DamasakLocal Coordination Group (LCG) Meeting
Location: INTERSOS Office, Damasak
Date: 24/04/2018
Sectors / Updates / Needed Follow-Up and Action Points
(including by whom and when/deadline)
  1. Welcome and Introduction to the Local Coordination Mechanism

INTERSOS who chaired the meeting welcomed partners to the meeting and there was a round of introductions. / INTERSOS to circulate the minutes of meeting to all partners before the next coordination meeting.
2. Sector Updates
Health /
  1. UNICEF- Continue rendering its healthservices for 24/7which include daily OPD consultation with attendance to all cases, Dispensing of free drugs, admission and Management of patient,Maternal and neonatal care include ANC, PNC FP is continue for all the days, And making referrals to secondary health care and accept referrals from other partners and also routine immunization for all the 6 child killer diseases are available at all the time.
  2. CARE INT’L- continue rendering its outreach health services within the communities and registered 388 for ANC,13 PNC, 21 FP, 51 STIs and 3 P.A.C (Post abortion care) in last two weeks.
/ UNICEF HEALTH recommend to providing figure for what, whom and where in subsequence reports.
Protection /
  1. AIPD/UNHCR- from 10th/4 – 24/4/2018 had registered 38HHs, 179 individual returnees from Niger Republic, among which 10 medical cases Identified and referred to UNICEF Clinic, 2 Cases of separated child referred to CHAD, and also received 11 referrals from other partners.And their challenges are lack of wet-feeding on ground for the returnees,lack of mobile court, lack water point at the Reception Centre, and inadequate NFIs.
  2. INTERSOS CCCM TEAM- Referred 21 most vulnerable households for food assistance to INTERSOS FSL, 2 separated to CHAD, 8 medically ill patients to UNICEF clinic and 9 FHHHs to AIPD for NFIs assistance.
  3. CHAD- From 10th/4 – 24th/4/2018 had registered 30 cases among them 26 are males while 4 are females, 9 children were referred to AIPD and the rest are under management.
/ Protection actors to continue to update partner on protection concern and ensure that protection is mainstream across all sectors.
Nutrition /
  1. UNICEF NUTRITION- HAD continued its services at 8 OTP site in which 7 are outreach and 1 at the health facility and the services include CMAM, IYCF and MNP. While currently there are 413 children on program, i.e. 96%, cured 9.16%, defaulters 9.28%, not recover 0.54% and death is 0%. Challenges are the issue of accommodation that is not been completed by the LGA as agreed and duplication of services by AAH at kareto has been result in dropping the number of their patient.
  2. EYN/UNICEF-30 CNMs engaged in Mass MUAC screening to identify malnourish children and refer them to OTP site for treatment, each group is targeting 1000 U5 children per month.

WaSH / 1.UNICEF-is planning to continue the construction of households’ latrines.
CCCM/Shelter & NFI /
  1. AIPD/UNHCR- have registered 38HHs with 179 individuals from 10th/4 – 24th/4/2018, among them 7 medical cases were identified and referred to UNICEF Clinic, 2 separated child referred to CHAD and 11 referrals received from other partners.
  2. IOM/ETT- have registered 38HHs, 179 individual returnees from Niger Republic.
3NIS/UNHCR- also Received 38HHs within last two weeks respectively.
4INTERSOS- Held meeting with Food and children committee. Similarly held FGD with children in Masakale to find out their problem and advocated to CHAD to provided CFS in the community as one of their major problem. / The minutes of sector committee meeting to be circulated to partner by INTERSOS.
Food Security and Livelihood / 1.INTERSOS-started food distribution for the months of April targeting 35000 individuals for Damasak, Zanna Umarti, Layi and Kareto. And for the PLW targeting 1300 and also currently working with EYN to see how they can support their MSG. While 2945 under five children are targeting for BSFP.
Education / No update.
  1. AOB

  1. INTERSOS- Nasiru Abdullahi (camp manager) stated that he is going to share some vital document with all the partners on ground for better understanding of CCCM Activities, and appeals to all partners to put there contingency plan in place in respond to the expected new arrivals that are coming soon, and also appeal to the LGA to provide land for the next coming new arrivals.
  2. INTERSOS- FSL Team stated that they are major challenges is lack of ware house and once if they resolve the issue, they will initiate respond to all new arrivals and also report to WFP to increase the number of food providing.
  3. UNICEF- Polyp cap suggested that INTERSOS Should update the partners on the current number of the IDPs/returnees at the site in every coordination meetings.
/ INTERSOS to invite security officer to the next meeting to update partners on security situation in the site.
  1. Adjournment

  1. The next meeting was adjoined to 8th/May/2018 by Mala Kachalla CCCM FP INTERSOS at the same venue INTERSOS Office, and seconded by Halima Buba Case worker CHAD.

Attendance List (As attached)

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