We are delighted that you’re interested in auditioning for the production of Pirates the Musical!Performances for this production are scheduled for July 13, 14, 15, and 16. Hopefully we can make the audition process as easy as possible by providing the following online information and forms.
Auditions will be held on Saturday, April 8 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. Children must be accompanied at the auditions by a parent or responsible adult. However, once children are signed in, parents will be expected to remain in the waiting area until their child has completed the audition process.
Because this is a children’s production, our director, Tim Searby will handle auditions a little differently. All auditioners will be expected to sing a song they have prepared for this occasion and to do a short “dance” audition. There will be no scene reading for this audition.
All children should come prepared to sing a song. This can be something as simple as “Happy Birthday.” An accompanist will be available to play for your audition if you bring along sheet music, or you can bring your own accompanist if you like.
All children will also participate in a group “dance” audition. Our choreographer will help teach groups of children the steps to a short selection of music from the production. No prior dance experience is necessary. You will basically just be learning how to do a few steps and then putting them together to go with the music. Once they are ready, groups of 6 to 10 will perform the newly-learned dance routine for the director.
It is expected that those chosen to be in the cast will be available for rehearsals starting near the first of June. A specific rehearsal calendar will be made available as soon as possible. Please complete the conflict calendar below—listing all possible church, summer school, sports, or other special programs that might conflict with rehearsal times. Attendance at all rehearsals is expected, and those cast in the show must choose to make attendance a priority.
We look forward to working to make Pirates the Musical a fun experience and a great success.
CONFLICT DATES—Please list below any known conflicts with rehearsal times during theperiod from May 29 to July 16. Monday through Friday rehearsals would be in the evenings. Saturday rehearsals would be in the morning, Sunday would be in the afternoon. PLEASE NOTE: These are just possible times when rehearsals could be held. If you know that you have or will likely have a conflict on a particular day throughout the summer because of sports or other activities, please be sure to record that. Also list any individual dates that would be missed because of special events—weddings, vacations, etc. A calendar is printed on the back for your convenience.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayMay 29 / May 30 / May 31 / June 1 / June 2 / June 3 / June 4
June 5 / June 6 / June 7 / June 8 / June 9 / June 10 / June11
June 12 / June 13 / June 14 / June 15 / June 16 / June 17 / June 18
June 19 / June 20 / June 21 / June 22 / June 23 / June 24 / June 25
June 26 / June 27 / June 28 / June 29 / June 30 / July1 / July 2
July 3 / July 4 / July 5 / July 6 / July 7 / July 8 / July 9-Move into Johnson Center
July 10-Tech
Rehearsal / July 11 Tech
Rehearsal / July 12 Tech
Rehearsal / July 13 Performance
7:30pm / July 14 Performance
7:30pm / July 15 Performance
7:30pm / July 16 Performance