January 1, 2012
Thanks for beginning 2012 worshiping with us!
If you are here for the first time, we want to get better acquainted
withyou. To help us, please fill out the Connection Card in your
bulletin. At the end of today’sWorship Celebration, please pass it
toward the centeraisle and leaveit on the seat to be collected, or
place it the box marked for Collection Cardswhich is in the small
lobby as youexit. Thank you and please come again!
We’re here today to show our appreciation to God as we worship. When you
go to a sporting event, you’ll observe various levels of involvement and
excitement. The same is true here. Some worship quietly as they sit; others
may worship more expressively clapping, singing loudly, standing or
dancing & using banners. Feel free to express your worship to Godquietly,
or very expressively, with joy or even tears.
The invitation to share in the Lord’s Supper is open to every believer in
Jesus Christ as well as to those who would like to become a believer.
Message by Bern Lytle:
"Jesus Came to Proclaim the Lord's Favor"
Junior Children’s Church (Age 4-Grade 1) in Room7 led by Chama Slater
Children’s Church for kids in grades 2-6 in Room 2-3 led by Pastor Alex and Chiara.
The children will be dismissed for Children’s Church just before the sermon.
During today’s Sermon, in Rm. 1: Janet Satterlee, Rosemary Tucker, Pam Travis
Scheduled to pray on Jan. 8:Richard Rooman, Lori VanWhy, Darlene Wilson
Infants & children up thru 3 years old are welcome in the Nursery during our
10:30 AM Worship Celebration. We have excellent, loving nursery volunteers.
Nursery Staff today: Mary Rankin, Lori VanWhy, Becca Barber
Nursery Staff for Jan. 8: Carissa Miller, Jan Wenck, Kathy Boyko
A Nursing Room is available during the service at the back of the Sanctuary.
Monday: Basketball League Game @ Beartown Rd. Alliance...... 6:30 PM
vs.Friendship Baptist
Tuesday:Guys’ Meeting (at McDonald’s by the Mall)...... …5:30 AM
COTTT Pastors’ Prayer Time at BFWC...... NOON
Trustees Meeting...... 8:00 PM
Wednesday: Men’s Prayer Time (Church Lobby)...... 6:00-7:30 AM
CharacterEducation Class @ BFWC...... 1:00 PM
Please keep this outreach ministry to the students at Big Flats Elementary in prayer.
Open Gym Night for men(Call Jason Travis, 936-4547)…...... 8:30PM
Thursday: Generation Church (Grades 6 thru age 20's)...... 7:00-9:00 PM
@ BFWC Join with teens from several other churches
to worship God thru prayer, singing & preaching.
9:00 AM Sunday School – Classes for all ages!
Adult Classes:
1) “Romans 12 Living” Taught by Chip Ingram (on DVD) and
facilitated by Chris Schiavone.
2) Basic Beliefs: Taught by Pastor Bern Pastor Bern’s Office
This class is designed as an entry-level adult Bible study class. It will be taught in
a format where questions are welcome & discussion is encouraged.
Message by Bern Lytle
"Called to Serve”
5:00 -7:00 PM The Torch Youth Group (Grades 7-12) at BFWC