Weight Gain Techniques

Follow an eating routine. Don’t wait until you are feeling hungry before you enjoy a meal – eat at regular intervals. Try scheduling breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks at the same time every day.

Enjoy foods that are higher in protein and calories. You can add more protein and calories to other foods that you are currently enjoying. For example, add peanut butter to your smoothies or ice cream as a side to your dessert.

Eat 5-6 smaller meals every day instead of the typical three meals a day plan. By eating more often, you will be supplying your body with more opportunities for calories and protein. You will also benefit from having a steady source of energy to ward off feeling tired or sluggish.

Cook with protein-fortified milk. Using this type of milk instead of regular milk when making foods such as mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, cream sauces, soups, or pancakes will increase the protein of your foods.

Drink milkshakes, smoothies, soups, or juices even if you don’t feel like eating solid foods. These types of foods can still provide the calories and protein your body needs.

Be active and have fun! Your body may trigger your appetite if you are able to incorporate a short walk or other light exercise. Plus – studies show that people feel better when they exercise each day!

Ideas to Add More Protein to Your Diet

Hard or semi-soft cheese:

Melt on sandwiches, tortillas, hamburgers, vegetables, eggs, desserts, stewed fruits, and pies.

Grate and sprinkle on soups, sauces, casseroles, vegetable dishes, noodles, rice, meatloaf, and mashed potatoes

Cottage cheese or ricotta cheese:

Add onto casseroles, spaghetti, noodles, and egg dishes


Use milk instead of water in drinks and while cooking. Also you could use in hot cereals, soups, cocoa, and pudding.

Non-fat instead of dry milk

Use in casseroles, meatloaf, breads, sauces, cream soups, pudding, macaroni and cheese, muffins, custard, and mashed potatoes

Ice cream, yogurt, and frozen yogurt

These treats can be added to carbonated drinks, pies, fruits, cereal, and milk-based drinks such as milkshakes


Toss chopped hard-boiled eggs to salads, salad dressings, casseroles, and vegetables.

Make custard with eggs, milk, and sugar.

Add extra hard-boiled eggs to deviled egg filling andsandwich spread.

Beat eggs into sauces, pureed vegetables, and mashed potatoes.

Add extra eggs into omelets, scrambled eggs, quiches, and

pancake batter.

Nuts, wheat germ, and seeds

Sprinkle these onto fruit, ice cream, yogurt, cereal, vegetables,

salads, and toast

Add them to your favorite casserole, bread, muffins, pancakes, or


Use instead of breadcrumbs in your recipes

Blend with parsley or spinach to make a sauce for pasta or


Peanut butter or other nut butters

Spread these on sandwiches, muffins, crackers, pancakes, fruit

slices, or waffles.

Use as a dip for raw vegetables.

Blend with milk or swirl through ice cream and yogurt.

Meat, poultry, and fish

Chop cooked meat or fish and add to vegetables, salads, soups, casseroles, sauces, omelets, quiches, and sandwich filings.

Beans, tofu, and legumes

Add to pasta, soup, salads, grain dishes or casseroles.

Mash cooked beans with cheese and milk.

Meal replacements, supplements, and protein powder

Use “instant breakfast powder” in milk drinks and desserts

Mix with ice cream, milk, and fruit flavoring for a high-protein


Ideas to Add More Calories To Your Diet


Pour over hot or cold cereal

Choose whole milk instead of low-fat or fat-free milk.

Mix together with hamburger or meatloaf

Make hot chocolate with milk instead of water.


Melt over casseroles, potatoes, pasta, and vegetables.

Add when making omelets or sandwiches.


Sprinkle over: vegetables, yogurt, ice cream, fruit, custard, or


Layer with fruit, bake, and enjoy a warm snack.

Use in cookie or muffin recipes.

Dried fruits (such as apricots, raisins, dates, and prunes)

Add them to your muffin, bread, cookie, cakes, rice, or grain.

Add them to muffins, cookies, breads, rice and grain dishes, cakes,

cereals, puddings, stuffing, and cooked vegetables such as

potatoes, yams, or butternut squash.

Bake in pies.

Combine with granola or nuts for a fun snack.


Make custard with milk, eggs, and sugar

Add chopped hard-boiled eggs to salads, vegetables, casseroles,

and salad dressings.

Add extra hard-boiled yolks to deviled egg filling and sandwich


Beat eggs into mashed potatoes, pureed vegetables, and sauces.

Add extra eggs or egg whites to quiches, scrambled eggs, omelets,

puddings, or pancake batter.

2014 Ideas from: Eating Hints - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services