Weightlifting Ireland
Weightlifting Ireland has set out the following standards for approved venues:
If you wish your venue to be chosen, please complete the application form and submit to
Once your venue has been approved you will be eligible to host squad sessions, competitions or other weightlifting Ireland events up to the level of approval given
Size and general nature of facilitySize:
The facility should allow sufficient space between items of equipment as per IWF Guidelines, as well as sufficient ventilation and visibility to maintain adequate supervision, safety and manageability for any weightlifting Ireland events to be hosted.
Required rooms such as warm-up, doping control etc. Are outlined in the document below.
Please see detailed notes at the end of this document for full information. / Floor:
The floor surface should be of a strong resilient
structure. A timber floor is not a good idea as weight
disks and other resistance training items will fall to the
floor and damage the surface. Also a non-slip surface is
important. The facility should not have any hazards that
might cause a lifter to injure themselves as they move
within the facility. There should be a clear entrance area
that is clutter free and the area should be well lit.
Weightlifting Ireland
Weightlifting Ireland Events:Venue Application form
Club/venue Name:Address:
WI Club registration number (if unknown, leave blank):
Phone: / Email:
Squad Sessions
Junior / Youth / Development / Womens Senior / Mens Senior5kg Technique Barbells / 15kg Olympic Barbells / 15kg IWF Olympic Barbells / 20kg IWF Olympic Barbells
10kg Technique Barbells / 20kg Olympic Barbells / 15kg Olympic Barbells / 20kg Olympic Barbells
15kg Olympic Barbells / Olympic standard bumpers / Olympic standard bumpers / Olympic standard bumpers
Olympic standard bumpers / 0.5kg and 1kg increments / 0.5kg and 1kg increments / 0.5kg and 1kg increments
0.5kg and 1kg increments
Tier 1 + / Tier 1 + / Tier 2 / Tier 2
Weightlifting Ireland
Equipment Checklist - Please tick the relevant boxes below indicating the level of equipment available at your venue
Tier / Tier 1 / / Tier 2 / Participants / Suitable for <9 Participants / Suitable for >10 Participants
Platforms / 1 platform x3 participants
(Platforms can be marked out areas) / 1 platform x3 participants
Platforms must be raised weightlifting platforms
Safe Area / Minimum 1 meter between bars / Min 1 Meter between Platforms
Changing / Separate male and female changing areas / Separate male and female changing areas
Toilets / Toilet Facilities / Toilet Facilities
RAMS / Written risk assessments // Method statements / Written risk assessments // Method statements
First aid / First aid facilities / kits fully stocked and maintained / First aid facilities / kits fully stocked and maintained
Bars / Mens 20kg IWF certifiedNo:___
Womens 20kg IWF certifiedNo:___
Mens 20kg NON-IWF certified*No:___ / Mens 20kg NON-IWF certified*No:___
Womens 20kg NON-IWF certified*No:___ / Womens 20kg NON-IWF certified*No:___
10kg technique bar No:___
5-6kg technique bar No:___
Weights / 25kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____ / 25kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____
20kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____ / 20kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____
15kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____ / 15kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____
10kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____ / 10kg Rubber Olympic Bumper Plate No:____
5kg Olympic Large Plate (450mm) No:____ / 5kg Olympic Large Plate (450mm) No:____
2.5kg Olympic Large Plate (450mm) No:____ / 2.5kg Olympic Large Plate (450mm) No:____
5kg Plate No:____ / 5kg Plate No:____
2.5kg Plate No:____ / 2.5kg Plate No:____
2kg Plate No:____ / 2kg Plate No:____
1.5kg Plate No:____ / 1.5kg Plate No:____
1kg Plate No:____ / 1kg Plate No:____
0.5kg Plate No:____ / 0.5kg Plate No:____
Spring Colllar / Clip Collars (Pairs) No:____ / Spring Colllar / Clip Collars (Pairs) No:____
Squat Stands / 1x Squat Stands per platform, Min 150kg Capacity / 1x Squat Stands per platform, Min 250kg Capacity
Optional / 1x Jerk Block set or equivalent / 1x Jerk Block set or equivalent
Equipment / Brush Handles / Brush Handles
Plyo Boxes / Plyo Boxes
Weightlifting Ireland
NOTE: ALL facilities applying to host senior/nationalcompetitions must meet the minimum of Tier 2 standards, extra equipment such as bars and weights can be brought to venues, but those with sufficient resources to meet all Tier 2 requirements will have priority
/ Small / / Medium / / Large / / InternationalNumber / <20 Participants / 21-45 Participants / >45 Participants / >45 Participants
Disability access (IFI) / Required / Required / Required / Required
Doping Control / 1 Room with toilet access / 1 Room with toilet access / 1 Room with toilet access / 1 Room with toilet access
Weigh in Room / 2 Rooms / 2 Rooms / 2 Rooms / 2 Separate Dedicated Rooms
Warmup Area / 3 Platforms / 5 Platforms / 6 Platforms / 8 Platforms
Competition Area / 4x4 Meter Platform / 4x4 Meter Platform / 4x4 Meter Platform / 4x4 Meter Platform
Referees / 3x Referee Tables
Appropriate distance / 3x Referee Tables
Appropriate distance / 3x Referee Tables
Appropriate distance / 3x Referee Tables
- 4m from Platform
Jury / N/A / N/A / Recommended / 5 Person Jury Table, Max 10M from platform
Displays / Scoreboard (warmup area) / Scoreboard (warmup area) / Scoreboard (warmup area) / Scoreboard (warmup area)
Scoreboard (Comp. area) / Scoreboard (Comp. area) / Scoreboard (Comp. area) / Scoreboard (Comp. area)
PA System / Capacity for PA available in comp and warmup areas / Capacity for PA available in comp and warmup areas / Capacity for PA available in comp and warmup areas / Capacity for PA available in comp and warmup areas
Viewing Gallery / 2m from referees / 2m from referees / 2m from referees / Seated and staged seating area
1st Aid Room / Required / Required / Required / Required
Athlete Rest area / NA / NA / Recommended / Required
Competition management offices / NA / NA / Recommended / Required
Meeting Room / NA / NA / NA / Required
Offices / NA / NA / NA / Required
Press Centre / NA / NA / NA / Required
Sauna / NA / NA / Recommended / Required
TO’s Room / NA / NA / Recommended / Required
Training Area / NA / NA / NA / Required
VIP Room / NA / NA / NA / Required
Special Regulations / IWF competition Specific Requirements
The above table notes the space requirements / permanent fixture requirements for running of a Weightlifting Ireland competition.
