Regional Countermeasures Coordinator

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

Lowcountry Public Health Region

Charleston, South Carolina

Mr. Jason A. Block currently serves as the Regional Countermeasures Coordinator with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Housed in the Charleston office, he is responsible for all prevention, protection, response, and recovery planning relating to the need for medical countermeasures during a public health emergency. As Regional Countermeasures Coordinator, he is responsible for planning and preparing for the potential need of the Strategic National Stockpile, CHEMPACK, or other countermeasure resources depending on the circumstances.

Mr. Block has been a member of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) for 6 years and currently serves as the IAEM-USA Student Region president. As such, he represents current and future degree-seeking emergency managers throughout the country. In addition to serving as USA Student Region president, Mr. Block has also served as the Region’s 2nd vice president for two terms.

Mr. Block is an IAEM-recognized Associate Emergency Manager (AEM); State of Michigan Professional Emergency Manager (PEM); and Alabama Advance Level Emergency Manager. He is also recognized as a Professional Continuity Practitioner (Level 1), by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Academically, Mr. Block is currently a graduate student in the Master of Science in Administration program with Central Michigan University, where his concentration is in leadership studies. As part of his study, he is focusing on how organizational dynamics can influence preparedness efforts among chief elected officials. In addition to pursuing his master’s degree, he also currently holds a bachelor’s degree in emergency and disaster management with American Public University (West Virginia); an A.A.S. in homeland security from Schoolcraft College (Michigan); and a bachelor’s degree in political science with a concentration in international relations and comparative politics, also from Central Michigan University.

Mr. Block looks forward to networking with members of the academia and professional cadre in developing ideas on how to encourage and/or strengthen colleges and universities in developing and sustaining emergency management degree programs for future generations that may be interested in the field.

May 14, 2014