Welcome to Year 1

Welcome back to the start of a new school year.

I am looking forward to getting to know your child and we have an exciting academic half term in store!

Expectations and Learning Ethos:

Children contributed to creating a set of rules where we discussed the expectations that all children will be self-motivated and enthusiastic in their leaning. To encourage this we have opportunities to be rewarded through house points, golden time and star of the week award.

Year 1 Class Rules:

  • Walk nicely through school
  • Be kind to our friends
  • Share with our friends
  • Listen to others when they are speaking

Things to Remember to Bring to School:

  • Reading book and reading record everyday
  • Spelling and homework books
  • PE kit in school all the time
  • A snack for break time or toast money
  • Milk money if you would like your child to have milk every day


  • Daily: Reading to an adult at home. Please encourage your child to read every day if possible, if your child enjoys reading share other books and record in reading record.
  • Tuesday: Spelling books will be sent home to learn the list of spellings and their meanings. Bring spelling books back on the Friday to do a spelling test.
  • Friday: Homework will be sent home in a homework book on a Friday and should be completed and brought back to school for the following Tuesday.

Other information:

  • Please ensure that all clothing is labelled, especially jumpers and cardigans.
  • Class Worship at Church is on Wednesday 14th October.
  • Join us on Monday 19th October 2pm-3pm to get involved with our topic afternoon playing old and new games.

If you have any questions worries or concerns about your child, please don't hesitate to come in and have a chat with me. I am really looking forward to working with you and your child on their learning journey.

Miss R Fryer