions for the most pressing challenges of the 21st century. Biomed 4 emphasizes the use a research as an important skill to solving these problems. Students will address topics ranging from public health and biomedical engineering to clinical medicine and physiology. Studentswill complete an independent project with the assistance of a mentor or advisor from a university, medical professional, or research institution.
Bengal Expectations
Be Responsible / Be Respectful / Be Involved / Be a graduate●Be on time to every class every day
●Come to class prepared
●Ask for help when needed
●Be good to laptops
●Be safe in the lab setting / ●Follow classroom procedures
●Embrace tolerance/diversity
● Be positive
● Be attentive, courteous and polite / ● Be a good lab partner and give all your effort daily
●Join a club and/or activity at Helena High / ●Plan for the future
● Apply for scholarships
● Develop personal educational goals
● Ask teacher to write you a letter of recommendation
Required Material
•Folder for handouts and readings.
• A composition notebook to store notes and data for the year, which can be purchased from teacher for $0.50.
Grading based on total points from the following: 1. quizzes (occasionally); 2. module activities with conclusion questions; 3. Labs; 4. projects and presentations; 5. journal entries; 6. independent project and 7. participation (when applicable). Grading scale is 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, and below 60%=F. Semester Grade =Quarter 1 Total Points and Quarter 2 Total Points
Late Work
Assignments that are not turned in on the due date will be considered lateand deducted 30%for first three days past due and may be deducted 50%for more than three days past due. Please inform the teacher if you have a conflict with a due date so arrangements can be made.
Let me know in advance if you will be absent so I can plan accordingly. It is your responsibility to make-up the work missed, so Email or ask in person to find out the material and you have two days to complete it. Try hard to be on time to class every day.
Other Items
Please use you cell phone appropriately.
Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated on any assignment.
Field Trips and Job Shadow:Biomed 4 will be going on field trips around Helena and students will be using their own cars. Students will need to fill-out an Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization form and Student Transportation Releasetobe able to drive their own cars and travel with others. Additional permission slips will be sent out for each field trip.
Biomedical Innovations Course OutlineIntroduction Problem - Asarco Superfund Site Project Week 1 and Week 2.
Problem 1 - Design of an Effective Emergency Room, September – October. Final Project is an Emergency Room Presentation worth 50 points.
Problem 2 - Exploring Human Physiology October-November. Final Project is a Research Presentation worth 85 points. Students will be given the opportunity to present at Montana Tech Science fair and University of Montana Science Fair.
Problem 3 – Design of a Medical Innovation November-December-January. Final Project is Presentation of Innovation worth 50 points.
Problem 4 - Investigating Environmental Health dates to be determined. Final Project is to be determined by class.
Problem 8 – Independent project, Second semester. Literature Review is 56 points. Final project is Presentation at Biomed 4 Symposium worth 100 pts.
Problem 5 (optional) - Combating a Public Health Issue
Student’s Independent Project Options
● Research project
●Design of an innovation
● Public service announcement- possible groups to work with include METG (Lead Smelter), NAMI, Let’s Move Campaign, etc.
● Job shadow of a professional
Discuss this course syllabus with your parent(s) or guardian(s). Please have your parent/guardian sign the bottom and return this sheet tomorrow. I am looking forward to working with you this year.
I, ______(Student name), have read and understand the Biomed 4 course syllabus and expectations.
I, ______(Parent/Guardian name), have read and understand the Biomed 4 syllabus and expectations.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______