5 May 2017

Welcome Back to the Summer term.

Date change

Class photographs will now be on Monday 19 June. Come in looking your best!!

Gym Festival

Thank you to Mrs Coull and Mrs Grover for taking our team of year 2 children to Henry Cort School. The children really enjoyed competing with the other schools in our cluster and Fareham area.

The children all enjoyed coming to school dressed in red. Thank you all for your generous donations, we raised £418.54 for Red Nose Day. This is a fantastic contribution.

Easter Cake Sale

Thank you to all those parents that donated or bought cakes at the Easter cake sale, the PTA raised £117.30. Look out for more cake sales this summer- donations of cakes are gratefully received.

Scooters and bikes

Please remember not to ride bikes and scooters on the school grounds, or by the year 2 classrooms as they can cause problems. This will help keep everyone safe.

Walk to school week 15-19 May

Please try and find time to walk to school with your child at least once during the week. Or park your car some way from the school gates and walk the last part of the journey.

Footpath to Junior School

If you use the footpath between the Infants and the Junior school before or after school, please try to keep dogs on leads at this busy time of the day. Please be considerate to our local neighbours when parking for drop off and pick up. Thank you.

Basics Bank

The collection box is in the school office. Items that are particularly needed are toilet rolls, washing up liquid, toiletries, chocolate, tinned meat/fish and longlife milk. Any donations are much appreciated.

Staff News

We are delighted to inform you that Mrs Swinger (teacher of Year 1 Octopus) is expecting her first child in October.Congratulations from all of us.

Warmer weather

Please make sure that all children bring a named sunhat and a full water bottle to school every day. Sun cream should be applied once in the morning before school, if sun cream is brought into school then your child will be responsible for putting it on themselves.

PTA - Sponsored Bounce

Well done to the PTA for a really successful Sponsored bounce on 3 May. Remember to send your sponsorship money into school by Monday 22 May. This will help the school purchase new laptops for all children.

Magic of Colour Day

Details have been sent by email on 3 May. Should be a great day of creativity and we are looking forward to exhibiting all the children’s work on the 16 May 3.30pm-5pm in the school hall.

Family Photographs

Saturday 13 May 10am-1pm, there are still slots available. If you would like to book please pop into the office.

Dates for your diary:

A new calendar with next year’s school holidays and professional days has been sent home by email on Tuesday 2 May, paper copies can be found on the stand in the office.

Heroes Day: Monday 22 May

PTA Quiz night: Thursday 25 May

Professional Day: (children do not attend school) Monday 5 June

Sammy the Social Seal Molly the Moral Manta Ray Sally the Spiritual Shrimp Colin the Cultural Crab