Vallice Ford

B.S., M.S.


Weight Training 101 For Guys:

I have guys approach me all the time asking what to do to get better results. The first question they always ask is “What Supplements do you Take?’’ What they don’t know is that I have been participating in a structured Workout regimen for 15 years on a consistent basis. To all my guys out there, whether you want to lose weight or gain weight you have to eat the right foods. Just that simple!!

If you want to lose weight you have to cut your calories back yes but you also have to consume enough calories to keep your body from going into “Starvation” mode. Water is your best friend as well when drinking water. If you want to gain weight you have to consume excess calories compared to what you are already eating. This does not mean consume any and every fast food burger you see. I would highly suggest consuming Lean meats such as Chicken, Eggs/Tuna Fish, and Ground Beef/Turkey. Also, good carbs and Fats are very beneficial as well. Examples would Potatoes, Brown Rice, and Veggies along with your Fish Oils and Healthy oils that you can cook with. Whatever you do don’t resort to spending all your money on Protein Powders and drinks. You can spend a lot less money on Quality foods to help you reach your goals compared to Protein Powders. I would only recommend Protein Powders or drinks to be added to the 6-7 meals you are already consuming per day. At the same time if you are already consuming that many meals you should not need any Powders.

Now when it comes to working out, guys you have to place heavy loads on the body. That is the only way the muscles, tissues, and bones will adapt. Now this heavy lifting should be structured and consistent if you are a beginner. I would suggest finding an experienced gym buddy and join their workouts. Also, you have to establish a connection between the mind and the muscle you are exercising. Speaking on my personal experiences I always prefer to workout alone to be more efficient and I just like it that way or I workout with guys that are stronger than me as well as Qualified and Pro NPC Men’s Physique competitors. Like I mentioned previously I have been at this for 15 years but I am still learning and constantly developing physically. The basic and simple lifts I would recommend that you constantly do are the Squat, Dead lift, Bench Press and Overhead Press. This movements are either multi joint movements or they place the most load on the body if done properly. When In doubt just ask somebody and don’t be afraid to push yourself.