Mr. Knepper

Welcome Letter

January 11, 2016


Developmental MATHLab Class (Per. 1 & 5)

Dear Student and Parents,January 11, 2016

I am excited about having your son or daughter for a successful Fall 2015 semester Developmental Math Lab class. As you may or may not know, for your student to graduate from LA High with a diploma, he/she must pass210 credits and with a ‘D’ grade or better is required to pass.

Your son/daughter is expected to perform at grade level standards and maintain a ‘C’ average so they can apply to four year colleges if they so choose. For your child’s success, I am asking you for you to be part of our success team. Please help your son/daughter stay on track with completing their homework nightly for all classes, Monday through Thursday. Homework is a necessary tool that enables your child to master the math standards as set forth by the state of California. Additionally, many of their classes will have a Quiz every week (usually Friday) on the content learned in that week. Please ask them to review their notes and homework through the week to prepare for this Quiz. PLEASE NOTE, the students will be given a weekly homework log sheet they need to keep up to date as part of their lab class requirement. You may ask them to see their homework log so you can help keep them on track with their homework.

Students are required to keepa three ring notebook with six dividers for all their classes. They will receive a weekly grade on their notebook, the notes contained in it, and general upkeep. They are asked to always carry a pen and pencil in their backpacks. At any time during the semester if your child is in jeopardy of failing the Resource Lab class, I will call to notify you. Additionally, their annual 5 week progress report card will reflect their current grades in all their classes. I encourage you to please come to ParentSchool nights during the semester to learn how you can help your child succeed in Math.

GRADING: Their grade will be determined by the following scale:

Daily Class Participation (completion of all homework and in class work) 70%

Notebook maintenance15%

Weekly homework log15%


100% - 90% A

89% - 80%B

79% - 70%C

69% - 60%D

59% & belowF


E = excellent work habits in Lab class daily

S = Satisfactory work habits in Lab class on a periodic basis

U = Unsatisfactory work habits in Lab class (IN general student does not do work and/or attend Lab Class)


E = excellent cooperation in Lab class daily

S = Satisfactory cooperation in Lab class on a periodic basis

U = Unsatisfactory cooperation in Lab class (IN general student does not cooperate and/or attend Lab Class)

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is essential for understanding and mastering all content for all classes. If your student is absent from schoolwith your approval, please write a note that your child can deliver to their attendance office. If the absence is unexcused by yourself or school administration, then your child will receive a ‘F’ on that day for Resource Lab class participation and is expected to make up the homework and class notes missed. If your child is stopping education for other students in the classroom because of inappropriate or defiant behavior, I will talk with them privately first. If the behavior continues, I will send them to their counselor and call home. If the behavior continues a third time, you will be requested to meet with myself and your child to discuss appropriate strategies for your child’s success.

After reading this letter with your son or daughter, please sign below to join our team for helping your child’s success in Resource Lab class and all their classesthis Fall. Additionally I would like you and your son/daughter to discuss and write below what their GRADE GOALS are for all classes. Please feel free to contact me at anytime, I am happy to help. I look forward to working together with you and being a part of your child’s success in their Math class this year.


Jeff Knepper

ResourceTeacher LA High

323-900-2700 Rm#221


Parent SignatureStudent SignatureCurent Phone #

Grade Goals: Per.1______Per.2______Per.3______Per. 4______Per. 5______Per. 6______

Carta de bienvenidaal RecursoPrácticas de laboratorio de
Estimados estudiantesypadres de familia, 18 de septiembre 2014
Yosentimos muy felices detenera su hijo ohija para unacaídaexitoso2015clasede recursossemestreLaboratoriode Matemáticas. Como usted puede ono puede saber, para que el estudiantese gradúa deLAde altacon undiploma,él / elladebe pasarde 210créditoscon una calificación"D"o mejorpara la clasede2016en adelante.
Se espera que suhijo/hijapara actuar enlos estándares de nivelde gradoymantener un promedio de"C"para que puedanaplicarauniversidades de cuatro añossi así lo desean. Para el éxitode su hijo, yo tepidoque seas partede nuestro equipo deéxito.Por favorayude a suhijo / amantenerse en el caminopara completarsutarea cada noche, de lunes a jueves.La tarea es unaherramienta necesariaque permite a suhijo adominarlos estándares de matemáticassegún lo establecidopor el estado deCalifornia.Además, muchas desus clasestendránun concursocada semana(normalmenteviernes)sobre el contenidoaprendido enesa semana. Por favorles pedimos querevisen susnotas ytareasa través de lasemana para prepararse paraesta prueba. TENGA EN CUENTA, losestudiantes se les daráunahoja de registro dela tareasemanalque necesitan paramantenerse al díacomo parte de surequisito de la clasede laboratorio. Usted puedepreguntarlesa ver suregistro detareaspara que puedaayudar a mantenerlosal día consus tareas escolares.
Los estudiantes están obligadosallevar un cuadernode tres anilloscon seisseparadores paratodassus clases.Ellosrecibirán una notasemanalen subloc de notas,las notascontenidasen el mismo,yel mantenimiento general. Se les pide quellevar siempreun bolígrafoy un lápizen sus mochilas. En cualquier momento duranteelsemestre, sisu hijo está enpeligro de reprobarla clasede Laboratoriode Recursos, voy a llamarpara que le notifique. Además, su5 semanasreporte anualde progresoreflejar suscalificaciones actualesen todassus clases.Te animo a queentresa las nochesde escuelapara padresdurante el semestrepara aprender cómo ustedpuede ayudar a suhijo a tener éxitoen matemáticas.
Sugradoserá determinado porla siguiente escala:
ParticipaciónClaseDiaria(finalización detodas las tareasytrabajoenclase)70%
Registro dela tareasemanal15%
ASISTENCIA:La asistencia esesencial parala comprensióny el dominio detodos los contenidosdetodas las clases.Si elestudiante está ausente dela escuela con suaprobación,por favor escribauna nota quesu hijopuede entregar asuoficina de asistencia.Si laausencia es injustificadaporsí mismo oadministración de la escuela, su hijo recibiráuna"F"en ese díaparala participación en clasede laboratoriode recursosy se espera quepara compensarlas notasde tareay de claseperdidas.Si su hijose está deteniendola educación paraotros estudiantes enel salón de clasesa causa deun comportamiento inapropiadoodesafiante,voy a hablarcon ellos en privadoprimero. Si elcomportamiento continúa, voy a enviar asuconsejero yllamar a casa. Si elcomportamiento continúapor tercera vez,se le pedirápara cumplirconmigo mismo ysu hijopara discutirestrategias apropiadaspara el éxitode su hijo.
Después de leeresta carta consu hijo ohija, por favorfirme abajo paraunirse a nuestro equipoparaayudarel éxitode su hijoen la clase deLaboratoriode Recursos ytodassus claseseste otoño. Ademásme gustaríaque usted y suhijo / apara discutir yescribirdebajo de lo quesus objetivosGRADOson paratodas las clases.Por favor no dudeen ponerse en contactoconmigo en cualquier momento, me siento feliz de ayudar.Espero con interéstrabajar con ustedy ser partedeléxito de su hijoen suclase de matemáticaseste año.
Profesor de matemáticasLAAlto

Firma del PadreFirma del EstudianteTeléfonoCurent#
Objetivos deCalidad: Per.1______Per.2______Per.3______Per. 4______Per. 5______Per. 6______