For a full list of competition equipment required for the event day and process of preparing your venue for a competition, please see the competition guidelines available on
Size and Layout Guidelines
- The room should have clear unobstructed doors and pathways both inside and out and meet all specifications. Doorways should be a minimum of 1m wide, with hallways and circulation passages a minimum of 1.5m wide.
-All thresholds should be flush, if not, any change greater than a 1.5cm must have a ramp or lift. The ramp should have a slope of 0.5m ft for every 2.5cm of elevation. Mechanical lifts or elevators may be used for an alternative to a ramp.
-All exits must be clearly marked and visible from any location within the facility.
-Signage for the visually impaired is also required.
-Exits must never be obstructed.
Ceiling height
-Ceiling height should be a minimum of 3.5-4m; this would include other items such as lighting, pipes, fans, and signage. This is especially true in areas where platforms are being utilised and overhead lifts are performed.
-Should be treated with antifungal, antiseptic, and antibacterial agents.
-Rubber is more expensive to use but is much better for shock absorption, durability, and better for free-weight dominant rooms.
-A poured rubber floor is the most expensive option. However, a poured rubber floor is much better when it comes to durability, spills, appearance (no interlocking seems), and can be used for plyometrics as well.
-A weight room should be lit to 806 – 1,076 lux, and at least 538 lux at floor level.
-Up lighting will reduce glare but is not the best choice for weight rooms.
- Windows should be located a minimum of 0.5m. above the floor to protect from rolling bars and plates that could break them.
-The floor plan should not have the spotters or lifters come in contact with, or come in close proximity to, the windows for safety purposes.
-High windows or skylights can be used but should be positioned to avoid any potential glare.
-Supine exercises should not be placed under this natural lighting as well.
-Windows help with natural light, ventilation, and observation within the facility.
-The recommended temperature for a facility is anywhere between 20 – 25 °C, (20 – 22 °C for summer months and 20 – 25 °C for winter months). Zone heating is recommended due to its ability to regulate temperatures based on the number of athletes in the room at any one time.
-Try to maintain a constant temperature since frequent fluctuations can potentially cause increases in humidity and condensation. This could cause damage to equipment such as rust, damp floors, or safety concerns for athletes where plates can easily slip off a bar (spring collars or similar are required for all free-weight exercises).
- The humidity levels should be less than 60%. Dehumidifiers may be used as long as they have proper drainage to avoid water damage.
Sound levels
- Music is often used as a motivator while working out. The sound should never exceed 90dB at anytime. However, it should be low enough to allow verbal communication at all times from the staff anywhere in the room and speakers should be placed to allow for even sound distribution. The music should only be controlled by the coaches or authorised individuals.
-Grounded outlets must be used at all times throughout the room and plenty of outlets should be installed to accommodate all electronic training equipment as well as cleaning services and possible A/V apparatus (e.g., filming, repair, computers, etc.).
- Signs are useful in helping clients understand emergency procedures, operational policies, rules, and safety guidelines and should be clearly posted in numerous locations throughout the room.
-Bulletin boards are also commonly used for communication and announcements. Record boards could be located in the same area.
-Policies and procedures outlining the proper guidelines should be effectively and clearly communicated with athletes to protect both coaches and athletes.
Other considerations
- Mirrors are useful in allowing coaches to better monitor the room for safety purposes.
-Mirrors should be placed at least 0. 5m. above the floor so that rolling bars and plates cannot break them. Any broken mirrors should be replaced immediately. Standard mirror sizes are 4ft x 8ft or 5ft x 10ft however, mirrors can be cut to fit as needed.
-Drinking fountains or alternative free hydration solutions such as water coolers should be placed throughout the facility with easy access.
-Restrooms for both males and females should be clearly marked and located close to the weight room or in the entrance of the weight room.