To: Liz Atkinson, Greg Copeland, Dave Dillon, Spence Ellis, Dan Fergueson, Dawn Graff-Haight, David Groff, John Hall, Jeff Mackay, Jeff Summers
From: Tom Hellie
RE: Master Plan Addendum Working Group
Date: February14, 2007
I am writing to invite you to serve on the Master Plan Addendum Working Group. The college’s current master plan was adopted in May 2000 andimprovements to the Mac campus it identified have beenlargely completed. As we move into the Sesquicentennial Campaign, prepare for an accreditation visit in fall 2008, and begin planning for a comprehensive capital campaign to begin in the next few years, it is important that a master plan addendum be created to serve as a guiding framework for facilities decision- making over the next decade.
While the following list of action items is not comprehensive, and the group will no doubt identify other issues that require consideration, your work should produce the following outcomes;
- an evaluation of the facilities impacts of continued enrollment growth to 1750 FFTE and 1830 head count including recommendations for appropriate facilities planning options. Impacts on student housing, classrooms, labs, athletics facilities, faculty and staff office spaces, parking, and storage needs should be considered.
- an evaluation of facilities renovation and construction planning issues associated with the science facilities project and athletic facilities modernization with recommendations about appropriate planning options. The following should be included in the evaluation; Northup Hall, Taylor Hall, Murdock Hall, Graf Hall, Mac Hall, Pioneer Hall, Cook Hall, athletics facilities to include Memorial Stadium.
- coordination with Portland campus facilities planning efforts concerning the modernization needs on the Portland Campus.
You should schedule your work flow so that a first draft addendum is delivered to both me and the Planning Council for consideration no later than September 2007. Subsequent discussion and refinement of that draft would occur during 2007-08 with Trustee adoption of the addendum in advance of the accreditation visit in fall 2008.
John Hall and Jeff Summers will serve asco-chairs for this group. David Groff will serve as liaison concerning Portland campus facilities planning issues. The Facilities Planning and Construction Manager will serve as the staff resource person. I will also contact Trustee Dave Dillon to ask him to join this group. I hope you will agree to serve in this important endeavor and look forward to hearing from you.