Welcome to 2D Studio Art 1 & 2D Studio Art ll
MrOlis Room 1-104 *Phone: 727.893.2780 x1349 * E-mail:
The Curriculum for this class is pre-written by PCSD School District.
Course Objectives (Essential Learnings):
After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply cultural and/or historic context in art
- Produce an artwork with a written component to evaluate or explain their work
- Produce sketches to plan, develop concepts, and execute 3D artwork
- Produce structurally sound 2D works employing a variety of sculptural techniques and media
- Produce ceramic works employing a variety of techniques
- Develop competency through creation of 7-10 artworks
- Produce works of art using the elements and principles of design
- Communicate personal views with an audience through participation in exhibition/displays/critiques
- Use personal experience as well as printed and digital media to generate ideas
- Examine career opportunities in the visual arts
Classroom Expectations:
- Be punctual- seated with pencil and sketchbook when the bell rings
- Be quiet and attentive during instruction- Follow directions the FIRST time they are given
- Use “table voices” at all times
- Be respectful of property, supplies, PEOPLE, and classroom
- Clean up after yourself
- Be willing to put forth your BEST effort at all times
- Artwork must be free of drug, violent, and explicit sexual subject matter. These works will not be accepted!
- No iPods, MP3 players, or cell phones are to be used during instruction
- Small food or drink is accepted in moderation.
- This classroom adheres to ALL BCHS and countywide rules
1st Offense – Verbal warning
2nd Offense – Verbal warning, Parent phone call, and possible seat change
3rd Offense – Detention, parent phone call, and/or office referral
Severe misbehaviors may go directly to 3rd Offense consequences
Points will be earned in the following areas:
Projects- these will make up the largest portion of your grade
Sketchbook- daily journaling and homework pages
Academic- quizzes, creativity exercises, book work
Participation, Planner, and Binder
- You will have one new project every 2 to 3 weeks
- The first 20 minutes of class will be spent working in sketchbook building creativity skills
- If you’re absent or late, it is your responsibility to make-up the daily sketchbook work
- Sketchbooks will be checked weekly for creativity building, project planning, and notes
- Participation includes: being present, on time, prepared, on task, engaged and empowered, and cleaning up after yourself
- For any excused absence (school-related or otherwise), you will be excused from those participation points, however the sketchbook work will need to be made up.
- For any unexcused absence, you will lose the daily participation points and will need to make up the daily sketchbook (for 50% credit)
- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed in class and make up that work
- Work not turned in must be given a grade of zero. See Pirate pact/code
- Any assignment given 10 days or more in advance, are due on the scheduled due date, regardless of the number of absences during the course of the assignment.
- If you are not here, it will be very difficult for you to be successful! BE PRESENT!
Final Exam:
At the end of each semester, there will be a final exam on all of the vocabulary, artists, historical context, media, and techniques that we learned throughout the semester.
Materials List:
- Please be prepared with a pencil daily
- A journal/sketchbook (at least 8”x10” but no larger than 9”x12”) with white, unlined pages- available to purchase in class for $5.00 (with hole-punch to fit in binder). A sketchbook can also be purchased at various retail outlets. Please do NOT purchase the sketchbooks that are glued at the top as they fall apart too easily
- Due to the rising cost of materials necessary to provide a quality art program, it is necessary to ask for a monetary classroom donation. Ten dollars is suggested, but any donations are greatly appreciated. Checks should be made out the BCHS and have your address and phone number. Please write a separate check for sketchbooks and donations. Thank you in advance
I plan to photograph students working on projects and student artwork. If you do not want your child photographed or do not want their work photographed, please write a note next to the signature below.
Communication is imperative for your student’s success. All grades will be posted in focus.pcsb.org for you to monitor your child’s progress. The best way to reach me is through e-mail:
I look forward to a wonderfully creative year!!
I have read and understand the objectives for the art room:
Period: / 2D STUDIO ART _____Student name (printed) / Student signature
Parent/Guardian name (printed) and Relationship / Parent Signature
Parent/Guardian phone: / Alternate phone #
Parent/Guardian email: / Alternate email
Please get this filled out, signed, and attached to the front inside cover of sketchbook by August 18th, 2017.